USSIýA *Gus Anderson, Authority on Conditions*iii Russia, Lec- tures at SUnday Club * t 11cen sored. inotioî i pitures depicta- j iîg *\Vh1at's Goý-ig On Jii Russia To-. iay.- wvll bl ie o ahte iltt Stndaiy~ Ekvuiiflg clubi Jatitiari- 7 ini au illustratcd lecture î>v Gus Aîîder- mbiî. lCaî.oîattbriicy and traveler, %% lîn in the past se%-eraI'years lias traversedl 10.000> iuiles iin Rttssia. 'l'lie pictures slîownIî y Mr. Auder-' ,()Io are ýsaid. to. bc the first ever to Cebil'tt out of kutssia anîd exbibited to th îe.iericaiî public.,[e shoWv lit- tiimae <etails nUi coditions, in that Depict Great Contrast I mïcuded In tle pichures arc the da(-s and catiiedrals, of the Czarist .egilîî ivell a: viecvs of preseîît- <iay Soviet, ife wlivre womnen work sidc by side m-iîlî mlen. 1-ere are (,eum ainloiij other tlîiîgs bread Iines *and, ('rtwded living quarters, the goveriiîîùent's -ambitionis proj ccts, fac- *tories. nirsts.the collective fanus anîd the gigautic daxîx at. Diw>îcperosri 'l'le inovics are ac- c<mmuiaiii a hgl-lighited lecture 1w MIr. .\îîderso(n w~ho hias hraveled lar trioiglii) to e ah Ihoin Mi ailWorld War Veterah Xi.r. .\iero VaS au air pltttr îmîs., il1w \Vrh var, is a ,gradte of Nonhwstrn uilversity ~v eheý >Iali.zed ni sociôoog,- and psy- choiogy. andi iS,îo a l)racticing at- înevini ('llicag)., Hi,- sunlers for svea -cars have Leuit :levoted to i. itelis ive stu dv 't.)f conîditionîs iii. Rus-1 sia. Ilit additionî to visitiîig the« larger *cities, he bas thoroughly familiar .ized bimseif with conditions in the vast- rural areas.11 IBids for Proposed Water Main Projeot At its regullar meeting Tuesday Ilight 4tl'eVillage, boardl passed a nmo- tion rejeetiîîg al bids recet.tly re- ceived for the layingtif a 24-iîîch' wvater, main ini the- parkwav on the îîurtlî side of [Lake av'enue,. from. N.ýiiihigani avetne ho Ridge avenlue. It then passed an ordnîanàice author- iz;ilg a<ivetisiiîg for bids- for, laying 111e mlain '"inii.ake avenue, or along alternate routes." Thle new.ordinance is p>tblished-iii tiis issue of XiM'rcj [<1Fp1,' and the bi.ds are to be received and opetied 011 .January 23, 1934.. Cousiderable oppositionté,t laying the miain iu.the parkw~ay lias devel- oped, but lIhe Village board could gi ve further cntidr- ot alter- .i.tiatterout .es, <l bv ,rejchting the bids alreadv rercived and, securting inew hlids that wo'tîld afford oppoys tunih v to arrive ai accurate estnxîates that \voiu1d ,h~ the difference ini co$t Of proposed routes. Objections to.t lie lropose(l park-- wa'route ceîîtered'arotstd, the pos-, sbjiyof injury to the mair ' filie tresthat Une 1,ake.avenue. Board Authorizes New Wilmette Ave. Paving Tic lit'.mttial sîerp ini the repaving of \\'ilnctt iav eîîtîQ as hakenî by. the \ mîhi tc l>oîr<lailits meeting Tuesday mgh u e pt i - gtav li <irectedti o the L'ouityIlli- de(Ipartmit w-as a tthor/t d. uht Itat depa rtmnent isýasLl to tkeover the street (rom ki<ge v tou1.Nt ai street. as a Staî igîa.4 and ho pave thee thor- ouhaufroni Park 'avenuile to Ridge aveIIt- mî'vit h i oiicrete. the" pavement tho bc forty feet %vide hetwe ccii curbs. New Trier Retires Large1 Batch of Tax Warrants .\îilouîîcenent is mîade tlhat New Wilmette State Bank In accordance witlî the provis- ions. of the act creating the Fed- eral Deposit Insurance corpora- tion, ail deposits, of $2.50) or less in >hie Wilmette State BPasik are nwinsured. Bjecause of its memh ership Mu thle.Federal Réserve systenî, the' local institution ivas îlot required to make formai application in.or- der to extend thie heneits of the- insurance plan ito it1s ., patrons',. its so 1 ndtlcondit -ionî and conservative miianaàgeent beîng aeady estab-. lishedw .This bau'k %vill. àt is said, extend furtber. advaintages of depost n suralice, as earl3 as provisi n-o the act. ivill permit. SeialSales Here B r ing $1,023-93; ChÀiairman Reports NIrs. J. \. Smnith, 1437 Winette avenue. chiairinan in charge of- the 19,33 Chrishmas secat campaign, reports tîtat the ,ea.1 sales, tabuiated to datel. amnount to $l, 023.93. -It is 'expected that huiis will be iiucr.eased, to soîne exhent 1w' late remittances, as, many seals are stili out. It is urged that paynieîlt tfor tiiese be made as soon asposbe l'l noiîevderived fron scls s: gradtli it yiiçe Loî the camipaign thîs year lias been the large nimber of citizetî.s wîo have visited Wîlnîette Heaitlî Ceuter. 1901l Schiller street, 4îî<l througli persoîîal .contact have be- coife acquxaied ivith 'the. fine ýwork itl is <ioiiig th )ild andtI niaintain liîýitli anlong the resîdents. .Ir.,. liiez Bliss, tle resident'nurse in charge of thie cneal%%ays has a cordial welcomie for visihors. Chamber of Commerce C. R. Kreutz Addresses Various Civie Groups; Arrange for Public Evening Meeting Several opportunities* are to be giveni Wilmette citizens to secure first hand inîformation. on the details of the Ped- enal Savings anl Loan association niow in process of formation. 0.'R. Kreutz, field organiier for Illinois, and Wis- consin for tbe Federal Home Loan Bank board, division of- Federal Sav- ings anîd- Loan associations, *will speak at al meetings and explain the project lu al its antgles. The first presentatiot, will bc made at the regular montbly meeting of Wil- mette, Chamber of Commerce, wbich takes place Monday, 'Janua ry 8, at 12 o7clock, ah ,Weeks' dining room. Arrange Eveaing Meeting At iîoox, Tuesday,, january .8, Mr. Kreutz will address the regutar meet- ing of the Optimjst Club of Wimette at Shawnee Country club. At 8 o'ciock Tuesday evening, Jan- uary 9, thene wiIl be a public meeting in the Stoip school auditorium, whicb wiil also- be addressed by Mr. Kremtz. This meeting bas been arranged so that residents of the village who are * iot membens of any organizahion may have opporhunity ho learn of the bene- fits offered by this niew association, features, ih as said by those familian with the plan, offer profit advanhages not to be found in similan investinents offering an equal measune of secunity.. Clubs Hear Plan M r. Kreîtz ouitined .the features of the plan before the Wilmette Rotary club) Wedniesday moon of this week and, before the WomfansCuofWlet that afternoon. cw Water Main à to adlness the ';titday January 7. Nvas forced Posti)l)oie his;engagelui later date oin the seas according to W,.FF. president of. the club. ý was scniedtîîed y' Evenling Club d by illness to ient hiere to a ýsons.schiedutle, anki McClure,j Muc .................26 Real Estate ............ 42 Society pages ..2.Z8-31-32 IMunger, financial editor- of t cago Daily News, and Cene1 of the saine paper, will present teresting sub ect, "Money and1 Cet Somne.» w.&s- lIcid its reguîar montniy, meeting al F. Miontlay night, January 8. Tht reg- Chi- tilan meeting time for thie board is the rgan first Monday of. each mnonth. Because ie ii-. of the fact that last Monday was m to New Yean's day the J.anuiary meeting was poýtponçd.a wtèk.