Ib23 FANCY SPRING Leg of ýILAM B .3 FACYMILK-,FED BONELESS V.,EAL ROASTi9 FANCY NATIVE Porerouse STEAK .27c SWIFVs COUNTRY ROLL Brookfield Bufter 2. t5 1 C of Eivanston, Starr Bébt. ,ilar contest for erwîse in , the Pilgrim Players gational churcb d by Mrs. A. Both>-grîoups will compete in the finals against the victors in the South and West side division at the Chica- go Woman's club. 72 ÉEast Eleventb street,, Friday and Saturday of this week. FRATERNITY OFFICER Theodore Robertson, son of. Theo- dore B. Robertson, 215 Fourth street, Wilmette, has been, re-e lected vice- president' of the Beta Triton, chap.: ter, of Pbi Sigma Kappa fraternity at Knox college. 'He is also steward of the' fraternity' bouse. Robertson was graduateci froni New Trier. Higb scbool: in 1932. 1 .0.0. F. DANCE A. T. Shierman Lodge No. 892 1.. O.0. F.. wilI give another of. its popular public dances ýin' the lodge hall Thursday evening, April 5. Miss Jean Hall,- daugbiter. of t he Henry C. Halls. 500 Central avenute, is spending a week at, Sullinis collegeý, Bristol. '\ a. 'Slue will, returun iext, XMonday. it was learneci this wveek. Mr, tzath- ercoal had expressed a desire to re- tire from* the boardi, but was urged to become a candidate again because of the fact. that bhe is the offly iember of the board who ývas servîng.lu that capacity at the. tirne the pre$enf building prograni -%%,as înaugurated. I[t is,.feit'that there should lie someý memiber on the board familiar ivith the details. and the background. of the building prograni.' Petiti'ons are being circulated in Mr. Gathercoal's behaif. The. terni of one other iember of the board, Mrs. Janet Gordon of Win- netka, exýpires this spring. Mrs. Gor-. don bas declined to become a caui- didate for reelectioni. The New Trier Par-ent-Teacher association lias asked a coinmittee headêd. by. Harrv A. Craig, 592 ýProvidetît avenue. Vn netka, to nionîjuate. a SuCCessor'_tV M rs. 1Gordon. i'hceélection is to bc.h.eid on April 14, and petitions for concidates must be filed flot later t han ten days before that date, or April 4. The high school board ieinbers are elected for. terins of -three years. After theelectionti hev -clinose tieir own ýpresidenit and secretarv.> Holdover niemabers - (f the, board are H. B.; Mulford'of XViliette, A. R. Petersoni of Kenilwortl afi Otto R. Barnet of ..Glencoec. "A Dress-Up Easter!" Dress up your- self. Dress up the f amily. It's spring, and time to consider dressing up the bouse and lawn. Spring this yearcom- maonds you to dress upi1 Conditions are OUR getting betteor. Now is thie time to'break forth witb those things whicb you have long denied yourself. You'll find a lotý' eof help for dressing up. everything in this, week's messages 'of ADVERT ISERS Eberle Insuraate .Agelley 10 **"~,WGU . . . .i~r ~iWovt~Co . ... 1 E~delweiss Produrts . 62 Kas'iîau Bros. ........... .10,22 i,'4Jye 51 Edgewater ,w4,r,1 iPl tl .2el Lnrî&Bat Sli. .l iloyn muaicu 6 Evauaston Auto Paint &A Lae rw Qualty San .... 2 RODO... lrg e.....il Trmnlg O.. .~Ltbrary Plaza, Cafeteria .. 22 Eeuac1h Warehoàseý Evanstou FY. M.ofC. A.I4--59e Lijde arket.:.......... .... RidgeAvenue Phu rma ri 13 Feltan &onY('urC.ne51Llmdstroja's Loek Shop .... 8 eloéssers 9 Fetnu ene.......24 Lords........... ........ . 34,835 Seott, Win . . .... o rI THRIIFTY SHOPPERS SAVE MONEY WEEKLY THROUGH THEIR ADVI Wleboldt's ... 21,30, 41 Wilîette Beauty Shop...... ..I. 1 Wflm@tte COaIl& 3)laterlal 1Wllmette (7onfectlonpr> . Wilmette lêtate Bank Co eiv 1 Wlnïette Theatre .. g3 Worthens ... IERTISING, OFFENG FANCY NA' Sirloin 4.