of the dilterent church organizations were given as follows: Miss Susan Northam 'for the Altar Guild; Mrs. William Edmonds for the Associated Guilds; Mrs. H. B. Johnston, treas- urer's report for the Associated w Guilds'; Woinen's United Thank 0f- fering, Mrs. R. N. Wade; Prim ary de partment of the' Church school, Mrs. J. W,. Edge; Mrs., R. W. Mc- Candlish and Dr. Carleton for the Girl. Scouts, and Henry Fovler for the Boy Scouts. Parish representatives :to the vani- ous diocesan organizations reported. as fol lows:. Cathedral Shelter. Chi- cago, Mns.' Royal D. Smith;. St. Mary's Home for Girls. Mrs. ýR. B. DeVinny; Home for the 'Aged, Mrs. S. B. Haley:Hue fHpiness, Mrs. D. M. Mickey:- Diocesan Altar Guild. Mrs. Royal D, Smith.: Aid Many Charities Dr. Carleton spoke of the unusuaî amnounit of charitable work that on- gaiiizatkm.n and parishioners had don. duing the yèar, Iocally. Raymond Irying gave a report on the Bishop's Pence, stating that $109' had been naised Mi the first collection. R,.N. Wade, treasurer, gave 'a re- ~port on the finances fQr the year. showin g that the church had kept even for the yean and also paia litti.e of last year's deficit. He ne- ported that the church pnoperty was entirelv f ree froni any encumbrance since 'Mrs. Frank J. Baker had paid' off the final $3,000 on the church porten the capital iii church as about $6,C ,s al Discharge Mortgagç Thé,nector4 in giving his aniual re- port, netitioned as highlights. of the year's 'work, ;amnog other ,things the following: the, discharge, of the church mortgage; the extensive nre- pairs, alterations and improvements in the Parishi House and chunchi of- fices accomplished bv the Wonien's Guild; the. installation of the beauti-' fuI Children's Corner ini the church: LOOK OVER THESE.COURSES. Surely you, wiIl find hf f ere ont- or m~ore courses whichyo wjill find profitablelto àtd uigyu saetm vnn or late afternoon hours. Check over the list now.> When you find the, course you wantto take, corneover.toWieboldt Hal4339FEastlCScago Avenue, to enroil. Educational Advisers . on duty daly on sec ond floor., Enrol before Saturday, February 3 if possible. School of Coimmerce Acc-ountinq "eeral Auditing C. P. A. Review Ca.: Accouaglus, Federal Taxes Mathema tics for Accounaes Budget Procedure Survey ai Accuaiag Gradua:. Semaa Advertlsin@ BUui1IOs Law' Introdu.ctory Sales of Persoa.!Property Partnersblps Rosi »cd Persoal 1Praperty Buoineis Orqcuuza lEconomica Advenced Puimiciules. Oraduste Seul.., E.nqllsh ad composition Aueeulcaua Lteraue ucedure Fiioei Mouey and Bankdas Trust Comansuy Opertions C rporation Finance Iuiveteests. tig akin steme OGraduate Semiaa Forelgîz Trade European Trude Fareigu Sales Msuasem!n: 'Contemporary LU. S. Histbr7 Econamic Hlstory of the United States Lamd Economico «md tffdùEmcol. IFundss.sseale ai RisaiEsftae ~Building M.u.ueameat RealBEsttePrectice ReaIl Estte Valuation Bas!l state Taxes seminar ta Taxatiom Marketing Prilm«e Sale. Adm.inistration CgpLmodity Exchange DeprtmntStore Admnlistration managemenut of Salecmse Grarduate.Seplna. Psycholoqy Generafi Adverising Psycbology Personal and Social Adjustment Public Finaceand Tczalox. Current Problemala Tszaeiom Graduate Semnar Public. Utililles Introduction to Public ServiceIndustries Public fitiliey Reculation Public Uthllty Manaagement Public Utilhuy Finace Graduate Semin.: warçier, and J'C. Confont, juinior warden. The following were elected members of the vestry: R. C. Jen- nings,'J. C. McQuide, G. E. Hart- manx W. F. Jones, C. L. Drake, C. E. kenneckar, George Bensch, and RayMond Inving. The, followinig were elected dele- -il :j' Drive1