Custom recognizea, Easter, with its parade of finery, as the herald of spring. Along with seasonable opparel for personal adornment there must ho proper preparation for comfort end convenîcuce in the home. The shops et L terminal have Provided everything necessary to a complote enjoyment of the beauties of thse season, and the L Terminal Dusimeis Association invites your inspection of their *feérings. - To shop here, in quiet surrouodings where friendly aervice has become a religion,. affords plessure and profit you wi11 want to continue. TM A. IE Shidld of Qualitys E~ASi IRK iGG »YES, 2. 1 c pkgs...... CHOCOLATE EAS-1,ER EGGS, Chèrry or. Fruil-Ntit, sc ze, COFFEE, (jood Cup. lb..... *!ELL-0, -ail lia'ors, pkg. MARS!I M.ALLOWS, lb. pkg. 405 Linden Avenue Phone Wi: 'S. Store lOc' 25c, 5e. Ilm"ette 4646 REPAIR OR REMODEL NOW It ",;Il save you m onev Ini the long run. NO job tobig or too ewsalI for us. G. L. HODGSON CarqPenter-C ontractor 41iLinden Avenue Wî]rnette ZSAl Dý.ETTER t.VALUES ai thée L Tenia CLEANDUP NEEDS I>ARKERS POLISI-TIhe pert .cet poil fo odwrauitos and furniture 79 $SI.oo size for onl1y79 1 'AINI CI. EANER-1 ilbb;trd Maie c (lle me for., oodwork* C'arpets, etc. <,nrt tor only 1e W? DEJ.IVEI& ANYWFUERE TERMINAL HARDWARE Philco Radios, Service for'Ail Makes 41 1 Linden Avenue, Wilniette 2843 ARE YOU MOVING TISSPRING? If So - We Are iq Near as Your Telephone STORAGE WAREHOUSE, hic'. 4O3ý12 Lindcin .ve.,WÀilncttc 71z Gle.ncoe Rd., Glencoc T ERk'MI1ýNAÀL Dairy Pro-ducts MILK,15 qt., 7v¼Ca 2 qts. 15 COFFEE CREAM, 9t1Ilb A delightful assortnlent. of EasterCandy for the festive occasion. SPRECIAL. EASTER BRICK. Strawberries betweiltwolayers ofC Cre Y% apq.. .40e ,Win-ber's Drug Store: MANN'S FOQOD$110? COMPLEST E JLICATESS3N Salads-Mcats-mported Cheese, Fresh Dai .ly <ïpen etery, day iincludigsg Sandrsy utuil midgiglu, Open Roadm Are Cellini CHANGE YOUR GREASE! With warmer %weatber here, you should put .' heavier lubricant. in vour transmission and your car îs in good shape. LI NDENMARKET- GFORGE PETTINGrER,-,Managor Many of Our custonners tellliUs they corne here because they're sure of geting both gond values and LINDEN, Atlas Tires and Tubes: 132 Lindew Avenue. od rneats, plus courteotis service. GARAGE Red Crown Gasoin*e, I SouthWater * Fruit and *Vegetable Mre 5i16 Fourth KirRK> Mar, Phon~e LNt.1 ttc 5440 IVe Serve Delicieus Toasted Sandwoiches DINI'S SWEET SHOP 401 Linden Avenue .1~ 24-HOUR SRVC 5 5 Fourth Street Wilmett MARCH29 9314- 636 :for ic t In 4il Liii.deii Avenue Wiltnetté . 4500 4o; Linden Avenùe Phone Wilniette 5401, alwayi EASTE.R