il IL IL -pJ-dI£ V a IL .L liai P/e 1 T KL4 V<n I J. R.Foot. Gardening 15 flot well begun uunless! n eneaGreatsrl.nGardenmtn By J. Footesuinimier an(] fail bhioming shruibs nlow, Iiis %vell planined. This appliés. to 1 f this lias neot been done during the Check Up design, to garden triiming.. to plans wvinter iiiontlis. Th1Srng1 lwrigShow.v-/ 7 and Catch Up for cultivating, providing fertilizers and htishes shotild he jruned 911% to the Fo site yas, av Perla soilconitiner. povîîngextent of removing damiaged branches, Winiter gardexi chores.areotten nieg- ln aSP) weak aud deaci shoots.. The genieral !stood oil the lake-front in Chicago lected, because they are few. and sonie stakespln for "tirre andl fuis to. trimrnming of this group of %woody o. rna- k without paintigorpar.N . i can Ile deferred. without. serious' re- renoVate, and laditist areas %vliCl) have mentais, shotild be donc after they have JnefteC AprectsNa vy 1>1r sults. So let us bunch them. together grown a little ',ill. It should apply blôssotned. Those whicli have orna-j is being entirely. transfornied. Th, 110w.and see how maniy lbse ends cati to tree feedi lýnimrmnti etal fruits or berrnes. niay 1w left steel girders supporting.the roof av lie caught Up, before the rush hegns. adrpir.arnin*o1oplt ni late suinimer. 13v that tinte the beeti givenl a coato lriuipit Garden tools,' seeds. fertilizers, succession oi blo0m adsm dqate bird s uisually strip off niuich of the 'lhé brok en windows have beeen ru- saeflats, arbors, lattices and nlisý- preparation. for a veëgetable plot. f riiit adi sstl al notigli fo:îlae. h walls have been l>< celn o s q i uet h ud- the ;üttine, of bloortlhuds fitn t ic xt1 and the entire pier will present a dlean. ji 1ne Lstyersplnswil eyr o or r îSliossomns.,frcsh appearance .whien tl e eigfilt'an- tip and in shape for- active service. i this ver h-g he a el 0tI T Tools îieed repairs, painting, greas- I made over. to suit, our' new needs and : w;oe fpunnricueHenul(rlnadFlwrSo iTî new nowedg frîxi astvea's x- aîntaiîîingo hentrl rhtetr arden. Club of Illiniois opeil., atî:- îngan sarenig. Sedsnee tthe 1wvariontis varieties. the pecuilia r (da vApril 7, lie provided ahead of 'tîme. or eIse the perience., But this is al a lot, Of funý- yaeo al ido is.téke- jj gardener' must take what j5isin stock [for a rainv dav. a chillv ,NLarch day. aeo ahkn o uh h ej- 'le sho1w, thelargest of its kin<t lit în-ilg of the plantings iii. thein prescribedAneca.wlocuy1.0) jîr Wvhich is what the early customers have If these things art- not donc. early, Ias heldig hmt hi e eto otnosfl or space. el lea~ left. The woodeti garden accessories thev will sure! bie crowded aside ini sire([ sixs., aidgeal rsrîgroiatido ieln.Egt so frequently need repairing. straiglit- the' rush oif thie active season. Wie. eeisasth ateiiegre custiogou h~iî Phnniigand .attii; i lbsTrtihu tic% -rIi haIl ve que asiiitili ie a*w*ýf eping it possibile for 'the gard- 'are nakingmantcieliiî nl * S o n e t h i g c a n h e f u n d t d o l m o s tlii k w e w i h l a v e . ~ ~ h e n tl w j u s t e n r t o g e t a m o n g t le P , l nt s '( ) c ul - f lic c o ir e r c ia l n w r , i î l î i ~ ' i ans' ay, wich wll h justthat îuchright das ouicalouýg. every gard- Itivate. spray. and te, reacli each plantAii edFtit ilhighrep less to,,do on a. bùsy dayIaterr(lnt. audjciter anîd lalt.irer \witlin ireaeh i isdoing W' Ateatltot tnes o t lt îid ornations,ldozens o? t ros1es how \we know so. double duty. clevel'< 'prnent. 'est 1iea s o ot I es p tîsis a(À wet p Thle P-ot Plant- Gruw-ers sotat '.~ tII disîîîavhuiidreds of P<>ttLl u î1s IT TAKES GOOD SEEDS $ ttsanîd lhvdnangeas., leI i~. PALACE GREEN Ei ~ ~'UI ntrsurvn.s \association l;thav ?orccd fine mixture of re-vieaned seeds DRIES IN 4 HOURStltlîuou tee ad sul,?rî speeially prepared to meet our "Model ÀV use-, *local conditions. N wCLR fra >tl eti i)irl itii i h 's,' i u l0-lb. bag 35C per lb. S"jtin FiîîhVahh6 Naturels Wondrous Garden i- showl. SHADY the late.,t varnish finish- hbtSmiGrdp (}r hay ee wl gveaL,;ng1t vevet smoothness and Ëxibt mai8aren Our sady eed ill ive , stongelear tole enhance the Quarts, 15-Pns85 sturdy lawn under trees anld in wood grain. ld »al for fur-' lils oi p4cat nioss .w-il] sbady aréas. niture ft1u:laii,î for mnure thaii ù it'> mtiaj 101.bg3cprlQuart--.35 Pint-75îc I(Qv~a ,drdcnt1s. atnlonl.tIle largeto PARK WAY Co \VIl bc tîof tit eWest.lal a< Cannot be elasse-d with ordinary th h icolîî P)ark 'boards. lInl;;, cheap mixtures sold on price -.hc___ .. >1 i basis. obulbs and plants are beiîîg ;nurtluren( 10-1b bag 9%c pr lb.t( 'ard au e arly bl .oýnlinîg i filie g.rca l @ - l b . b a g l 3 ~ c p r l b . i > i t l i o î t e s o ? t h e s e p r s and then there 's a reqi thrill inpaIn tn hs \arrenWilt oegrdisa Watc lnibîtiîîg io r, the. litst titne ulimer ili itORO wN EW . and PO PU LA R OWn nmuil, Iic Chicagto Flu'\\er l t' with IMr,. .. gdeni !Armoutr, bmig ail ui- VIG1OROs icstupporter o hsgreat edii- UflrgflrsPECIJ catonal andti cvicprec wîlait Lam-n Chair- Redmood. nbuild poe a -ll gal 5-lb.. scA vyen special buy for igrln sn 1 thzs lOtl 25h.eariy season shopper$. . 0 - roinmlier greeiihouses. $1.50nywil unt>îst. ~IF ~ Forest Preserve Show Se-I.. ~ .~ $1.79tlic direction o? A. C. Korsgiard, Ill>~î SPreader Eale y311sembl" Hardware gar ens. * " i asioe The National Association of Gard- M29 ile H ArdwreCume eners,, North Shore branci and the 1219WiInet AveueMinette 3060 North Shore Horticultural society are Q I JA L IT Ybringing the rarest and finest biboonïi WF' linj, doubt let QUALITY guoide Y<» Oth greenhouses 011 theIc argeý estates. around Chicago. Thev %vihl fampete for cahpnzs LL