W . L P t. petition % wth other tea ns in i the A o e - ff s c in of he 0«L o£ whih te Paygoun ad R cre. Geenear Ca> c mpay . 3 O 1Ouleagu with the championship in their on Park avenue will be the center of li n bo r on u uitBoller's.3 ......t f t0 ' I. tio b ard co duts for the younger c.Y* . . ... 0. hnds. The Baptists finish h s a nterest for t e juvenile po ato o cbldren of the village will be held LY*namn Texacos.......2 1.667 Son with a .929 percentage and two Wilmette Saturday rnorning March -after Easter vacation this year, ac- Hotfmarî FlorstS.........500 2anesaheadoththir nerest >u- and Recrea.. codn oplans md'yte pca yle 13 nents0 lion aboardorisns.to hold its .eighth an- -occasions omte of th ecrea- Con Baxter company ..... 5 oo .000HfmnnForss nual roller'skating meet. lion board at ameeting held at thé Excluding the. games won in the . Plans, art being. made to accomnîo- recreation 'office. e""J.$K.IAL t c. 1 I.- -rcieround which preceded the date 200 contestants and races will be Thel dates for the hunts will be p .L ~trar lege 0,ly hy to o he Id for chidenoaiags h Apri. 1 an Apil 2, espctielySate bank .10 3 .76. éua.9a ,-pate.to and f i cle ent wea her sho îd re Hifng the; yea r6 46~contestant s will race in- three .age 10 a d A ril 12, respctiely CS9 A .69ZI tai of. thirteen games dur gt yer groups as follows:. Group A, boys venit either of the meets being held ,st., Fra icis'5&.3ý1'ad0 on. the scheduled ltme, the postponed Willnivte Battery_ .5 88àJ5 tand lotbt n nstnd hatto adrls unra e a rs of agewind- hunt will be held April .14. 1et1ro<tiB, boys antheirlsorists .~~~~~ tM embers of the, teain have played gilGoupBf osadgrsuce The plans for this year's hunt dif- B, iIA-S KITIUALL LEKAG14 tOgther frrayyaswt eyl gad1 er faéo f e rf o r ea n y y.afrs w ithsv erf .1 2 yva r s o f.a geP en di1 0 te a rsuo faa g e o r f e r g r e tl y f r o t h s e f p e v i u s . ~ ~ it tle c h a n g e i n - t h e n - p dt- a b o v e , r o u p C , b o y s a n d g ir ls . u n d e r years, Daniel M. Davis, director of st. aii 03.7641 gelhrte seTthhv eelpd1 ers il eofrae n e fndor. récreation, announices. There will lie 1%'. Drl êipa y 10 ~ .79into an aggregation defying ailconi h r illet o a e, o e fr b y <Ife~7 6 .53S l éiio .- G ld rl is w l and a oh r fo ilfo h s 1 two separate -hunts, one for children mWiilmetecfetoev .8peiontrpes w b .aotr. il,..ths j~ ~ inteCntaLurladSt rni Ho 71an fl<'rioner '5 .8 .387)aared at the annual cerenxony toyears or older. soosunder the fourth grades'and '<' .2I.54beedinAi.Rioswllegiefrfrtsc ltfor pre-school children of those -ond and third place winners of cacL; sehool district, and another for How- "IMIT1LI A(J. .raeNocrgisndefrnrvn ard, Logani, Hîgh Crest, St. Joseph, W.rs. Lý C GlS'OeCt u ny of the racés and no previous reg- 4 ~and Avôca schools for the, same age st. ivxrancîs' , , . i2 r srainisGEJieDailM.Dv TviterS . .....diréctor of recreation, has announced. c hil re n.. . W il tes 4.. . ..3 6321 p ec o s t i n s i e yH o w ev e r each ch ild m u et re p o rt t o T h e C e n t r a l , L a u r e l a n d S t . F r a n c î .s T e r i e r s 3 9 . 5 1B t l e .d y a o w r h l c ' f m e i g a 8 4 , , ' lcI hunt will be held April 10 on the liM h;t, 1.4 20Batl .rda181ow r th e plaeO oreetig a ts .45 s tho e Rapid Transit lot between Linden 1) k~s.*'~ .181 Th to lshe ue of t e Ply ie ' 1., In 9 .181 ready o il evets9 asoc and Maple avenues, West of Third The revandse cheeaof the Pay- meeorth a rponlya 9oclc street. The other hiunt will be held, OLYIALLA1J:rodanRerainbadsNrl 'n ditnto trih skig as in previousA UyE rsonatostheiWilmskat as i preiou yeas, a th WileW. L. P<.4ý Shore Basketball league, which gets races, novelty races are being con- aptist 13 1 .92q under wvay tomorrow (Friday) eve- ducted.' There will lie a One-legged, Village Green. Three thousand. eggs BIo ffn11 ;nn Fii l 11 :,.Il .786. ning at the Howard gymnasium, race for each of the older groups and w ilIl ibe disributed betw een the tw o Ho iard P. T. . 1 (e 4 .714 show s t a h w i g v n e a s huîs anyeg~wil eusd M.Y. P. C. . 5 9, ~ t~ i w Rig vneas double and a tandem race on Davis. anounegs and e speial Mr. ofs52 2.13Merchants' teains meet at 8 o'clock the progranm. Dai none, anda eia on Seddon ..1 13 .071 for th ie l spot of the vng' mitIee has been appointed to, wrap A iievnn' schedule of events includes: theym inb na 1xa ntar dihtionBi.SKETIIAIL I.EAGUE prograni. . -Yard dash, Class A girls; 50-yard t h e m i n a x a p e ii o r e r h a t ~ î R M ' T e t a m s a r e H . f f m n n l o r s î s d a 2s h , C la s s A b o y s ; o n e - le g g e d . r a c e , hen fou n atrycndibtthehu'trT.e ene5 0 O d eHofiaos. it lasBgrs oelge ýte l. WN . L 1('t adJoe Jynam's Teao.The Ly- boy.sz; one-legged race,~l~Cgrs when found by heClanterB. TNls;10 0 -.000e raisCgls The comnitîtee wembers in charge xy 7 4 .636 nani boys had a bad night last %week one-legged race, Glass C boys; double of rr ngngfo te un . er: rs S oole .3ý 7 .300 when Huif ý oilers of Evanston ran rae, Clas". B gil;: double race. Class of arbrt J. fr ea, hai wr rman of lie -;Q 12 .000aaywt hmb ao nie coeBboys; tandem race, Cla.ss C girls, awa wih ter bya oe-ide scretande'm race, Class b boys; 75-yardî of. 27 10 8. However, il is possible dash. Class B girls; 75ryard dash, Clasq Playground and Recreation board, 6. Tarantella danced by the StolP liaItiey have recovered sufficiently B boys: l&-yard dash, Class C'girls'; Mrs. J. F. Mehliope, representative slxth grade girls. foardsh açzC'by;10vd o f l e C e t r a - L a u e l P r e n - T e a h - 7 M f r C h l g a. d c îl s î e n l e d e o k e e p t h e ir r e c o r d w it h o u t d e f e a t 0 - r d d h , l a s C b y ; 1 - a d f te Cntrl-Lure PaentTeah- . Mrchng nd alithelesdémn-dash f<>r girls, (open 10 girls of? ail ags er sscitio, rs Rymod obsarated by the StOli> slxth grade boys, for tic rest of lie season and, if so, lo-vard dash for boys, open to boys of iniso, representative of lie Logan, sixîh grade girls. vnigtertopeiu eet HowrdPaen ml, agrllgenyl.Hwrd ofanswlhaealuhlm aIag. Howad Pren-Teacher associationr, T . Scod.part 0f the demnonsrationavnigIerloreoudfat Mrs. G. M. Brooks, representalive o llSo h nîvda lîl0ee~a i ad of teTxc os Ping-Pong Tourney at lieWe eîe onans lubtMs.H.boyan grl.Th grllub, av sortWhch1hAtear7et ofea oreac A 7o'loc lmorowevnig ic Shol rovstuhes J. Hickey, representative of tie St. compéîttve~ drills In lhe dash. volley . O. 0 and Greenleaf 'Cabi company colP ve Su es Francis Parent-Teacher association, ball kick, basketbali lhrow, goal shoot-. ieet. Tic Cabbies are lied for first A, ping-pong tournament was ield ing, and roPe elInmblng. The boys m-iîî place honors wiîh 1Huff Boile.rs and for the Howard school boys in their Demontr~ition at ipi otal BbtheIn#and ftbealilg ds f le ameapegiel ominie room in the school atîic last Demontratins atFor the thir Partcf te prograîrj hem but thec atholic Youtis have week which culminated with the final L~ I.I1 tekhbere wi b. group atliee lOts be-. been shoWing some rare class in ticir play-off last Wednesday aflernoon Sciiool ~ x tween ploked temps~ froni lie lwo last few games and given a few Tic-re were tiirîy'îwo entries in thie thtvole b Igane for bo l boys and il Vlions gven by tie pupils of the phy 'I-.tnd a sbort baskelîaîî gaine for botb leaders. At any rate Recreation staff the auspices of tic Wilmette. Play- J cal éducation clcpartment of the W il- boys and girls. inembers assert that the early corners ground a.nd Recreation board, anid mette public schools wil be given Tlhe fouý tËi pat of the»rormm'Wil aI the gaines wilî see some exciting according to William Thomnas Mackîe, Tueda ad iusdy veins ïfbe the Presentation of letters ho girls tIn. -tb :j Tu e k, rad usday evenBoingdeof tb he itligrae, .whio have won theim'baskel. Jr., organizer anxd conductor of the A hnx ek ëpciey ohdm hroUs.l a. sy air o t9 'lc ufBieiet, many others arrived too laie onstrations wil be given at the How- points.d ten O jtf )ntli4n for Ati9. o scl tak fB er m ete tlort enter. ard gy mnasium, the one on, Tuesday schéol year. 1iea i wIb Rangy Smih tr rmKnlot thf n iî rds a le rThe I ,idawi~adsll ad*Te.la. 1ofa*ouleélmia èvninbeing given by tie pupils oýf by inbera Of the Board of, ducation, for the last gaine of the evening.Tepay asoadolecmn 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ms R. H. TRrendevna5 y tt àion n Mils riroli, TeI* lsdaewrc nl4 ionltype, caci playe, losing twiee b- t ntth and eig1it1igrade pupiils ,The.Hord schoo girls: Mr-iama- fo ths e-sn f. ws:naeii.4y4iclc Mreau utwa~ m - seconid, third an~d fourtb$grade ppik om-rNaie ron murje a enla ' Elzbt onraHriet__n 3 ac 37 ..C . .ýs rfrot tie losers' bracket and defeated ~ -~ .g . Bo 't Y Cic a t o d, . , oiay J Oa s i f B l e s n t e r t u n r e h * p a n d h foRoin nunérs, ra Floris ha i . h u n t ' m b e orcb n g g se n 0y t h e H w D v 5 , d r e t r f r e r a t o , n a s a o , h tgrade"boyOs 2. Relaa - 1esols. MeBumîerar la, Mrop0-,p.n renea abV. o ntheruraeenting, Marci 29, phases o the phygirl edtcaB" barketballta league a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.V)gn~ r e a c d y t e lO - p~r. Ol a S al i a .m , C. Y. O. Cbvs Huf Bol ersa e cush e Maek.nrDuly C orey, 9 P.m Sit'sStrvs. L ym Ten. seen ian ert pingrvaptiona lionclasesddriiie b i Slo i t f heandFloeneW.ltanherco ra n ese aprch2--7p.m. Cayr Bller vs. Hoff-intanngdmntaiosh ei grade igls. s:The.déonratifonr evbeing ane Fora lorit L. Grut;games playien by the How- Dist grdetoeo réraionwîî a n - 8p aPlsos hteenn nhi oad yn ard slxlh grade boys.. Ithesîep ervaroxytw ealédcaio I9té po. Pay.of.lThe il'""bsktall