In eight out of the èleven events, including the relay, New Trier eitber took first place or tied for first place. In one event, tbe 50-yard low hur.- dies, New Trier boys finished first, second, tliird and fourth.. Toeppen *won the eventi in 6.6 seconds. Kubi was second, Hoza third and Hindley fourtb. Tie for Pole Vauit Kingsley and Soiu>le of New Trier tied with Sethness of Evanston for first place in. the pole ývauit. They jumped 10 feet, 6 inches. Bollensen of New Trier, with a jump of 5 feet, 10 inches, tied with Wells and. Jen- nings of Evanston for first place ini the high jump. Fayxnonville.*of New Trier tbirew the shot 49 feet, 4 inches, to take that evenit. His team-mate, Garrèt- son, was Second. Price won the haîf mile for New Trier, running the distance in 2 min- utesiIl -seconds. ,Horstnieyer of Evranston was -second, Smith of New Trier third and Heide of University High fourth. Win Bro.4 Junap Two New Trier boys, DeLang and $truebing, finished ýfirst and second irespectively in the running broad jumip. DeLang ' distance was 20 feet, 7Y2 inches.- Runninàg the, 50-yard. high hurdies in.. .9 .Seconds, Maxwell won that çvent for New Trier. Brown of E'vanston was second,.'Hoza of New Trier third, and Hoînies of New Trier the mile run ini minutes, 5 seconds. [JeWitt joncs of New Trier finished second in the 50-yard dash. Bridges and Blades, both of New Trier, were second and third. in,*the 440-yard run. New Trier also, finished second and .third-iii the mile run, With Sacco sec- QI d-and Whîte third. Juniors Also Win The Evanston Juniors wvon thecir. section of the meet. Tbey hiad a to- t4l* of 44V2 points to 31%1, for New Mr. and Mrs. George T.'Dyer, 344 Woodstock -avenue, Kenilworth, have a daughter, Joan, who was born on Wed- nesday, February 21, at the Presbyteri- an, bospital 'inChicago. They have an- other little girl, Barbara Jule, who is 4, years old. Since entering Cornell in 1930 Mr. deBeers hias been active in~ the various musical organizations on the campus- the band, t he glee club, the mandolin club, the orchestra and two productions of 'The 'Mi kado." Tbe orchestra re-ý cenitly played before Mrs. Roosevelt. The G-encoe, youth's latest hpnor is a chance to try out for, the Savage club. Mcmnbérship in.Ibis organization is con- s idered the highest honor' a boy can Win at Corneli. Mr tlBers *eceived bis early train- ing in rinusiîc under Joseph Schumacher of tbe New Trier, faculty.- Mr. Schu- mnacheroraie a grammar school band in Glencoe, and Mr. deBeers .en-. You 'Wilt Fin ad a Complete Line ofTheae Leading RAbtOSI in Lgon&'Healy's Eeanston Store: RCA Victor Philco- Stromberg- Cortson - m&HecUy. 615 Davis St. Evanston opeun Epenints CARL L. BRAUN1 ROUT. P. 1*EPEL 0 Our silk department has. the new uiexiean olr for you. they're warm and gay and Perfect for early spring dresses. They corne in the plain weaves in rust, flame, amadou (brown), narcissus, tiger lily (a gorgeous rusty rose), mirage (blue), dragon (green), and pansy ..corne see thern. Rernember Edgar A. Stevens has the,'fihest assortment of silks on the North Shore. 86124 ORRINGTON AVENUSR "For osr' 20 TA If19TIgRiTN KILAR 310 DAIS787 -WILMETTE,831 » WIN14ETKA tM. fieBLANUD P