Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1934, p. 34

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Music~ans Aiberto Salvi, lieralded bv many outstanding critics as the. greatest concert harpist in the, Iworld today, whose home is in Wilnîette, -will 1e the guest art- ist at the ilext. meeting of. the North Shore Musicians club Tuesday, PFebruiary 6. ,at the home of Miss Mýargaret.Tufts, 449 Sun set road. Froni, boy- liood on Salvi's great talent* has %von recognitioný, tntil he nom, is internationally -known. Stili a yo -gman, he bas reached the, celebrty plane,. taking his place among the most distinguished mu- sicians. Startliing, ar»azing,.-at f1inies dynamic, at others of the utmnost deli-ý cacY, his tone always achieves réal. beauty, his piaying, liarp rnastery,. The programn for T1uesdav follows: %onata for violIn and piano .-.. Brahms~ lst movement Winlfred Cree, Ernau Akely Corne and Trip It.-..Mary Carrnîichael So Sweet la She. ..Air of l7th Century A preamn Opus 48, No. 6 Grieg Teicle ... Karolyn Bassett When Chionis Sleeps Horner Samnuelg Aifreda J. Berminghani Aiberto Salvi at the Harp Pre,-ude Opus 24 - .... Chopin, Etude Opus 25, No........chopin. Scherzo...... . .Chopin Anna Chiflunld Praeludjum ni d Allegrov Caroline Marnsberger c Dorothy L. Pound at. the piano Der Neugierige Shbr flic Lorelei............ Lszt ili Mldred Chinlund Anna ChinIund aithte pian.î n Selections-Fr Aiberto. Salvi Invte Wilm.1tfe Womn fo Sew for Arden Shore, Arden Shore, a north shore phil- anthropy so weii known as to need the home of Mrs. S. A. Williams, Whitehouse guild, at the home' of ILrs. Carroll J. Lord; Anderson guild at the home of Mrs. H. A. Durr; Stewart guild with Mrs. Le- land H. Danforth. Thse aCtivity, of Miss Dorothy .Brooks as zoayi, and' means chair- >Dlffl , of thse Junior~s of th1e wom-. au's Vatlsolic Club of Wilmieltc is direc<ted note' toward the plans for? the larq(e Vale» fine's: bridýqc and spring fash ion shot'o the (nor (ire yWglvn ai thse !'Fonan's cliff Toiesdai'eýes ,s.Febrr<arv 13. A1'iss Briooks resides at 832 'Shncr- don rood. OVMIl lusrte Garcden JIub Lecture on res Mrs. Paul .L. . Battev wiIl give anl uistrated lecture on "Trees," at the ,eeting of the WVi.lmette Garden club ridav afternoon of this week at 2 clock, at the homne of Mrs. Elliott '. oungberg, 419 Washington ave- te, Wilmette Assisting hostesses re Mrs. John F. XVeedon and Mfrs. E. Gebert. Th-e, speaker lias been proinient in e work of the Garden Club of Ili- ois for years, serving as omie of ifs irectors. She bias been president of o,( V. ari thg tic Mrs. H. 0. Weishaar, -13.31 Chest.- nut avenue, entertained Spoke Twelvc Pf the Wilmette Presbyterian chuircli àt- a silver tea Tuesday, january- 30. s. lui the nrst nlne authme \\ inan's Club of W7iimette Wlednesday, Feb- ruary 14, with the entire mlorning and afternoon session devoted to in- ternational su.bjects and speakers f rom foreign lands. hI the. morning two voung..woD1en from the National College of Educa- lion will be included, one, Vosi!iiko Kun, bringing a, "Mlessage f roi . Jap;an," the othe r, Leonida Rosberg extending, "Çreètïings from: Esthon- ia." A representative of the ýAmer- ican Red Cross' is. te tell of the. plan for international uiid e r st ari d i il g among school children. -Conipieting the morning session wiil be a talk byv JogeTomna from B agdad, a student at Northwestern universitv,. who wili present "The Problem of f lie- Near )East." The niornirig talks ivilil be brief. The afternoon Wviil be given over to mu sic' by the Buigarian M,\lai1e Chorus, giving a prog ram in costume, and to a lecture by a speaker from the orient. Service Club Program The Protestant Women's Service club will meet at 12:30 o'clock on WVednesday, February 7, in Marshall Field's Wedgwood room. Lunch'eonl ivili be followed by a prograiî presented by Alice Mock, member of the Chicago Civic Opera coniparly and radio star. This is an outstand- ing meeting of thé club, and ail meni- bers are urgèd to be present and bring gtiests, for whom a fee will be chargèd, Salvi to PIaye file NVorth Shore Mituiciaits ne.rt Titesday <ifernoon in 1 netka. Mr. Salvi is now a dent of- Wilrnctte., usg of club Win- Will Hear Mrs. Lawrence Collé, County Chairman of Itr national Relations on F.b. 8 TheNiiil 1rlvIeague of XVoînien Voters ýhas its hext nîonthlv mi e e t iln g ThtîrsdàY1, Febiruary- 8'..imits usual lIocale*. the Kenilwvorthi. citil), with. M\rs. Lawvrenice Cole of WVinnletka the speaker. 1n order 'to acconinio- date those 'Who rnust comeat ani earlier 'hour, as, well as, those ~~ro fndit necessary to corne à ittie later, the, hostesses will start the service of the, butffet luncheon at'12 :30, coiitinuing it r 1rs. Cole, is chairman of interna- tional coperationi for the Cook County League - Of WomenI Vofers. Awoman with both :char'i and in- tellect,, ber talks reflect high intel-. ligence and extensive information and sfudy. Timely and import ant events of the day affecting between- nations relations wiil be interpreted f0 members of the Kenilworth League of Women Voters, a league :in whichi heightened interest and acfivity lhas been evidenit this year throug i in- creased attendance. The surge of interest ini the work the league is doing is awakened. ifs niemnbers believe, because of.the Coni- stant recognition. the League of WQnien Vofers is accorded. nationally as a potent force in this countrY. From piatform, in discussion, an 'd by writers, nation-wide credit is given it. Weekiy now, on Monday after- noons a.t 3, the League of Wornel Voters presents a broadcast over a national hook-up The, board of directors of the Ken- ilworth league is meeting, tod av. (Thursday) at 9, o'clock in the mornu- ing, at the home of Mes.. E.,F. Sny- (lacker,, 13.40,Chestniut avenue, WJIi- Tlhe jun-ior auxiharys of the Woman's Club of Wiimette is having a. philanthropy meeting Thursday evening, February 8, with sewing for the Babies' Friendly society its pro- gram, and dinner at 6:45 o'ciock, Miss Jane Owen'is in charge of the din- lier.

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