Iouses Were Neyier So.Important $350 For fhey simply 'make your suit en- semble. ý Our collection of, siIk blous offers a smarf va iey... stripes, plaids, white end. Spring pastels. Sizs, 32 f0 38. LORZYS-Second Floor YOUhfl Sui't Fashions W E they're . for sports, $heyrevey ryugd Yand casual-end the more hend-loomned they look, the srnarferl But when. theyre for, they're slim and LORD'S--Scouud Fou Fountain Square. --Wilmette 3700 with iwo shity chromium iihitials Large tailor.d envelopeii wif h your fwo initiais in ui to your Eaifer suifcofÀ pin blackron red ,or blue ugj chromium. Th*. final fouck Tho T.Value 1i. flot eworly. Handbog$-Lo i Poiut Floorj La rger Women IWOWay OneWay, LA GANT ..... .. .. of. VOUTHLASTIC I. TwoWo.y'Strefck with. Firm Conirol 125 You wanf a flat back-4t's ¶ours wifb TwoWayOn.Way Le Gant. because the. Tw4oaystretch Youthlestic bas a pafented panel i he bac f tretches only one w<y-, up andJ down. hiNla f'e- s lack <J cofh panel dce, with.ut Shipping up, and w loII uthe comfort and.,controJl OTHER LE GANT FOUN iATONS $5.0 0 $ 15.00 Corset Sectior-LO ID'P-..Second Floor REAR 0F STORE? FR~DPRK M (NE'of the smartest ways, te look youg Sand very weiI turnedi-out is to wear a dress wth, a jacket. Recause jackets have found such flaitering, new lentihs;, and, be-, cause they provicle TWO ýstunninig costume types-the separate dress and the ensemble. Silks., prihts and sheers, atthis moderate pricel Other New Spring Jacket Frocks Upwords froin $6.95.1 Aipparel Sectiàn-LORD)'S-Second Floor 1' 1 YoU'I Want a .Brimme'd Hat. To acquire thaft ailored look you must wear-a brimmed hat. Upfurned, downfurned, off-f h.- face, or up-on-one-side. Skefcli.d are the. Breton sailor White Lawn Apron, Cuff& Coller Sets. $1 .25 Crisp Organçly or Swiss Apron Sets, $1 .50 up Dainty Aprons, tee or b ib styles, 65c fo $ 1.25 WILMETE LIFEMARCH 2,13 4- 'i I t.: I with Easter a: WIL.M.ETTE LIFE $17.50 00