u.**t***i*t* *lu 7 y auui55an auomaii wear-coknpensator, spring valve oper- ated, which automatically niâkes ad- justment for wear in clutch facings. Thus, to engage in first. gear, ih is * fot neccssary to depress tbe clutch. The driver- simply places 'thé- gear shift lever in the correct. position and depresses the acceleratôr., Engage- nment is sof t, witbouit jerking. and glides the car away fromn a standing start in a noiseless first. The engagemenlt, of the secondi and third fromù there on is easily accoin- plisbed by a simple shift of the lever after releasing the accelerator pedal for' each gear shift.. Siinilarly, the stop is made without declutching. Added to this feature ot the'.1934 Dodge,. another aid to driving ease, is the adoption of independentlyý sprung front wheéls. Having developed speed to an unusually high degree ini rela- tion to horsepower and weight, Dodge enigineers. turned their attentionî to incerçasing the already coinforta.ble ride of the car, and in this ne\v in- dependent suspension the driver fimds an entirely new conception of auto- mobile riding. qualities, it is said. The Dodge type of individual front end suspension contains coiu Springs of a new molybdenum .stel, wlîichl is declared to be ptaictically unlireak- able under moest severe tests. Floating power engine ,r.îountings continue to be featured in the ncev Dodge, placing the power source low-. er in the frame, with practically a straighit lne drive from the rear of the transmission to the rear of the axie. Another notable feature is the ad- ditional leg roomn, both front and rear. New window ventilation bas been given careful attention >in thi.s year's. car and a system has been perfected which -air conditions the- automobile as a home,. Four Kenilworth Cage Teams Tied for. Lead Four teams are tied for the lead in the battie for first place in the, SALE O/ in a ci49lassware, AT DISCOUNTS 0F 50% * 25% 10% * just, in tîme to- "fix up the b.ouseà" for Sprirmg Chbina: and Ea:rthenw«r.9 in Spode, Royal ,Doulton,' Royal Cauldon, Wedgwoodl, Mintonî, Royael Worcester and Crown Derby. DInnerware, service and desse rt plates, cups and saucers, ýbreakfast sets, tea sets and odd pieces. Glassware, crystal and colored stemnware,,, drinkingglasses, salad plates, finger bo'wls, berry disiies, candIesticks1 and indlividual1 pieces., There are alsoý fine clecoraitive pi 1eces in French and English porcelains. are Mrs, Judson L wood avenue wil ess to ber bridgeg 2Thorn- ýon host- 0o- Edgar A. Stevens, 330 Abbotsford road, Kenilwortb, is inNew York on business. EVANSTON 1636 ORRINGTON AVENUE