LEMONS-Fancy Califoruia, dozen ... . . . . .. GRaaâPEFRUIT-Medium size. ORANGES--Medium size, sweet and juicy Florida, doz. 1c.. 19C -for 25 t 3doz. 55c: FRUIT SALAD Dartlett Pearm, Fruit Cook-, Stait, PeaebeheKaIota Filge Your ch77fe No. 1 tal tins ... ....5 for5 7C ROME BEAUTY APPLES ... ........... 15 1 Wlinette Avenue FREE DELIVERY "Iba. 29c, 4.. .aI:iew 1raneî: J'hi)tf -ibirllîda Cakc oil,,,I,114 <'<j 1.1c' i C i cîî h i > i<les, ocCPfpj<'<1 hi c nc: . .(Il , ' tii, I ia nîltc o:ia- v cii!'clebr(î 'cd i/s tt <innncrav.lw'clcr lîîdr 'd liiw.SÎs, IPirldillrq îuîcîffbicrs of Ihi- Cficii.yii Ii r l ub r(111, d iîi o thic îîorpthii/r,:, aind ,,incsof thic ke.otarv clubs iii Ii'astî>. Il iiuînctkti, Gli,îcci-oc lIIyhLand Park iîîId 1ccf 'id. Piturc1 d îdiir-;.it,uflkiL,:arc (lé'J ta~ ~ A riCl)(..I or><'in!(. /<'i<'i o i Ilasltopi kolar v chl? bthejl flaiqru/ ,/îîoîcdflIh i!icfc c.bfcycars ugo 0; Uic k .-l111. Ro Ii ('e'i.districi ilqové,r'Jior o(f kfiricr a oa t i hi, 1*114ll'ilujitcifC club rc iltdis charter, and flic 'lv..1il4w G. Ilndli'v, 110W p'rcsicn.,o! fIthe ll ui )cftc club. ýOUT OF QUARANTINE 'Arthur J. Bidwill Is Bol) andl Jainie. childre,î of the Louis Ingwersens of 422 \Vood)(stockSntraC nd ae avenue. KeniIworth, were rele'ased Atihtr J, Bidwill of River Fo!-t St Wedesdv f 1astwek foxli as announ11ced his candidacy for tlic antitie forchicken pox. irom ue lôn mnation for senator fro tl.eSeventbi district in the pri- fmaries April 10. Mfr. Bidwill lias been raise(l in a political environnient. His drtwo governors as state grain Ili-, fin iSST n sl)ctor, and, bis brother, .j oseph -E. * I:id j r., was a clerk, of the Cir- 7SO EVCE utcut Expert sho. repair service, icombined with the finest Ileather that Éuoney oan buy * *assure$ ,Y.u of the wtaost satisfacçtion in yoae shoe 'e. 1070 523 Fowrth Street J,011 >,fE Jl ic ks and lher, sn1,. Toin, of 241 Ntelrosé avenue, Kenil- wvorth, arc leaving Tliursday, unlotor- ing east, where "oim, \who is manager of the track teani at Dartinouth. will 4. WiIm.tte 4120 EGOS 2 DOZEN 37 STRICTLY'FRESH 4* GREEN PEAS Full Pocs-Tender and Sweet 3 '~* 25 I 2 large bottles