Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1934, p. 46

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Fifty-three boys received letters at the awarding whicb was attended by school officiais,, parents of the boys, and' letter winners of other years. Folow- ing the progratn of awards, tbe boys were initiated into the "W"club, an organization composed of ail boys and girls who have won.letters in the Wil- mWette 'schools. Three* Northwestern footballplayers %vere the speakers of the evening, al of them Wilnette:boys and former let- ter. winners iiithe- Wilmette schools. They %were.B1i11 Riley, Alfred and Fred Lind. A committee, of mothers' of letter winners. of which Mrs. S. W. Drake Was chairman, served. refreshmnents at the conclusion of the program. Boys who rectived letters werre: (tordoi, Nevlins,. Harry Seifert, birif S a m u e 1 s o n, Richiard Ogilvie, Tomà Zaremba, Jarvis Lingle, Robert Loner-, gan ,Bftrard' Regan, Edward .Johnsoi), oert Fuessle, Tom Carney, Douglas Huck, Robert Logan, John Schopen, Ed- ward Benson, Charles Moon and Roh- ërt Ehmer. Daniel M. Davis, director «I recreation, coached the heavywelgh is. Ltghtweight< Gene Drake. Ted Riley, Jay, C rowell. Ed Ives, Robert Gruhn, Charles Greg- ory, William Hoimes, Rodman Joyyccý, Paul Gulliçkson, Robert Anderson, Rtoh- ert DYe Vinney, Milan May, John Seddoni, Richard Hail, Bert Simons, Duldley Yeo- man, Richard Iiaas. Gien W. Gather- coal coached the llghtweight. peewees Robert HalliwelI, James Wolff, Jerry Peterson, Fred Bird,. Arthur Beretoit. John Miller, Robert Scheibei, Ray Hal-4 let, Jackç Jennings, Richard *Rogers,,.1 Gien Samuelson Jack Harvey, Franklin KulP. Cliftord Johnson, Bill. Robert-. Walter Baron, Charles Moreau, William Jenningsanad Kimball Brown. D)udlpeý C.Stolie çoached the PeeweeS. Start Inter-Schoùl Basketball Scizedule 'rhe first 'of the Wilmette-gramiar school 'boys' basketbail gamnes will' be played tomorrow afternoon (Friday) at fthe H-oward gymnasiurn hetweenl, the Wlileteliarh* and hpr.,v,.,,e.Ls A. Tucker K. Funkhauser W . 'halmann H~. Rlnghoimn V. Henrikson Gathereoal, referee Seddon (7î, 14, 9) flaptist (15, 16, 15) A. Seddon F. Guthridge W. Fisher G. Williams c. Smith J. Ëtrumnpf B. PlaIttEMco A. FiealeW. Haas E. Phiilips . A. Youngberg A. ýHeerens Mlackie, refere y. P. C. (4, 4, 5) H. Peters E. Thalmian P. Bohnen T. HopkIns T. Schinler 1Mackie,i Hoffmann. Florists (15, 1,i5) E. Milir E. Schiidgen Jake Hoffmann 'James Hoffmann c'. Geppert reteree ý Teani standings in men's 'oleyball league:11 Won Baptisýt............6f Hloffmnann Floristas; Hioward P. T A. . .4 y. P. c .......... T4ost n .167 Methodiats (17) ates(23) C. Varney C. Hill G. Waidner J. Moore M. Ling J. O'Neil F. Lundberg.. L. Langdon, R., Weicb L. Pa4lman J. Waldner Sweet Saxton HZardt Saxton Statg Bank . (49) T. Varney U. Stone T. King J. Cullen B. Robinson, C. Lauèr C. GIâter Team istanÈ Hoffmann Florists :i R. Huck C. Boyile J,.J3agnell F. Oelerichi R. Oelericlh E.' Schuett C . Warble M. johns"I Maèckie, referee C. Clif toni P. Johnson L'. Rot!, c. Rothi 1 Larson R. Wolff H. Weld C. -all Mackile, referêee tdings ln Men's "A" Won Lost 2 Teanm standings~ in Men"s "B"1 wonl Winbergs ......... 4 St. Francis....... : Wilmette Conf<et. Y. P. .......... 2 Horuets...... Hoffmann Floriss CI l'pagne Ha Chas (212) St. S.. Edmonds. H. Clark R. Waidorf H, Bonnen P.WlIm Heller, referee Willies (23) W. Leary J. Lingel L. H-offma ii R. Ogilvie Jamnes Badgeî' R. H-allett R. Rogers H. Herbon D. Roberts P. Emrichi H. Emrichi i. GaiHP] Lost I 2. 4 Basket- Pet. .800 .600 .6001 400 409) .200 Francis (35) Hi Borre J.Gieason R. Klein R. Dillon 1). Oelerich H. Lechner Terriers (21) IL. Christenson i. Smit4i '.. Siayton W. Spinney Il. Reinwald J. Rutnrlall Ai Stars (',2) . Asechbacher' A. Russo F. Kaspar R. Green J. iSteiný J. -'ha mbers A. C'hlibb l'eaiu standings in "C"lý Ail Stars .... St. Franvis ........4i Twisters........... Terriers.......... Crickets.... ...... Wiliies..........l Ha Chas.........0 j .250 <.JRJ.S' BASKETBALL, Brownies (l0) Porters f'-4). Ir. Paterson A. Stempel M. Lauer VJ. Johnson J. Edinger E. Berndtson. 1. Christensen C. Didier D. Voilman I. Green J. McConneli A. Nord J. Serimageour T. Wilson D. ý,Riggle, rif ere C. (18) 1). . A.(6 M. Schwall B. Schaeffer 1. Bruchhauser M. Sch-lneider, D.Staneoe b. chwa li grounxi and iiecreation Poard's vol- leyball league got under way Iast Monday evening at the Howard gymnasium when each of the three leaders in thec league defeated the three teams ini the lower bracket of the teani standings. The Baptists to)ok three games ini a row from the Seddons, 15-9. 16-14, and 15-9, whlle. tbe Howard P. T. A. beat the new Methodist team, 15-14. 15-6, 15-2, and the third gamne be- tween Hoffmann Floristsý and the Y. P. Ci ended with the flower. ho'ls ahead, 15-4, 15-4, -15-5. For, six ýyears the. Baptists hare wVon the voleyball league title and again are. at the he.ad 'of the pack< this . vear, remaining undefeatedci throughout the, first round of play. Hoffmann Florists and the T{oward P. T. A... however, both rame close. enough, to defeatine. themf to: he a ronstant threat in the ininds of the Baptist- men> whenever. thouzhts of meeting the two are enteirtained. Hoffmann Florists . *whn -Stanfd in second place, bowed onfv to the BaPtists in the first round and hone to ,avenge thieir deat in the cominz round. The Howa rd P. Tr. A men. losine both to Hoff mann- Florist s and to the Baptists, are gallantl1v tr.vink2 tor- cover the zround l lst and ae bo stering 'up their rouraqe.1ivith remembrance r'f tht. anle where. thev forcPrl the Raptist, to fire eames hèfore, the match, could. 1w determinied. Spectators are irl'-iterj to wjtnes,; the garnes. There i- ln admi'Ssion charçYe. Tewm stândings in ils B TNT...........n Weines ......4. XYZ....... No RT1IiH uoR . F; ýNs BAF4XE Don Baxter . league: Y. 0 (8) (41). F.. ROeic R. metpr 1.Harrison D,. ,ry 6, 3 :30 p. m.-Wi- lues. LIghtweights and achool, Forest Park, at Howard. pee- Weies (12) wees, Ligitweights and Heavyweights, B. Schaefgen 94:15 P. m.-Grant Frida.y, Februar3r 23, 4:15 p. m.-Wnl- 1. Obermefer Park, at Howard. ?ee- mette at Grant achool, F4orest Park. A. Hahn bts and NleavYweights. Peewees, Ligtw -gt and Hjeaýy- H. Jannaes Riggie, referee A. 'T' DLonI Norti Won ILoi<t CabCo.5 3 2 2 3 Ilorists 2 4 rCà. 0 O 5 À. Pet. 1.000 .833,. .800 .600 .400 .000'

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