SUNDAY SER~VICES-11 A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING--8 P. M. SUNUAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. APRIL 191934ý Subl*ect: '"REALITri READING. ROOM-1148 Contrai Avýenue OpenDaiy (eccplngWednsda) 9A. M. t 6 P.M Wednesday 9 A. M. to 74 .M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.. The Bible end Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail othe r authorizedi Christian Science Literature may be rend, borrowéd or, purÉchaseçi at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY IN'VITED TO ATTEND THE ______ CHURCH $ERVICFS AND> VISIT THE READING ROOM PATRONIZE OUR. ADVERTI-SERS 1 k E She vows that she N%.i11 come back .1n spirit to uindo the wvrongý. And, when, as time passes, a boy and girl of the famnilies, out of the present gciierationl faîl i love and are separated by their elderý. lier spirit rctturns to aid thernl nii their romance. These parts of the I boy an(] the girl, Kuenneth Wyn and ~Kathleen Dtuganiion, are ilayed by Robert -Mathieson and Janet K. Wright, pictured above, Between Iaughis and tears, this beau- tiful fantastic tale of a great romance wînd, its way onwaàrd and] upward to- 4~ gripping climax. There is ail the elements conibined to make the per - fect stage production woven.and:twisted into a play such as the theatre, bas never beSore known.. and Wayne Cochran, are in -eharge of the staging of the play. This play -is being given by speciai arrangement wvith Samuel French and coinpany of Newv York City. . Miss. Ni iriam West is in charge of the ushers for. the play, and the Oison St ringEn semble will play. An entire new set of scenery wiill Iw used for the first time ini presenting this play,. Reserva- tions may be made by calling the church office, Wilniette 2348.. Wedding' guests in the *play wiII bc: jean S-patiutix Ca'rrol l ooker, Betty Smith, Bctty. Collins, Don Millett, H-oward Decker. and Art Woerner. VESPER SERVICE: A. Sacramenta 'i'he cast of chameliers cominî,ie-s as Sunday Sarah Wayne - i. Betty. Smith il, the First Mary Cia re Betty Collin, ,,lu att i (Both are ghost in tielprolo(gue) e urtwi D)r. Owen Harding I1-.obert Eastman s.. ton:~l Ellen .... ...-.....Mildred Farmier Inu the Soul's Kathleen -Pugannon, Leud ......*'* and the du?'et, . ....Jane wrighit the. Stabat .Mati tai service 'wil.1 b e bhld a fternoon *at 4 o'clock Conigregational cburch. Ili presenit the foýllowin'g ýssed Jesu," by Dvorak, 1 Garden." hv Warre. thrin the Solwlde's ootery 1133 Central Avenue; ,Wilniette 8SU Mathew Franeis Photos IPleit TheiW Pesly Pla3tl'rs pi»eselizî "SmiiiC Trôugh," ie. world Ja;noils comed(v-dr-am;a by AllaitLwonMartin,(t lte îWihnette PansuýI Met hodisi citurch, Friday v eéeiny, .4/ril 6, ai1 8:15 o'clock, Mis$ Janet K. riqiht. (right) of 1432 octa7 w' Jh n ite tilbc secît-ini the role of Kath lcîz Digaln noni, th~e Je utiii hie Icad ini titis <eiqhtf id comtedy-dra.îa. Robert of59I.rzo oaKnkorh.zvili play lte part of Kenneth oflJ .;4it rod, en IVa a'.Irc.lte îile lend. o ff lie 1lai. Titis -sensatjoînil picce, which bro.ught, flie Cozt,! mbvoltstaitdiiiug ynuis hased OQ a love IfragjedY occurring fifty vearýs.back. On !l ite il ofhI vi ir wdia eautif id votny ride-týo-be is shot iind kilèà bY a rceject,,d siffor whoitoif;iiîds Io kilt tee fl4zisIe is Io 25cup tq