Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jan 1934, p. 38

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T.xt Sy Ja mes Alton James Wiiiùm Smith Mason Projessor' of Americansn IIoVy NorthwetersUniversity Block-Prints Executed under 1he. Direction of' Clara MacGowon dis itant Professer of Art Northwestern (University This bookof 53 Plates. eacb printed from the original block and cma.d by;the his. torica textesctie h.his- tory of Chicago. beginning with Marquette end Joliet and cton- tinuing up to àami inéludin -A, Century of Progress. Price $ .50ý, SATURDAY, JAN. 13ý 1 P. M. TO 5 f. M. JAMES ALTON' JAMES and CLARA MacGOWAN wil-ta*ora'ph topiés The original etchings wil l e on eirhibit. Albert Moore, the artist, wilI show the process of block- print. Chaudleir's Fountoin Square, Evansfon %.ýnicago-m rVitrni iock >i-rintsIL,ý which bas just been released from dt press. The book vas executed under the~ directionî of Miss MacGowain, the prints haviîîg beeti done in lier advance class iii design. The text was written 1)3 Dean, James and, William'Mason Smithi professor of American . historv ,ai Northwestern.'. Eleanor Welles Lippin- cott of Wilmette lias.douie four of the block- prilîts iii the boo 'k. SAlbert Moore,, onie Of tlîe artwsts, will demonstrate the cutting.,of the blocks.ý Other arfists whose ý.vorks areillstate in thie book will. be present. Moôvie of ."Lîttie Women""- Makes Bocik Best: Seller Theé. movie f romi Louisa May AI-' cott's famous 'book, Little lU9>fl'4'h. is again bringing to the .front, on best sellers' list the book that lias sold thousands and thousands, of copies. *Brown and' Little,, the authorized publiers, of Miss Alrott's works, wilI bring , out new uniform and popular priced editions of Little W1'îsn, Little Viinand .Ios o% this mnoîth. By Although the copyright oni Little~ Women expired several years ago, Brown and Little continlues, to pay. royalties to Miss Alcott's hieirs. It' hias been estimated thiat mrore than two million copies of Little [Womeil have been sold. The book is nlow on the list of seven or more pub- lishèrs.. . 1-,ildrifs t1iaiter. '. ihI U-yer--are as xouows: eold twins as its leading characters, Da)tîv t 'Vil hout End, by Eugenc the plot is a sequél to "l'le japarnese ONel aîoiHue aîay1 eTwins written by Miss Perkinis. 'l'île pulicRation date is e aiîe10 S nother, Lucy Fitch Perkiîis, the t'l' e biatioGnidsaproduteion a Schildren being five yasolder than tePater Gt~sIi* The stprva oduction they were' iiithe ýbook. Pceesi h tr 0 Desire of a. little japanese. girl t mnra.hô hre hulpMc inake her father as proud, of her as n la.Jnay2.Ti ok~ilb he is of her brother and tue meatîs neo aril motn aur she takes to prove her value tô.lm publlicationls. makes up, the plot. Though iii the Sl'r-I11N tvwKaein main, it is a serjous story, the* pîay Mayo, I-oughton Mifhin, Ja'nuary 24, has sgood Éomedy supplied' b> a is the long (lela% e(l book on the soldiersý crotch*ety. old grandmother wlhobols rules the bouse aind by a, fat, jolly . W<>'- of AHIr, lb Sinclair i.e% îs. gardenier. Douhleday. DOraui, Jaîîuary 24,.%%'ill bc An unusual and effective opepîng backed .1wt.he tîsual a(lertisiiig caîn- for the play hias. been provided by- paig.n that: lias hacked LIevis' receuît setting thée time ini the eârly inorn- bookS. ing,-with ýthe sound of temple bells Uly,çsës. l)y james Juycè. Rauîdom and he hantng f piest intheHouse, Jauîuary 25. Posters reprinting distance. The entire actioni takes the court's' decisioti ii f avor of the place in the rrning.,aftýerioon, and book w-ill form. part of an adv-ertisiiîg evening of a single day. Leëe Mitcheýll; camlaigli. of the school of speech at North- The Iýafr e 1 rsus I,,Iiio,- Nortoi.' 1 weste > ' hs 4esigned the setting, and, Mary. Roberts .Riiieliart, Farrar aund the costuming is ini charge of Miss Riîîehart, Januiary 29, is a romnance Berneice Prisk. wvith dramnatic suspens,-eof a 'trîal. giv- The cast, choseîî fromn Haven and *ng itt he same'appeal as a m>sterv. Nichols schools anîd Evanston High Paission'"s Piýlelri, bv jules >Ro- school, lias been rehiearsing through mhainis. Knopf. January 29, 1Jiein .of the Cbristmas vacation under direc- GoWd il.the, firs t volume of the tion of Miss Winifred W'ard, and series, lias sold 7,000 copies. the production is already well In Tt nocent Il/ife, by 'Colette Far- hand. The four 'leading parts are rar and Riniehart. Jaîîiuarv.30, is a full- being doubly cast, and each char- lengthi stor -v whiclî should al)1eal to acter will play in two of the four the Colette audience. performances. , onzan Rudbu.1b Amnel ie "The Samxurai Swvord" will be. the Posse-Brazdova.Yiaîitiarv 24. The. oi, sold more -L * ;4 Pui du . Droiner are niro- 1tions in Nýov'ember. ducing a new English novelist,Hugh The first two performiances of the Talbot, author of a first novel, cre' lywl egvna ae "Gentlemen, the Regimienit" to becurftpaywlbegvntHan pubishd o .Jnuay 4h. he nb-scbool auditoriumý Januar>' 20. A plishe won say th he seubommorning aq-d afternoon pertormanceý lishrs ho ay heyhav dison el1 will be given there and repeated at been fortunate enough to Xiso1e ichoîs school Januar>- 27. in a first novel the qualities' so __________ abundantly to, be found in "Gentle- GLi BSONi by George Tichenor (F'ar- men, the Regiment !" report that. rar and Rinehart)-Glibson, a the *first edition bas been sold out choice .flower plucked f rom our before publication. weedy industrial garden, is a boom- THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, a book. of "three-dimiensional" pictrs The Orthovis company of Chicago. This. unique, book, arranged by. Montrose Newman of the ortl Shore. hotel 'in' Evanstoui, contains pictures of, some _of the more, impor- tant habitat, groups of North. Amer-, ica, Asiatic and African mamimals in 'the Field Museum of Natural His- tory. re featuring i novelty for $'I prrnes .... ton Av*. Gre. 0227 Hotel l Rdo..vansion Orrlngtoa 126 DIdg. eu. 24Ave LUims. iThe extracts, verse, range over emg] Mrs. Osgood says thal ogy is the first to i foÉm .tbe works of charm writers, .and very earl'y traditions. ILVCUUi cen - ts, and our a prose and t languages. this anthol- ude excerpts Iish, ,Saints, poets-,fromn 11! 1 1-

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