wno visït tne stores, the managers have annonnced. The Shield of Qu -al- ity stores are bome-owned. Tbev are located at 1334 Wilmette avenue, 405. Linden avenue and 821 Ridge road and are operated by A. Katzel, T. A., Cizek and George White, respectively. Seleclt Cast. for Niext. N. T. Frosh-Soph Play Announ.iicetlient. was made this veek that the followilng students have been selected for the cast of the freshman- sophomore play Booth Tarkington's "Penirod": Jack ..Bvrurn, Charles Bernis, Johin WeN'esé, Louis, .Rock, Jack Harris,. Phil Rogers, Frank Broad. Phil Kumer, Geôrge CIa- b)augh. jerry Taber, Art,1 Cruttteni- den, Helen Clements,. Betty Leach. Louise Copt.horne, E velyn Hohlfelder. Betty Joslin, Lucy' Dix, Margaret Tideman, Martin Kresge.. Bob, Blan- chard, Mary. Jane Farlev., Betty Rosen, Elsie Jane *Edge and Florence Thne Valentineo Such an Inexpensive to ken, fý frlendsihip and love, yet priceles .ln the thoughtfulremembrance it. conveyq.. It 1Il al*ays recelved ivith so mucb joy that the lîttie nicety of sending It shouldneyer be ovýerlookeçi. Spend a littie time wth our beautiful collection a.nd: select just the right ones for'those you wish.to rememnber--and corne eparly béfore the Uines are broken. Boulevard Drug Store Louis A. ELLISBUItG, R.Ph.G. 1101, Central Avenue, WilMette, III. PHONE WILMETTE 4298 Everything for A utomobiles, If your slIver set Is of a dtsc"l- I tinued p a tterun,, l low.Io e UctIme to adId those feî extaebee wat- iaetrpee .yout Ieng» Weecau match extra charge for the die, If érdered 110W. Con rad .T. Fvuznof- IVil- differepit froni. other roies lu' las .had. in ILVil-iietir HFonan 's club Mrs. WV. H. Smythe was bostessl productions. is onother mendier ,f. ate a bridge luncheon Wednesday of the lar-gr cast whichz'I offer the last week at ber home, 43 Kenilwortb "Gaielies," Fbuov1 .10 and 17, avenue, Kenilwortb. as a bem'efit fo); thr club's bitildiinqý fund. A Green rom receptionwili S bc a let-itee;-act attraction. LAUND RERSREADS "MEN IN WHITE"P DRY CLANERSThe North Shore group2 of Alpha Phi AIumnae chapter held its regular 3 ELECTRIC PL.ACE monthly luncheon. and meeting at r, Mrs. XVlignî\V. Sears.. 55()Greeni- wo6cl avenue, Kenikworth. i., in ii te Presbyterian hospital with an infectèd tooth.. She lias, had quite a seriofis tinie, but is uow nuch i mproved. * BRAN$ON DE COU I i4 Present a special lecture Frhurbda%' iiht, Februarv 8Rat Rit n,..1c c F, , h as lost the first skirmish. in what promises to .be a long drawn out legal battie. The Village bas ten days in wh.ich to file an appeal, and it is understood that the case will be carried to theIlliniois Supreme court, the tribunal of last reqort. In presentin g bis judgmentf Judge Genitzel- stated that hie "decided 'against' the Village of Wilmette on the grounds, that the refusai to issue. the permit w-as an unreasonàble re-. striction upon the use .of propertv." The verdict is in line 'with that re- centlv handed down iu the Whitman case against thle. Villag e of NWlinetka. and other similar cases at Oak Park, and River .Forest. Hear Many Witnessem An îimposi ig .a rray pof 1real1 estate expert s' and othler, witn-ess'es wvas pre- sented by the Village to prove that the property. upo)n which i t. is pro-, posed to' build a garage is adjacent to a. highly restricted.. residential nieighiborhood, and tbat the construcr- tion of a garage at that location wvould definitely detract fromi its de- sirabilit, and therefore have an ad-< verse: effect up)on property valuie. A final verdict ini the - cas e will probably flot be reached fo.r imany iiionths, and pending. that no con .-, struction %vork: cati be done, 'tit l)(,iflted ont. 'l'le North XWest.Nleii's ('lu1b nf Xilmette will hold its regular. Felbrtu- ary 'meeting at the home of CharleI, WV. Allen:ý 1926 Greenwýood ae:u on Mo nday evening, -Februar y 5. At this mee tiig 'the nominations committe will, conduct that part oi the 'session ýýhaving to do with the nomina.tiîig of officers. Election wvil be held at the aninual meeting Mi THE PUBLIC 1S CORDW.LLY INVITES TO ATTM U CHURCH SEVCES AND VIS!?TUE RBADINÇ BOOM Beauty Culture in aII ifs Branches MRS CLia UAUR 1137 CENTRA1 L 7~... . .~ . .1 Il i .................... à .................. ........... ----------