e IT IS lta ccident that:h-ita cias rmade the Heat- ing Season of 193 31.3 4 the, most successful year for BRAUN BROS. OIL CO.. Recognizing the gravity of business conditions duiring Past years,) is one thing, bttdoing somi-e- thi ng about it, is another.. Timicsý of adversity alw,,ays create o0oruntis for those Who take.advantage of, them-. Owners and, em-iplovee.s of BRAUN BROS. OI11C, have taken advantage, of theseopotniis and, thÇref ore, ae been too -busy -to "talk d epresSio n. We neyer believedout.r country was going to the dg.Our greatest national, cconiomic asset re-, mnains unchanged-the WILL TO PýROSPER of-the American people,. The needs of people do not vanish in1 tiles of stress~. They still must eat In order to live. They Fu.ndamen tals' are reverted ,tO. Values, are weihedmore, carefullyv. Dollars are spent only where their purchasing power has been i-n- creased.: Such times as these test the mettie" of m en, and prove the worthiniess of a business:to, serve. the genieral public., Perrnanency, flot expediency, has governe our developmentprograms, which have gone for- ward tindeterred by the tmoayups, and downs of businiess cond.ition s.> During thc Heating Season of 1933-34, BRAUN BROS. 011, CO. sold more Fuel Qil, admade -morenew' friends, ýthan inany,-previ- 'Lis year, increasing the.number ofoucutm ers approximately 25. per cent.over the .season o f 1 93233 To keep faith with our responsibility to the w'6.p "For Fuel9 Use Oil" MARCH 29 334 2 wILý