Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1934, p. 49

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'32-Chvrolet DeLuxe Sedan. '32 Essex Pacemaker Sedan.....395 '31 Ford Tudor Sedan ..........225 '30 Studebaker Conv. Cpe. .....294 ALIS0 MANY CAflS FRONI $25 te) $100 BULE MOTORS, Imc. 15,Chicago Ave. 1901 Ridgeý Ave.: Both.Phones Uni. 7400 Winnetka 3010 77LTN39-1tc, FOR RENT-RMOOMS ONE R OO M KITCHENETTE APT. Adults. Excellent location Phone WiI- mette 2269 between 7 &110 A. X. or à to 7 p,.ini. week dars, or Sunday tili noon. 82LTN39-ltO NWIE PLEASANT ROOM CLOSE TO transp. in Winnetka. Gentleman> pré- ferred. Breakfast If desired.. Phone Win- ntetka 2552. 872 Pine.etreet. 821:rN21-1tp ROOM IN QUIET WELL FURNISHED home. Nr., transp. Referenc.es re- qiuired. Phone Wllmette 13 82LTN39-lte * ROOM% FOR RENT. -NICE LARGE rooni for one or two gentlemen. $3.50 one--$4.50. two. 514 Birch St. Wlnnietka 2108. 82LTN39-ltp kPLEASANT FURNISHED RM., WELL 1~ . .heated1, $350 per weel<. ,Alsl o r 2 rni. kitchenette. Near transp. M2 Park Ave. Phone Wllmette 2345. 82LrN39-ltp 2 ATTRACéTIVE ROOMS, 1 WITH private bath. Both suitable for two. argIfdeeired. Phone Winnetka 1235. 82L39-ltpý BOARD AND ROOM 'HE KENILWORTH INN OFFEES you a real home, good food. Fine. large rooms. suites, private bath, Ken- ilworth 5491. 86LTN39-lte FOR RENT-APARTMUNTS 'l'H FE LINDEN CREST Wiimtt&sMost Beautiful Building rooni apartinents consisting of large, attractive living room wfth la-a-do' bcýd, dinette. kitchenette, and, tue bat h. Free refrigeration. Reduced prices. KROLL & SMITH, AGENTS 424 I.inden Avenue Wilmette 500 92LTN36-4tc uRIAPT.; 2 B$EDRMNS.; ELECTRI<' rri.facing residential, street. $48. AYRES ýýBOAL ('ARE 0F SMITH & G, INt' 425 f filStee Wintka.30 92LTN39-ltp lIMMIEDIATE POSSESSION. MODERN, * large. 1 roomn apartmnent. Faclng park. Reas. rentaI. Phone Winnetka 18C9. 92LTN39-Ite i1 ROOM APARTMENT, MODERN,, E.KENILWORTH, Brick, 5 bedrins. 3i bat1is .$150 WfNNEÏ'KA, riparian, 10 bedrooms, 7 bath.-;, furnished $0 THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. >~L THEEOFFICES OPEýN suNDAY 200. IIOUSES TO CHOOSE FROIF ,13 Spanish Court--No M4%an's Land WiI. 3740 C70.3 Ashland Ave., Indian]-HilI WiI. 3792 718 'Vernon Ave., Glencop Glen. 777 97LTN39-ltc- WINNETKA-WJÈLL LOCATED, 0COM- modinus, white clapboard. Large lot;- 6 bedroonis, 3 baths, bil1 heat, garage. $100 per month. KENILWORT H -WELL BUImLT, .Nearly nwi, studio- living roomü, 4 bedroomes, .3 aths; oil heat; garage. Near 'hnol-'- and transp. Excelet neighborhood. $100. McGUIRE & ORR Op>p. Kenilworth Station Ph. Kenil. 228 97LTN39-ltc 235 Ll.'C(iLN% DRIVE, GLENCOE Practieally new brick home, 4 bednms., 2 bathis, studio liv. rm., brkf et. rm. ohl ht., 2-car att. gar., elect. refnlg. and gae stove. Deep ravine lot. Excellent NM. E. location. 3 'blks. to Park Ave. station. Available. now. $125 per mnonth. Key wlth exclusive agents. SMITH & 0058,hInc. 72.5 Euli Street Winnetka 3500 97LTN39-1 tc 7 RM. BRICK HOUSE AND GARAGE. 1Hot water heat. Rent $50. Northfield. .4ddress B-152, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 97LT39-Itp 346 PARK AVE., GLI leee1554 > BrI Inc. Glencoe-Excellent Value MODERN ENG. HSE. 5 BEDRMS. 3 tile baths. Largo liv. rm. let fi. lav. Oplen.,pchi.,iMoit attractive appointments;. 011 heat. Elec. refrig. Stove. $120. REAL ESTATESERVICE, 553 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 97LTN39-1 tc HERE ITý IS 7, LOVELY LARG E ROOM S,3 BATIHS, sun room, eated slèeeing porch, oil heat, wooded lot . Gond location, $115. Also for sale. Mrs. Fuller & Wrn,. Pickard 746 Elm St. Winnetka 3722 97LTN39-ltc IN SÔUTHWEST WINNETKA. LOVE- lyr modern home. Living room,* book room, dinlng, oom,' breakfast room, but- ler's pantry, kitchen. 5 master bedroome, 3ý baths. 2 maids'. rooms,. bath. Play. roont. 0f11 heat. 2 car garage. J. L.Floyd Company, .84 Conter Street Wlnnetka 3603 97LTN39-lte FOR, RENT-FURN. HOUSES 7RMS., 2 BATHS, SLPG. AND SUN porches. childi-en'e playroom. Oil burner. Large corner lot ia Hubbard ýWoods nea rsechools, transp. Immediate possession, year bease. Write B-147, Box 40, Wilmette, 1l1. 98LTN37-4tp! -9 ROOM HOUSE, LARGE SUN PAR- lor, attached garage, bot water beat. $85. 607 9th St., Wllmette. Can be seen Saturday afternoon and, Sunday or phone DesPlaines e58. .98L39-Itp arge foi- o.. va e.uisvicesu~u MeGUIRE & 530 DavlB St., Evanston Opp. Kenilworth StationI 116 Park Ave., Glencoe DRR Gre. 1080 Ken. 228 Glen. 13 99LT39-î tc LIST RENTALS NOW WE, ARE RECEIVINO .MANY :IN- quiries for homes, to rent on :the NorthShore. Immediate and May lat possession. References carefully inveqti- ga ted. SMART- & GOLEE, Ilc.: 1531I Shernman Ave. Univeeity 028:1 99LTXN39-ltc 1-H.AVE MANY C L I E N T 9 LOOKING. for gond bouses to rent, April lst or, --t 14occupancy. GRACE E. GRANT orlengables Glencoe 844 99LTN39-ltc WANTED: UNFURNISHED MODERN house with, charmn and atmosphere and in gond conidition. Require 5 to 6 master bedrnis.,, 2 to,3 servante' nns.. Good location. $200) to $250. Cali Win- netka 3450. 99LTN39-lte WANTE») - FOR MAY IST - 4 BED- rnom house, tile bath, 2 car garage, oil burner, east side, oniall family. Ex- cellent refe. $100. Principale only. WiI- mette 5175. 99LTN39-lte FOR RENdT-STORES & OFFICES WINNETKA STORES EL'M STREET, EAST; AND CARL'roN Court building. Also office space. In- R. B. WHITAKER CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 841 Elm St. Wlnnetka 3250 104LTNi394te STORE IN WINNETKA EXCEPTIONALLY WELL LOCATED Ayree Boa], 122 S. Mlch. Ave., Chicago 04LTN39-ltp FPOR RENT - STORE OR DESE .epace. Centrally l.oeate-d. Wlndow liepiay and. storage roomif desired. Reasonable. For information phone Vneta3330. . 1LTS-t FOR SALE-HOUSES WINNETKA HOMES 340 Lindeii Ave. STON & CO., WumIlmet444. WILMETTE 4300 ASK FOR AN AD-TAKER 528 Dàvis St., kvanmt SOUTHEAST WINNE tive Eng., 5 bedrm 2 Lge. pcb. 'M HEINSEN REALTY odad alauaezu. WINN. 254 SHOP through the CIassifled WHETHER you're shopping .Wfor materials or services, you11

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