Pairs 511k 3PA IRS:0 Anda - Fashioned Stoci.kng U-, Spring Wash Frocks i si .Or 79c a' Pa ir Box of'LUX Free with. Your Purchase. Lords has "long been famous for Hosiery Salesi And this, we 'believe, breaks al[ previous records.. The hose are, aI-slk-.OF FIRST QUALITY and FULI-FASHIONE Di Sheerest chiffons and durable servce weights in shedes of Dust Beige.'.Jungle Smoke Brown,. Bsanen Gunmetal. Stock up. for. months to'corneaet this price. This offer positively ends Saturday., LUX Washability Expert Here Alil Week The proper method of weshing stockings to insure long weer will -be demonstrated ail tbis week., Corne -in end get ýhints from an expert thaf t wlIsave you oney. Hosierv , Sectiokn-LRD'S- First Floor NOTICE TO CHARGE CUSTOMERS-Upon request ail charge purc' e durmng the balance of the mont/i will al4iear on statements rendered Marc/i Corne Sp.ring Arentf you getting rether weary of th. saMe win.r frocks, day affer day? Revive your wardrob. with one of these dashing new aIl-silk prints. Gay de.ôqus lingerie, pleatinq end con- trasts for attractive trims. lck, navv. high shade.r strip.d, AsLow*as, made First. * Fresh, crisp enrd delightfully newl Sheers1 and prints..w*jth unusual touches of trimmnng, neat litti. coller and cufis, good deep hems, bright colors. Mothers wiII tae ad- vanag o tk orbretonprie and buy a supply. Children's Section-LO RD' Sý-Seconid Ploor Boy'AIWOOIKni We moan it ... theyr. worth ev.ry cent.of $1.95t Gra or brown all-wool. tweeds ýwitb knitted cuifs, fulllihning and bar- tecked pockets. Sizes 6 to' 16 years. For< scbool and pl. 2 for Brushed Wool Boys likê th.m and mothers appreci- aie t heir value mnd practicahility. Melroon, brown mand navy with nar- row clontrastin frim. V nedis. Ait ld-FW-IUthoned MRunaiagk9e Sale Do you like to delve? -Ii.. visit Ouir Baseniemt Store for the Ruumag«e Sale- We've clésed, lieuse in aIl our. upstais sectionis. ..Values ar e truly sensationall Early Shoppers Proit Most. ickers * / ength > Knicker Sox 2 9cPAIR' The. bost-Iooking ali-over patterns we'vs seen in some lime. They*re aill- cofton and wash splendidly. 'Sizes 7V2 f. Il. Good buysl Boys' Sec ion--LORD'S-Pirst Ficior MENi 1! r w e're breaking al records for value .oa-dclýoth HiRTS b c A Ç Apparel and Millinery1-LORD'S--Second F1007r LORD'S - - FOUNTAIN SQUARE.> EVANSTON --Wi Imeite 317OO RD'ýs STORE for MEN * Make W(ay..Here P ri is f or' t-he N ew with this sale ICI ers.