ASSORIXO DONNER RIOLLS Ail your favorites, 2 sgweial et .................... 0E 429e Individual size. Wil' serve:two amply.,...... 13e SALIIMUIRY. STEAKS' D.haoulyprepored -and s * Bake Shop-Stret Floor '4 IBODTS-VANSTON On DaviesiStu.IWII*.1e e1100 F $ifl- as tne isenuzworth Urocery, in thie McGuire and Orr building, Kenil- worth. With him will be associated Walter Driscoll of the Kenilwoirth Market, a meat store. An archway will connect the grocery store and' the market, it is announced. CIRCLE MEETIN4G Th e East End circle. of the Con- gregational cburcb held its regular monthly. meeting and luncheon Tues- day et the home, of Mrs. George Up- son, 607. Washington avenue. Mrs. Frank Watson was :assistant bostess. Mrs. Henry Hall read a. one-act play. Rock ford, Tilden, Siernn, Arlingtonl Helghts, Proviso, Glenbard,. Joliet, Lindblom, La Grange, Wheaton, Lake View, Maine, Sterling, Hyde Park and Kingsley was thé, only entrant in the relays to break :a record.' He added haîf an inch to the old pole vault mark, of 12 feet made by Belt z- ner of Joliet. SFoaovîl6 Wins Shot Put Faymonvilleý, shot put star, won an- other- first. place for New Trier. He, threw -the sbot 49 f eet, 10/ inches. Faymonville, has been winingi first jrn this event consistently. In the 60-yard high hurdles George !Mx -wliof NewTrier placed' second.: This event was won by Smith of Engle- oowhose time was 8.1 seconds. New Trier, with Blids, 'Pr'ce CowIn and'Bridges on tbe team, woni the eight-lap relay ln 3 minutes 12.4 seconds. There will be no more meets for the New Trier boys until after the spring vacation, which starts Friday afternoon of this week and ends1 Mon- day morning, April 9. The Suburban league outdoor track meet is to be helci at Evanston on May 26, ît was decided by the league board of control at a recent meeting. Wihnette Man Nominee for, State Senate Post Political news of interest to north shore citizens is that niost of the or- ganization republicans of the 7th senatorial district have swung their support to a local candidate for the office of state senator, Fred M.> Clarke, 931 Oakwoôd avenue, Wil- mette, following the sudden death last week of State Senator, Arthur A. Huebsch. Mr..Clarkçe is engag ed in :his first campaigri for public office, having been induced by memnbers of the real estate profession to allow bis name to be used as -a candidate for state service clul kins is ai and bas ha( club and pu and Wiscol the Univerç icity work in both 1:j in since graduating y' of Wisconsi. FELTMAN &GIRME A . 11140e