Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Feb 1934, p. 52

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Rotes- 25 cents a line. Advertlsements run in al three papers. to he ne.MINIMU!M CHARGE 011E DOLLAR. Average of tlve words toth lie.No black face typeused. 20%5r discoat on ail cash advertlse- .mente wben brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave,, Wilînette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 10%dlsrount on ail advertlsements run four consecutive Issues. Dedie o çneriioosý Clssiied advertisements willlbe c Deddlne t r'IneePte upWednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALK and Thursday 5 P. M., for GLENCOE NEWS. Teephones: Wilmette 4300, Wlnnetka 2000 (Wlnnetka 500 after 6 P. M.), ýGreenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5687. LOST AND FOUNO LOST-BOY'S, NEW WORLD BICYCLE at Central School, Sat. p. mi. between 2and 4. Red and black framie, red balloon tires, chromiun1 trini. Iteward offered. Wilmetteý 4026. LOST-CIRCLE 0F PEARLS IN GOLu settlng, wlth safety clasp, between Oak and Blrch streets and Communlty House., Also large carnellan, old gol settlng. Reward. Phone Wnnetka M7. ____________________ 3L40-ltp LOST-GRAY AND- BLACK LONGir haired dog, about size of C'how. Feinale. Reward. Noif y Mrs. Rk'hard Mayer. 162 Franklin Rd., Glencoe, 111. _____________ 3LTN40-1te LOST - LADY'S GRUEN WRIST- .watch, somnewhere between Wilinette Skating Pond and Park Ave. ýReward. Phone Wilmette 2415. 3LTrN4-ltp LOST-GRAY PERSIAN CAT. AN-' .Bwers to name of "Tino" Finder please return to A. G. Cable, 270 Sheridan Rd. Phone Glencoe 16. 3LTN4O-ltc LOST-MALE PUPPY. BI..CK AND a.nd white. Child's pet. Reward. Phone Wllmette 4052. 31.TN40-1te .ACCOUNTING HIAVE Y OUR BOOKKEEPING ANI) auditing done by one Wth experience. Statements . and& Inconie tax returjis. Reasonable prices, Winnetka 901. 6L40-ltip BOOKS FOR SALE Over 1,000 books. Rare, beautiful bind- loge. and books out of the ordlna.ry. Hlgniand Park 5484., No dealers.ý 14A-LT4-tp BUIL-DING0AND CONTRACTING MODERNIZE VOLIR H-OME! BUSINESS SERVICE ________________________ A Nail Driven Today May S .ea, Board Tornorrow. \IO JOB TOO LARGE O R TOO SMALL. Caipenter work, .plumbing, heating, pI utering,1 roofing. Building, alterjng and repairing. Ask o0ur customers. Prices resona&tIle. HARTINIAN BROTHERS 424 Linden Ave. PhonWe WilMette -500ý 16LTN4O-*tc ATTENTION UPHOLSTERING, INY6OUR 'HOME. Da.venpoprt rewebbeod. $6; chaîr., $2.à0. flest of references. Write B-148. Box 40, Wilmette, Ill. 16LT1137-4tp CLOCK REPAIRING CLOCK EXPERT, CHIME, HALL, AN- tique dlock repairing. Learned trade in Europe. (Forjnerly wlth Tiffany and FIeld's.) Will caîl. Free estimate. David .iohansson. Phone Diversey 2041. 2OLTN36-Stp DRSMAKING DRESSMAKING J DESIGN AND MAKE DRESSES Also dresses made up for sale. Remodellng. Reas. Ph. Wilmette 2158. 22LTfý438-4tp . $8 WILI1 MAKE AN1Y SPRING FROCK. WVe also do tailorlng and reniodellng of ail descriptions. Phone Winnetka 147. 22LTN4O-4tp INSTRUCTION BEY1E AND BEYE PRIVATE SCHOOL,ý Marcellus, Mich. Boys-gIrIsý 3-15. Elght grammar grades, accredited., Registra- ions any time. $25 a moônth. ____________________ 30LTN39-4tp MELVIN -Wilmette ..1258 42LTN40-ltp EDWARD W. HIUCK PAINTER & PAPERHANGEP. 1405 Central Avýe., Wllmette,2418 42LTN46-4tpi -PAINTPING PPRAGN CL cimlnlng.,Flr-st class work guaranteed. %ery reasonable prices;. Anderqon'Bros. Phone Wilimette 4621.: 42LTN46-4tp GORGEOUS..SPRINGER SPANIEL Sshow and brood matron;, also PUP 10 weekil old. Best breedling available. (gre. 2887, 2808-Sheridan Rd., Evanston. 44LTN40-lip FORk SALE- PEDIGREED BLACK femnale Cocker Spaniel.. 3% months. Reasonable to'good.homne. 631 Exmnoor Rd.ý Kenilworth 1307. 44LTN40-ltp. FOR SALE -PEDIGREED PEKING- Sese pps, 7 months old. Reasonable. Phone Winnetka 1281.. 44L40-Itp PIANO TUN1NG PIANO TUNING ALL MAKES TUNED, RECONDI- tloned and repaired. Ph. Wilmette 2744. 45L'rN31-tfp EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. REPAIR work guaranteed. 22 years Chickerlng, Roston. Il. C. Thomas, 517 Fairview Park Ridge 699-R. 45L1'N37-4tp -PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS Public Stenographer MARY D. MC LAUGHLIN 746 Elm St. -Winnetlça 1234 47LTN40-ltp SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING SEWING MACHINES AND VACUUM CLEANERS, ALI kinds repaired. Established more thalra flfty years ago. Now, located at 1008 Oakwood Avenue, Wilmette. L. E. Blunt. Tel. Wilmette 754 or,4368... TRAVEL SINGLE YOUIl N MAN, 28 YRS. OU). wishes to be traveling companlon, escort, expert driver. Will go anywhere. Write B-157,. Box 40, Wilmrette, Ill., or phone Franklin Park 13-W. *PHIONE WILNIETTE 2171-2172 Pauline's Emp. Agency 421 FOURTH ST., WILMETTE 68LTN40-ltc EXPERIENCED 1HELP WE SPECIÀLIZE IN HIGH GRADE .domestjc hèe, ail naitionalîties,.,No- charge t.o employers. References investi-' gated. Under State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agenicy 748 -Elnî St. ýWinnetka 33'9 68LTN25-tte EFFIC!INT DOMEISTIC HELP A specialty. No charge to emploiyer. References investlgated. Johnson's,EMpi. ,Agency. 1444 Wilmette Ave. Wllmette, 4144: 68LTI> 40-1 tc CONSIDER YOUR. HELP SHOULD YOU WISH TO NIAKE A CHANGE TELE-PHONE WILMETTE 2171-2172 Pauline's Emp. Agencies 68L.TN37-tfe SWEDISH, 27, WANT GENERAL. 4 yrs. present employer. REINHA4RT'S EMPL., AGENCY 748 Elm Street Wl nnetka 33q9 68LT &X4.0- 1 t WOMAN DESIRES P.;OSITIOlN COOK- lng and dolng downI.ýtairs.wofrk in first class home. Refs. Address. H. E. 1B.. 1460 '.%apie Avenue. Evanston. EXPERIENCED WHITE WONMAN wantsý general houseporlc by day or week, or getting up and serving din- ners. N. -S. ref. Winnetka 689, GERMAN, 29, WANT. GENERA. 21,,2 yrs. former emplo>yer. REINHART'S EMPL. AGENCY 748 Elm Street* Winnetka 3399 68LTN40-1 tc EXPERIENCED GRADUATE NURSE~ .will ('are for invalids, Young children, bY the hour. * Reasonable. Phione WVl- mette 3851. * 68LTN40-2tp EXPERIENCEI) SWEDISH C OO K .wishes position. Good, north shore. and Chicago refs. phone IVilmette.481 14. 6SLTN40-itp WANT COOkiNG - SWEDISH, Io0 yrs. old.- Firs5t clams. N._S. refs. Pautl'ine.'s Emp. Agency,., Phone* Vil- mette 2171. z 6SLTN40-ltc 2GIRLS WANT COKINGAND~ ~I FIRPLCEWOOD, Split and eut In 2 ft. lengths. Other sizes by order. $7 per ton del., WINNETrKA 2l08. *16LTN4-ltp Rats, Roaches, Etc. y. J. UZDUEL1IOFEN, EXTERMIN.&T- tmg engineer. Ph. Wlilmette 3867. *16LTN17:tfc ni & U q 1 -L Pease cail Mrs. H. B. Taylor,--ehairman' 40IA0-t State B3ank Bldg., EIvanston Gre. 3200 of Employment Committee,, Kenilworth BABY GRAND PIANO. MAJIOGAN-Y, , f5L.TN36-tfe 21W0. 70LTN32-tfp and ]Bungalow Upright, for balance FINNISH AND SWEDISH COUPLES due. by weil known piano hiouse. Con- ITAION WANTED-FEM L~ 28 to 35 w&ft position. 2i4ý to 5 yjrs. tinue 10w- monthly payments. .Cau be WANTED BT PIRST CLASS LAUN- lastpce seen at Iredale Fireproof Warehouse, dres, laundry, work to do atyor EInNHeART'S E1WPL. AGENCY 12BeonAe., Evanston. Tel. WII- home,' Wednesdays oly. Phne *Wil- -748 Elm Street Wlnnetka 3399 mette 1332. 40L40-ltp mette 2623. 6LT0lt 0LN0-t L--ý

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