service this Sunday la as follows: Organ Preude: "Rymnus" ..... ....... .......Liszt * "Pastorale" (j Sonata)...Gulmant Introit: "Cast Tby urden upon the Lord,,.................. Mendelssohn Anthemn: "Lord of Al l eingl- . Andrew3 *Offertory Solo: "The Good Shepherd"- Barri Miss Florence Farrar Organ Postlude: "Allegro" (1 Sonata) Guilmant On Sunday mornlng, the three classes of -the adult department of the church sechool wýIll join ln, a unit ed session to hear a lecture entitled Iniperial Man" by Mr.> W. D.' Bayley, Canadas inost effective and best known temperance, educator. Ail aduits members of the congregation, and particularly rarents, are invited to attend this service which wilI begin, at 9 :30 o'cioek. The Hg Sehool Epwo rth Ibaguie and the 'Younig People's Epworth league will meet at 5 :30 o'clock this Sunday eve- ning, to hear a lecture by Chester Gould, creator of Dick Tracy' ln the Chicago, Tribune. -Alil members and friends are inviied to bepresent. Social hour wiII follow. The Hligh Schéol leagueplayers wiIl present a one-act play at the Kenl-ý worth Commiunity, chnrchi at 6:30 on Sunday evening. Those particlpating' are Lois Wolfe, Jack* Mellett, Foster Gilgis. Howard Decker, Walter Morey anid Art Jones. The Intermediate department of the Sunday school will hold a rolier skating party at Madison gardens in Chtiago on Friday evening, February 2, meeting at the church at 6 ;45 o'clock. Mr. Harvey, superintendexit of the departmnent, will be ln charge of the event, assistsed by the teachers of this department., ,TrI.. A......l Wo*1her and So n n,ýt The quarteêt of Bennett College for Womeu (Greenabèo, N. C.) will slng during the Church i Nght service of wor- shlp touight (Thursday).. Dr. Brown, president cf the college,, will speak. This quartet cf Negro womeu la favor- abiy acclaiied' by. radio and concert. audiences evcrywhcre. SThe Church Niglit program opens.witil dinner 'at 6 :30 o 'clock, served this. eve- nigby the Third division. The wor- .hip service is held from 7 :30 te R o'clock. Prom 8 te 9 o'clock, four sIlO- cific Interest groups wlll meet as fol- 1 Plans stripi nearf the tr r a trip on, Ill., nan is The Higli School and Young People',- Epworth leagues wlll hold a roller jskat- ing party at the Madison gardens on Friday, February I., Everyone *111 <meet at the church at 7 p. -ni. The lgh Sehool'League playerp. will p resent the play, "Smllug 1Through," by Jane 'Cowi, on Friday, Mareb 2. Every- one is urged tosave tM»:clate and sec this dellg-htful three-aet 5.1m The Woman's Aid so ty ii&eýets Trhursday, FebruÙary l' The executive commIttee wIll nicet at 2 o'clock and the General Aid meeting wtIi be heid at 2 :30. Dinner'wili be served at 6 :30 by tlhe Fourth division. The Young People's choir' meets- for rehearsai Saturday mornlugs at 10 :15S 'ciock.. The Quarterly conference will be' held Monday evening, Jaiiuary 29, at 8 o'ciock iu the junior rooni. Ait members of, thre Officiai board andi Quarterly coni- ference are urged to be preserit. Dr. Aubrey S. Moore, the district superin- tendent. will preside. There la Red Cross ýscwlng each Tùes- day morning at 9:30o'celock. English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf Wllmette "A Hous of Worsbip" The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor SUNDAY SERVICES Sunda.y school ............ ... 9:45 a. mi. Morning woi'ship. ......... 11:90 a. m. Choir rehearsas Friday evénlng at 7:30 o 'cock. The Woman's society wlll meet Thurs- day afternoon, February 1, at 2 o'clock.' Mrs. George Lairson will present the topic-"A Challenge te Chrlstianity." The Senior Luther league will mneet Thursday evening, February 1, at 8 'ciock: We Invite ail the Young jkeople te meet with us. Catechetical lasseg-Monday at 4 o'clock; Tuesday at 3-30 o'clock, Tn nid ýets evei This The Christian Endeaý.vor Society will nieet at 5:30 o'clock. .Mr. Albert A. Me- Keighan wili address the group on the theme, "Opportunities. for Christian Service ln Journalism.'l Betty Dodds and Lee Weigle wili be hostesses with re- freshments. Alil the young people are Sunday Evening club at the Congre- gational church at 7:30 o'clock wIll! again present Branson DeCou iu "Dream Pictures of, Old Mexico." Boy Scout Troop No. 5 wili meet at the church Moniday. evening at 7:30 o'clock. On February %~ this troop and the éther troopS of Wilmette, wiil hold a Parents' N ight, when ail parents and friends-of the boys are invlted toi at- tend the troop"meetings. On Wednesday e-vening we will have 'another of our Churcli Nights. Supper wiil lbe served at 6:30 o'clock. Devotions and discussion -will foiiow The two dis- cussion groupe are studying: "Eastern Women," a mission istudy course.; and 'Christianity anid Industry in. America," a prac tical Christian application course. The pastor hopes te present an inter- esting group iu our devotional period. We Invite you to be with us. The chorus choir. will rehiearse Friday ning at 7 o'clock. Sunday, February 4, will be of special interest to the Young people, througho.ut ail the services of the day, *Kenilworth Union Kenllworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert 1- Willett, minister. Dr. Willett's subject for'Suniday, Jan- uary 28, willI be "Greatest of Books." The Wonien's guild will: meet Mouday morning, January 29. The. hours of meetingare from 10 until 4 o'clock. The women are asked to cone in .for ase uch- timxe as possible. The invitation is not only for m~embeiüs of the. guild and the congregation but for anyone in the vil- lage, who inay be interested. The Sunday school wiil meet at 9 :45 a. mi. all chidren between the . ageb of *three and the' high school are cordially invited to visit and to become niembers of this organization. The Keiiworth Young People's Sun- day Evening club will meet Sunday eve- ning at 6:30 p. mi.AIl students of high, school age. are invited. A supper will be served, followed by the prograin. reli.DA IAI and AI jUO. - it are- weIVoIIit to this luspiring gatherig for song and prayer and discussion. This church launches an attendance campalgn lu ail its meetings beginning Sundlay, February* 4, and Warmiy wel- cornes nelghbors and friends as visitors and' heipers with us. The Church school starts this cemlng Sunday in its effort to build up its classes to the full corn- plement.> Our choir requests imembers to réserve F'riday evening, February 9_ for their .presentation f the Gibet and Sulivani operetta' "Trial by Jury.". a most amus- ing and tuneful piece. The tickets may, b>e secured froin any mTember of the Choir Guiid. The, #Links iu our Chain of Friend- ship"' hold luncheon >meetings this week as foliows: Link R, Mrs. W. 0. Haas, leader, meets on* Thursday at the home of Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, 721 Greenwood avenue. Link N, Mrs.. R. P. Lynch, leader, meets wltli Mrs. Frank Guth-, rldge, 917 Greenwood avenue , on Friday, January 26. Llnk D, Mrs.' Oscar W. Schmidt, leader,'nicets on F'rlday a lso, a.t the, hroe of .Mis. M. C. LYons, 8~49- Lincoln avenue, Winjietka, with -Mrs.. Jenuinga assisting the hostess. Link S, Mrs. W. D. Millard, leader, meets on Widay at the home of Mrs. C. C. Clarke, 925 Central avenue, with Miss Minnie 1-faas ass4sting. Link H, Mrs. ..1) Dingie, leader, rneets with Mrs. W%%. F. Crawford, 1415. Gregory avenue. The effort la being nmade to ow- trato our church meetings ou Thursday where practicable. The Girl Scouts meets in thie afternoon at 3 :30, soine ff the girls staying over for supper ini order to be at Junior choir at 7, with a chance te do homework at the church building. Thle Sea Scouts. meet in the eý-ening at 8, as does the senior choir for its regular reliearsals. There is roomi for other worthwhlle meetings on. Wednesdays atnd Thur.sdia3-s. St.. John's Lutheran Wiliiîette and Park avenues, Wilmette Church telephone Wilmette 5379 Services 9:15-First.,service, and sermon. 9 :3--sunday sehooI and *Bibl ecass il a., m.ýSýeéond service and sermon. 8 P. *m.-Speclal installation service for the new pastor, the Rev. J. H. Gockel. - .--Meetings- Seco-40i:80a. nm.. Mrs; Raymond G. Kimbell, 1017 Grove street, Evanston. SFftlr-10 :30 a. mi., Mrs. Lý H. Hana- walt, 1344 Ashland avenue. The Fourtir division ýwill mneet Mon- day, January 29, at thé hoeeof MM 1 TneY 'WY leh D Lo LU555V1. vvriStvens, u'.."'.ry ,,L inor Sonata"..... ý..... h Miss Dorothy Rae; Postlude, "?eostlude ............. ..... 1...... Mendelssohn ouri lu F," Cappelen. Miss Ermnà Rounds la The Adagio next direetoir.* Postlude-'¶F Miner Sonata" ........... been . ................ Mendelssohn Meye Wc Invite you te join our Sunday The Allegro mon school wbich meets at 9:30. ** whici Men and womnen are cordially iuvited1 The young peoples organisations mneet ther to our Adult Bible class which lis study- Suuday a:t 6 oel ock. Thre B. Y. P., 1U. sing a service for J. H. Gockel w oeer. s..johns choir yl laster (Gockèl's favorite Song, the