Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Mar 1934, p. 14

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hefurther' completion. of our churen building. We invite you te worshlp wlth un. The musical program at the. morhing service wili be au follows: Prelude, "Melodie," .luck-Sqamnbi; ntem "bu ordo! God Incarnate,"Ear Offertory .Solo,. "Sheep and, Lamba,"l Romer, Edward Otis, séodt; P oatlude, "Pôstiudè ln A*,. Fauîkes. Miss Ema .Rounids . director. The ÉaAtor's dians for those who -wish te join 'the church at Easter in meeting every Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock. AUl Young people who plan to join should attend- this clans.. Our Bible sehool meets at 9 :30 ini ail departrnents. Our Adut Bible clame meets at 9 :45 and ls studying the great messages from the prophets. We invite >you to joln us. The. High School Christian Endeavol' society . wil meet at 5 :30 o'clock. The topie for discussion wll be, 4'My Share hi My Home." Some very interesting and helpful meetings are belng held. All Young people of hlgh school age are invited. The Forum, the older Young people's groiip. meets at 5 :30. The meeting will be. led by Miss Elizabeth Sherwood, and1tc topic wlll bel "Christian Prin- ciples and Technocracy." AIl young People o! coilege and p)ost-college age are invited. the Union Evening Lenten service will be held at this church Sunday eve- nlng at d :30 o'cloçk. The Rev. David Kabele wiii preach the sermon. Mrs. Harper. Qsborn will be at tic piano, Playlng the followlng numnbers, Pre-t Inde, - "On .4he Wings of Song," Men- delssohn-Liszt; Postlude, "Ave Maria," Schubert-Liszt. The. Choir iNwili sing, "God Is Love," Shelley; a men's chorus1 Will sing,, "Softly and Tenderly."1 *BoY Scout Troop No. 5 wlil meet Monday evening at the chiurc-h. Spoke No. 4 wrill mfeet Tuesday,1 March ý20, with Mrs. Harold McCor-k mick, 330 .Greenlea!, avenue, at 1t Frayer with addregs at 11. The. regular week day services durig L.ent are: Hoiy Communi on on.- Wednesdays at 7 a. mi. (especially . xf those going downtown). Holy CoMmunion, on Fridays at 10 ;30 a..n. (specialiy for the womnef of the parish). Evenlng Prayer with Litany on Wed- nesdays a t 8 p. m. The Rev. Bates G. Burt, 'of Pontiac, MIch., le to be the ýLenten Noonciay speaker at the :services heid, at' the Grand Opera House for the week be-1 tween March 19 and 23. The servIces are every week-day during Lent and are under. thé auspices :of the Church club 0f Chicago, The Rev. Bates G. Burt ls to be the guest preacher at St. Augustine's on Wedneàday, March 21i at the, evening service at 8 oclock. Tickets May be obtained from the rector for the Chureh club lecture by Anton Lang. Jr., of Oberammnergau, Saturday -afternoon, March 24, at 3 In the GoId Bal roorn 0f the Drake hotel. Thie annual meeting of the North Shore Church School Institute of which ail teachers and officers of north short Chu rch schools are members willI b. held Thursday, March 22, at Christ church, Winnetka, beginning at 6:30, with supper, and foliowed by a service, in.the chapel followed by a prograni. The March meeting of the Vestry was held in the rector's offce last $un- day aterfloon ýfor the transaczlon of routine business. The Joint Isenten. services o! the dif- ferent churches hI Wllrette cooperating will be held Sundàay evenlng. Marcb 19, a7:30 In the Presbyterian ci>urc~h wlth the Rev. David Kabele of the Engllsh Lutberan church as the.preacher. The Associated Guilds will meet In the Parish House, Frlday, March 16;, lmniediately following the service In the church at 10:30, followed by lunicheon at 12:30. There wiil be no. Saturday , morning Bake s'ale thià Saturday, A1rch 17, nor Saturday,. Marchý 24, but the women o!f the, guild *111 hold a large Easter sale, Saturday, March b3j, when al ,kindà of cooked'foods wii be sold, as well as fiowers and other things. flOth the - Boys' and Girls' choirs are, -T'he Crucifixion-." y the choir. No church homne? *"Corne thou witli us, and we wil do thee go.#v" .14irst congegtnl John: G. Hhdley, minister The, feiiowship dinnier ThursdaY o! this, week> wIll' be an lnteresting occa- sion, mark'n the third anniversary o! Mr. Hindley's pastorate, in tis church. "he Junior and, Senior choir. wîll be Pre- sent. as gueste o! the Womnan's Quiid and wili lead In a service of song. Din- ner w,,, b. served at 6:30 by the'CozY Corner circle. !Che miister's sermon thème for the il o'clock service Sunday miorning willl be, **The Necessary Function 0f Re;- ligion.", The m uslc for tis service Will, be: PeIu.ie:--"Andante" fromn Second Symi- phony ............. Widor Antheni: "A Legend" ..Tschalkowsky Offertory Quartet: "Nie Sendeth the the Sprngs" .._ ý. .,Wal'elYg Postlude: "Grand Choeur Dialogue"..........Gigout The 'Church aehôol.'meets In regular session Sunday morning accordlng to the follow,îing sehedule: Primary, Junior,- Interniediate. and High School depa.rt- ,ments at 9 :3o a. m., Beginners at 10:4.5 a. nim. At 5:30 Sunday evenlng the Young People meet for a period of fel- lo.wship, recreation, and devotion under the leadership of Francis W. Hayes. , 1The. March meeting of the Ne!ghbor- hood, circle will be held next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. H. R. H~itchcock, 906 Greenleaf avenue.. Assisting host- esses are Mrs. H. W. Caldwell. Mrs. A. N. Clagett, and Mrs. George R. Harbaugh. Regular activities of - the church and School are scheduled for the week as follows: Tuesday-4 :30 P. mi.-Ouilmette Camp Fire Girls. 3 :30 p. m-Brownies. 7:30 P.in.-Troop, No. 2 o cus 8:0P. m.-Adult Choir rebearsai. Wednesday-7 :30 p. m.-Troop N.1, Boy scouts. l1,hursday-3 :30p..m.-Girls, Choir re- hearsal. 4:00 P. m.-BoyË* Choir rehearsal. 7:15 P. m.-Senior Choir rehearsal. FPrdaY-7 :30 p. n.-Wekealcafila Camp pa3o 3o< ns pil. 'This church cooperates ln the Union Sunday Evening services. 0f the village. Next Sunday the Rev. David Kabele Preaches ln the iPresbyterlan church: -srieat 7:3b. English Luthera Seventh street at Greenleaf Wilmette *'A Heuse of Worship" The Rev., David, R. Kabele, pastor STJNDAY SE~RVICES'i Sunday, sehool .............9:45 a.lni. Morning worship ............ Il a. ni. Luther league............... 5:30 P. nM. The Woman's society wiIl hoid its work meeting this afternoon (Thursday), lit the home of Mrs. Arthur Stark, 2008 Isabellaà, Evanston, at 2 o'ciock. We will studjr the book, "Eastern Women of Today and Tomorrow.", Choir rehearsal Friday evening at 7:30 ocok The Luther league will meet Sunday evelhing at 5 :30 o'clock. Martin Kabele ,of the Chilcago Luthei'an T1heoogiéal seminary wlll be the speaker. The Union Sunday Evenlng Leiteln service will be held at the Presbyter- ian' church, Ninth street and Greenleaf a.venue, at 7 :30 o'ciock. Confirmation class. will meet on Mon- day at 4 o'clock. The next accession of new mnembere *111 be>on Easter Sunday morning at the Il o'çlock service. The pastor is now receiving the applications o! those wishing to unite with the church at *that time. On. Easter. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock our choir will present the Easter cantata, "Rabboni," by Benjamnin Love- land. Kenilworth Union. Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road -iDr. Herbert L. Willett, minister Dr. Wiilett's subject .for Suxîda.1" Maroh 18,. will be "The Fight 'With Fear." On Wednesday evening, March an informai hour will be held at homie of Mr. and MNrs. RuÜdolph '0stermann, 234 Warwick road, which members and friends of church are lnvted. the M. to the,- - -- - -W. "D.W1Aor ariiyPrivS5o5U-to tuakte oa ",-- uvs w VLday he lK4éVinU. The uin-1 OurFý»er erice wil e hld niand unburden your heart betore Himn? fer is serVed at 6:30 for a nominalr Ou Eatr eric. ih b hid Then you are encour4ged to corne anà price.9 Sunday, April 1, as folows. A speciai . hear ths.t prayer la, sfter ali, a very OnTusasteGilSot1eta Baster program I ill be heMld inthe simple art. O hrdy h ilSot eta Bible sehool at 9:30 tander the dirc- 3:30, Sea Scouts at 7:30 in the social l tien ef Mi«s Sarah Browiee. Thie In Wednesoda.y evening's Lenten gerv- hall. - The Junior choir rehearses -st7 iaster churçeh service wiii b.chhd at k ew. shall folow ',esus inRaPs-dteSniorchirgt o'ip.Spe- il1 o'clock, with the pastor preaching.1ien". to the Judgement hall and -i ciai Palm Sunday and Baster musie la the sermona. how lie was "Senteuped bi ?ontius In ?"pration. The combined choirs .The MUste for the - rnornlng worghlp serice, on Xarch 18 ls'as- foiows: Organ Prelude --13y the Waters' or

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