Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1934, p. 48

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Rates- "" ett alne, Advertisemnts run in ail three papers. MIMMU31JCARGE ONE DOLLAR. Average of five words to te line. No black face type used. 20ýrcdIscount on ail caeh advertise- nients when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 100% disromnt on ail advertisements run four consecutive issue. Deadne or Jserion--'ife<advertiserents will be c WILMEtTE L.FE or ail thi ee paer;Wednesday -9 P.'M. for .WIN1%NETKA« TALK and Thursday 5 P. M1. for GLEINCOE NXZWS, Telephones:.Willmette 4300, Winnetka *2'i0 (Winnetka 500 afler 6 P. M.), Greenleaf,4300 or Sheidrake 5687. I. -LOST AND FOUND SHELL-SPECTACLES LIGHT GREY. LOST EN HUBBARDI Woods. Reward. Calil Winnetka 44". LOST --MALE B OSTON TERRIER >wearing rcd harnes, gray. sweater wlth red. stripes. License No. 1225. Narne "Tuffy.", Reward. Phone Win- netka 663.1 , 3LTN39-ltc LOST -: POLICE DOG, MALE, MEDI5- umsîze, tan color, progTiluent toes or spurs on hind legs. Chlld's pet. Reward. Uni. 0212. m .,3LTrN39-ltc LOSTý-BLACK SUIEDE GLOVES FRI- day-Llncoln Ave., Winnetka. Reward. Mia, nson. Winnetka 3450.. 3LTN39-lte LOST - SMALL BROWN FEMALE cocker spaniel. 'Misslng sînce Thizrs- day, Jan. 25. Reward for return. Win- netka 95. 3LTN39-ltc LOST-LADY'S BROWN, ALLIGATOR handbag. If bag is returned wlth cun- tenta fander may keep money. Phone Wilmette 1649. 3LTN39-ltc LOST - MALE TOY BOSTON BULL dog, black and white. Answers to name of Suany Boyv. Reward. Phone Clencoe 1596. 3LT39fItU LOST - IN WILMETTE, B R 0-W N purse cntalning gla-sses, keys, ad fountain pen. Reward. Mrs. L. Y. Peter- son,_Davis 2514._ _ 3LTN39-ltp1 FOIJND - WRIST WA1TCI AT 7T*f and Washington. Phone Wil. 2492. S3LTN39-ltp LO$T-SINCE JAN. 19, SCOTTIE DO(t1 Phone Giencoe 682. 3L39-ltp ANTIQUES FOR SALE - ADAMS STAFFORD- shire dinner set, old Pink plates, a*nber glaise, many other pleces >from largesIt private collection of antiques la Illinois, at real bargain. Call Olencoe 1360. .7LT39-t!r BUILDING AND'CQNTRACTING MODERNIZE VCITTPT-Trnrr CLOCK REPAIRIWG ('LOCK EXPERT, CHIE, HALL, ANL%- 'tique dlock repalring. Learned. trade ini Europe.. (Formerly wl-th Tiffany and Fieid's.) WiII caîl. Free estimate. David .1J.haassnn. Phone Diversey '2041. 20LTN3e-8tp) DiRESSMAKI MG NEW OUT 0F OLD HAVE Y1UHDRESSES CONVERTED) into a new wardrobe foi- practically. nothing. ORCHID SHOPPE KENIL. 422U 22LTN36-4 tii .UET CLAIRE MODISTE COMPLETE YOUR EARLY SPHING w-ardrobe, WVe also do tailoring and rernodellng of ahl descriptions. Phone Winnetka 147. 22LTN36-4tp DRES SMAKING I DESIGN ANI) MAKE DRESSES Also dresses nmade up for sale. Renodeling. Reas. Ph. Wilmnette 2158. 22LTN38-4tp GARDENING TAKING DOWN TREES EFor sale-Elm trees, any size, and thorn bushes, any klnd of shrubs, prices reasojiable, by experienced landsoape garcifner. Wlnnetka 1813. 27L29-Itp BEYE AND BEYE PIVATE SCHOOL, Marcellus, Mlch. Boys-girls, 3-15, Eight grammar grades, aecredited. Registra- tions any time. $25 a mnth. 30LTN39-4tp PAINTING ANOD DCORATING Paint, Paper 5 Rnis., $34..50 CEILINGS CALC.,5 $1 UP SANITAS ANI) CANVASING WORK. .Rai. wallpaper c1eanedý $1; bathroom t-nameled, $5 and ùp; kitchen palnted, $6. 5 RMf. FLRS. WASHED, SCRUBBED, VARNISHED OR WAXED, $8. REFS~ L'EF. FS'TIE A 'i'-q- MA T R 1 ~ .A t1, 53LTN29-tfe- WEARING APPAREL GIRL'S CLOTHES, 12-16 - SCHOOL, afternoon, evening -berets, sweaters, blouses, bats, raps. Boys leather coat, Cub suit, boots, 6-10. Attractive and in good cond. Winnetka 294. 59LTN39-ltp) LOANS WVe are in the market for Real Estate niortgage boans. Prompt service. K.I>TSO.N MORTGAGE & LOAN 1167 IWtiltietteAve. VlmettW1167 65LTýN,37-4tpý IMANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confid-ntial ser*vjie, legal rates.. M \i OTOR LOAN- CO. SLtt Bank Bidg., Ev anston Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfc SITUATION'WANT ED-FEMAÎLE- 3,000 POSITIONS. I 193THIS OFFICE RECEIVED over 3,000 calls for trained doniestic help.. Honesty to both employer and * miployees built our business. O(ur er, Sce is free to.emiployer. PHONE'-WILMlETTE. 21 1-2172 Pa&line's Emp. Agency 421 FOURTH. ST,, WILMETTE 68LTN39-itih EXPERIENCED HELP.' WE SPECIALIZE IN HI GH GRADE .domestlc help, ail nationalities. N.Llo charge to employers. References investi- gated. Under State supervision. .1 Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elni St. WVinnetka 3399 _________________68LTN25-tfc CONSIDER YOUR HELP SHOULD YOU WISIH TO 2%AKE AX CHANGE TEL.EPHONE WILMlETTE 2171-2172 PauIine's Ernp. Agencies 421 Fourth St., Wilmiette 68LTN37-tfu YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES POSITION as governess to care for cblîdren andE teach ,thehi Germnan if desired. $12. Ex-> cellent refs. Phone Kenilworth 5515. 68LTN39-1tc, -EMNGIRL, AGIE 26 WANT'S, F0- sition, cook> and _general,. exc. refs., rs.wages. S-H-A-Y, 14 W. Washlng- ton,,Chicago, Central 9800. 68LTN3971tc* EXPERIENCED W OMAi N WANTS laundry work, washlng or cleaalng. Good reference. Phone Wilmette 3220. KENILWORT.H WELFARE COMMIT- tee can furnish unemployed mien andl women for housework, outslde work. also skllled labor of certain kinds. *Please cal! Mrs. H. B. Taylor, chairma nr o)fEmployaient Committee, Keniiworthi 2920. 70LTýN32-tfi) COUFPLE 30 AND 32 WANT POSITION, cook and chauffeur. No. Shore Refs. S-Il-A-Y.ý 14 W. Washington, Chicago, Central .9800. 70LTN39-Ite HELP 'WANTED--FE MALE ATTENTION, DOMESTIC HELt> Cook & General, exp. onily$1 Cook, best refs. .'............$5 Nursemald, 1 chlld .............. $15 Couple., No Shr.............. ..$2 Couple, C ho................... $100 General work.................. ..... f12ý 4 Couples, good refs.. ....... ....... $75 sec ond Mald-................ ....... $12, S-H1-A-Y, CHIýCAGO 14 W. WASHINGTON CENTRAL 9800 71LTN'%39-ltc 3,000 POSITIONS IN, 1933 THIS OFFICE RE CEIVEI> ..over .1,000 malis for dômestic help. Ho6nesty to both emfployees. and em- ployver plus truthful advertising built our business.. SkEE US FOR YOUR NEX'P POSITION Pauiline's Eîn.Agny 421 Fo urth, St. Wilmette. 2171 THE0R4INALPALIESAGENCY 71LTN39mlte ('OMPETENT WHITE HELPWANTEL> with good; references. Apply In person. ALL EMPLOYMtENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glence 251, 71LTN13-tf( WANTED - COMPETEINT :WHITE mald for general housework. 2 ini family, References required. Only ex- perienced fleed applY. Phone Winnetkat ?,17. . 71L39-ltpý WHITE GIRL FOR GEN., HSWK. Smaa fantily. Near transportation. Go. home or"stay nights, Phone Wilmette 146. . 7LTN39-ltlp WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 4 adults. No laundry. $8. Refer- on'ces. required. .Tel. Winnetka 2450. 7lLTNý39-71tp 1,VANT ED EXPeER. BOOKI<EEPETt for local %hop. FPart time. Àn$Wer in long haid. P. O.Box 40, B-153, IVil- mette, 11). 71LT39-ltc WANTED - COLOR.D. GIRL, GEN- oral housework, N' S. ref. Good cook. $10 eekto tart. Phone Wlnnetka 496 71L39-ltp WILL, GIVE TO YOUNG WOMAN ÜN- omzas, 517 Fairvie'w. aOUL 451A'N37-4tp INSURANICE S O LI C I T ORS WITH _______________ orth shiore agency. Experience heip- IVEL fui but not absoluteiy a00essary. Write KAN, 28 YRS . OLD, B-154, Box 40. Wilmette, Ill. 6LN9lp ra.velîng companion, .6LN9lp r. Wl!! go anywhere. EXPERIENCED COLOnED CHAUF- 1 Wllmette, Iii., or feur winhea. job, housemnan, yardman, rk& 13-W. drlving, etc. Best N. 9. reference,. )a.v. 56LTN39-ltp ý11334. 691.TN39-ltp -/ m. . o~ r nvis on aple Ave. UNIverslty 5962 77LTN39-lte PACKARD- 1930, 5-JPASS. SED)AN'. Very cdean, Must 13611. Maire otTer. Phone Benson, -University 6962 froin 7 to l P. M. 77LTN39-ltc. P. .1 Ing0 1 a 'l' 1 ,

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