att*ve,. advert.isements..about ugs, rug cleaning and r ug cleaners on the N orth Shore.. BAR->NAZ, * 1320 Chicago. Ave., Evanstosu Phione UNI. 0056 BELQIAN BIOS. 31. Third St4 Wil Mette Phione Waiinette 1657 DEVON RUG CLEANERS 1244 Chicago Ave., Evanston Phione GRE. 0300 EVANSTON CARPET CLEANINOGCO., INC. 1911 Church St., Evanston, Phone UNI. .0277 OSCAR ISBERIAN & BROS.. 1026 Chicago Av.., Evanston Ph,,. ýGRE. 0010 S. K. JORJORIAN a: Lord's Phone GRE. 7000 VOGUE CLEANERS & DYERS, INC. W3 Chicago Ave, Evaston Phoom UNI. 1632 Your YOur Rugs Represent a substantial part of y>our investmont in your household furishingls. Rugs Deterniine and regulate the decorative sohemneofyu home. Your Rugs Control and indicate the sanitary- standardof your home. yet your rugs ,receive 1 comparativey scant attenton Your floor coverings are subjected- to* severe. wear. Tbey shelter within their heavy pile, dirt, grit, .and numnerous germs, continuously brought in f roqi outside. BRIGHT AND JOYOUS BASTER WITH CLBAN RUGS' Thse irms liated are ail membera .1 fthe, Norths Shore Cha.Pt er of Chicago Rug Cleaners Association and efirate nnder thse N. R. A.