Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1934, p. 22

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lq.I Exitra Fancy ROLL. NPlunTender feUrS 3 iHor IRSD vEAL ROAST NO BONIES OR1 WASTIE Ibo13M/20 Very S5peclil AY FRIDAY SATU JRDAY Tendemr Native RoIIed Youug, Choice SPCWY P I b.1 1/1/2oD Florida Juicy Sweet Florida Juic -ORANGES Gra pet~ruit Large Size. Thin Skia. Chock Thin Skia, FiAi oý Juace, Special Fu!I off Juice. Specially Priced. ~ fr2 2 Doz. -Sic5 o21 ÇOfor$ 5o$ Chas. & Saaborn College I]nn or SKOOKUM I orOO F onA na 1 s e VaumPacked loups 1-1b. cauaI SPINACH peck 17cý IEGGS Iookum's Fan- Libby's Fancy TOMATO q nr oxm Z / Sincerity Fmancy Sliced for the dinnier are ini charge. ot the officers of the club and the social and friendly conimittees. Phyllis Carleton is chairmanl of the social cornmittee and Hazel White of the friendly comiutee. Miss Lulu Wright faculty sponsor of the.Girls' club, ani-> nounced' this .wýeek ýthat invitations have been, extended not only to mothers of 'New- Trier girls, now, in school, but, also to mothers of New Trier girl graduates who were active 'n1 the, work of the> club while tlîcy were in school. The progrini f or the. banquet is to be resc-nted b) ,nernibers of the club. Explorer of Tibet to: Address Banqueters Prof. Vlliamý McGovern oi the political science department at North- western upiversity will be the speak-, er at. the father-and-son banquet at, New Trier the evening of Washing-, ton's l)irth)day>, February 22. Professor -McGoveri>, Whowas, the first..white mana to enter the forbidden country of. Tibet, will tell of his experiences there. lie entered the country in disguî'se. Another feature of the program Mill l)e a. minstrel show, "Barber Shop iii the, Ga' Nineties," -with Frederick A. Kahler, -dean of boys at New Trier,-as. interlocutor. Bob. Merriman is in charge of the staging and properties for the production. Ail reservations for the banquet should be in by Wednesday of iicxt week, F. D. Frisbie, faculty sponsor of Tri-Ship Boys' club announces.. Hazel White Elected Lens Club President - Hazel White was elected president r of the Lens club, New Trier's amna- teur photographic group, at, a re- organizati'on mezetin g held Iast w'eek.t Other officers, are Phyllis Carleton,S vice-president, jean Culver, secretary, and Mildred Waugh, treasurer. B1et-' tyElsis publicity chairmnan. An- other meeting of the club was held Monday of this week, whien plans were discuisged for a proposed hike to cJdtinwiDena lui~I VACUi hUrsay 4 liiio.i of this wcek. when the boys of V'.Il. Condon's and Arthur VaixDeurseiis freshiman advisor rooms etertami their fathers. *Included ini the programi for the evenin g are to be banjo selectionis by, George. Lamb and Elister c M ur - try. a pieý-eating. conitestwith six bù3s from each of the ad vi.sor rooms on a teain, a stunt, "Are Voit There jerry?" by John Williams ami Orsýon Towle, a comedy quartet. com)oseri of Art Nielsen, Fred Loco, Dave ,Ear- 13y and John Gleason,. accordion se - lections hy Danl Kreer, mouthi organ' selections by Jack' Riday, a trumpet solo by Orson T.owle and selcctions by a quartet coinposed' of Fred Loco, Dave Early, Jack Riday and D)an. Kreer. This quartetbas beeti rehieas- ing Undecr the direction of J- Thoinp,- son Riday of Winnetka, father of -oneý of the boys. ThÉ "dadsl'ngt" for fathers of freshman boys were inaugurated tl:is year. Onie of the reasons,.,for the decision to hold them Nvas the suic- cess of the advisor room..tea4 w 1;C11 the freshrnan girls gave for -their mothers last year. Understudies Will Get Tryouts for."Iolanthe" Final trvouts were'to be.held X\cd- nesday of this wveek, for the ýunder- studies ini the opera, ý"Jolathe," to be presented hy the music departinent of New Trier Highi school this spring. Mrs. 'Mariati Cotton, , head of ihe music department, said this veek that there wil hc only one cast for the production this year but there will be understudies for the .various parts. This is to prevent postpone- ment of the opera in. case of Iast- RIIite illnc1ss or other, reasonsý tha .t might cause a member. of the, cast to drop out. The oper 1a is 1to bc pre- senfied on April 20 and 21. -miss Packer tô Attend Convention in Cleveland Miss Elizabeth E. Packer, dean of girls at New Trier, will attend the aah Dough, .Faiied anmd Toped Wîth: Pecanu Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Quellmaîz, 255 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brevitz, 338 Mel- rose avenue, Kenilworth, left on Fri- day, February 2, for 'a winter vaca- tion of sevèral weeks in San Fran- cisco. MIrs. Louis'D. Jones, 325, Richmondî road, left' Kenilworth last Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Byron' Bli.sli,: and'ber brother, Russell A. Blsh ' Racine, for a two months' stay. ini Miami Beach, Fia. FRESH EG( cy. Guaranteeu in Rich1 LeaNut

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