Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1934, p. 26

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Chicago Offices -1tô 16-isoi8 WILLOUGHBY TowER Teicep/àote CENTRAL 335-Ç SUBSCRIPTION $2 PER VEAR SINCOLE COPIES 5 CENTS Alil communications and contributions intended for publi- cation must bear the naine and address of the author, not neccssarily for pubIicatiori, but for our fliés.. Such material' miust rcach the editor b% Tuecsdajv noon, to be in. tine for the current issue. The li.iùietarv policy of the nationial, admnini stration-, wvhether or not -anyone knlow%ýs ýN4hat it is, seens to have achieved De.basing oiie notable result- to alienate the Ibulk. of the te Dollar brais of the denmocratic altrallyparty. and aligni themi un-. altrâlyagainst the presidlent. Perhaps this, is a. matter of siiiall consequence iventere are so,*laiiy profesorsaai- able, but one would* thinik ftlat even Mr. Roosevelt, cocksure of imself as lhe un- doubtedly,,,is, vould hesitate to break definitely, with, such. leaders as Carter Glass, Newton D. Baker, Alfred E. Smith and others who have corne out squarely on the side of son oney and a returni to the gold standard. SIt is, .of course, impossible, to guess wlhat the miagician -%vill take out of the spectator's bat next, and equally impos- sible to forecast what the professors will next cook Up for the President to propose to a harried country. Indications., how- ever, are that the administration. is deter- niined to follow its avowýed policy of de- basing tie -c;u-rency and reducing the dol- lar,.to fifty cents. 'If. the effort were not futile, one might -direct the President' attention to the words. of Grover Cleve- land, Co ntainXed in -a .speci a L Message toý congress i1893, and his third annuial message of 1896: "Ai historv Warnls us against rash experiments I the light of alniost universal condern- nation of bis monetary policies by the solid business interests of the country, the President would do well to heed the above waining., flooded in winter to afford. ice skating facilities for devotees of that exhilarating and, healthf ul sport. There is much to be said in favor of the idea.. At present no. suicli facilities are aàvailable, to children or aduits..living -on the east. side. of. the vil1lage. True, the playground at 'Howard, sehool ,affords. t.he.se privileges,,but the space (levoted to themn is, insufficient to. acconmodate even thosé. who live onl the westside. It is a long way fromr the heavily populated east ..side to the Howar.d school playground. and- two railroads and a four-Jane high- ivay- offer, serious hazards to which par.- enits are boath to subjeét small children. Washington park embraces a consid-ý erable area, and nothing of its fine appear- a nce would be sacrificed to, these. practical contributions -to both, sunimer and 'vinter. srts ini which so niairy citizens,yon and old, flnd a iceen pleasut-e and much -of benefit to health.. That the upkeep of the proposed, courts rnay be taken care of withouf irnpsin a aýdd.ed burden uipon the Wilmette. Park, board, it is suggested that a nominal fee could bc required for the skating seaso 1, and a modest charge, made per set for tennis, as is done in oth4er north shore villages. SIn the belief that there is a real need for this improvenment, and that youngsters of the east sie arc entitled to the privi- lege' of engaging in thèse popular pas- t1imes ýwithout endang ering their lives in- goi.ng to and froin the mujnicipýal play- ground, WWLMETTE LIFC cornmercds it to the consideration, of, the: proper'au thorities.** Th ere is caube -for.;,mutuacogtu- tion and gratification. on the part of citi- zenls of the New Trier villages and the ,bank, in the fact. that servative people, for the most-part-wêll- to-do, who have a proper understanding of their obligations and a will to honor- ably' discharge tliem, bas no doubt been a. factor i the success of the banks. would be yours through the enactmnent of this bill." And this: 'Frankly, 1 arn deeply. disturbed and apprehensive of the thought of a fiscal and political dictatorshjp, which I regard as not only entirely unnecessary but as cssentially un-Ameni- can.. Representative. and democratic government, bestowe d upon us by centuries of human struggle, should not be so hasily*-scutt1ed." Ponder that, Mr. Mayor! The big news of the week was President Roosevelt's annual message to congress and the one, to the .same boys* on the budget. After listening to one andi readîng the other we 1 uite foolishlv attempt- ed toforni some sort oi IGO' Ir, ~c~~ an idea of wvhat.ail those ou R big figures nieant. The HM wv that nman threw c . millions and.billions of CC<LI dollars.around wvas cer- tainly mightv careless. ~ 1,mpifig ,f 0r th nextc. norisig ive found that nearly .everybody else ivas befuddled. XVe %ere. ail victimns Of that dreati disease, billionitis. Just to show howv it gril).- and ',twists -One out of ail perspeictive to reali- tie, one of the fair niembers of the editorial staff camne: i to the office alldolled u i tn niing ncm- costumue. In real admiration we yen- tured a comlplimifft. '"«Youi look like a miillioni dollars ini thosýe togs,*" said wcv. -I (lon't thiaink you for that," she handed us hlaughitily-. il Jet. you know that anything less. than tvo billions lis ail insult.- As hope of attaining any conipreliension what- ever of how niuchi is a billion was fading, John T. McCutcheon came along with the information that Christ was born 1,017,200,640 minutes ago. Our national, debt is to reach at least $32,O00,- (XXLQOO. And then our favorite Washington cor- respondent: revived us by sayîng that-"hs bil-, lions. are not really ýmoney anyway., They ar e only: deficits." Repubicans in congress and the senate are organizing a squad of sharpshooters to keep the "dimmykrats" from becoming too raunbunctious. the bar to serve it, what then ? "Youth Sees 15-Foot Sea Monster. on Scotch, Road," read a headline Saturday. A cmlt story, we.think, without that last word. IHE PHANIrQm EPORTER 't v

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