auspices of the college and high school groups of the church, directed by Miss Elizabeth McGuffien of the church staff and the north shore chapter of Denison alumni. The s, - cial chairman of the Wonian's ,sQcetY, Mrs. Allen A. Wright of. Wininetka. who is an alumna of Denison, will cooperate,* assisted- by *Mrs. Harold Mattson and Mrs. Henry J.- Skipp. Prof. John W. Beattie of North- western university, a Denison alumi- nus and former 'president of the Chi- cago District association ofý Denison alumni, is chairman ofý the music com- mittee. Miss Elizabeth, Clark, who graduated from Denison last year, daughter of Mr. and IMrs. Charles V. Clark, is assistant, chairnian of ar- rangements, Miss Clark hasappointed the following north.shore young wom- en, aIl recent -graduates of. Denison, to be ushers at the concert and to assist at. the reception: Misses Ruth Arnold, Jean Forest, Mary For-est, Harriet Mons, Niar-, garet Ott, Sarah Page, Rosalîe Roach,' Marjorie Smythe, Mabel Throck- morton, Virginiia VanBeuren, and Ruth Wachs. Officers of the nor-th, shore chapter of Denison alumni are: Mrls. Henry J.tSkipp, president; Thomas Mason, vice-president; Mrs. John W. Amos, secretary;, Mrs. Wesley Bowman, treasurer. Miss Harriet Mans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Mons.; 1Ë7-Wood- PIavr illus[rateU. Dy the only authentic seî of slides of the complete Passiot, Play that has ever been taken. HONORED. AT COLLEGE Constance Addenbrooke, 727 Forest avenue,, Wilmette, in recen t. studént. elections -held yearly at l)enisoin university, Granville, Ohio, .%a.; named one of, thesenior menibers 01 thé judiciary of th Le Womien's Sttident Governmient association. Miss Ad- denbrooke isL'enrolled as a junior 'this' year, and is affiliated with Kappa Alpha Theta, national, Greek letter sorority. * . - DIRUCTI ON, . L LESLIE KfNC fAI tol -i, u etA4L WMPA 9 FIPTY-FIPH NDOFHAVEU! NEW'YORK- CITY Rfos raos ingle - mra aespe. 6,.clous opartment ore, uurprisingly Aff-itted.wlth the Drake andi BI'kitOneHoIshca< "I4 'III, 6%yZCIuA vgFUIRMUAT, PIUDAYaa SATUEDAT * ~PPIAi ?LU~eft~, * Faesh, Tender Northem ranging a tea and reception to be given at the Cordon club, Saturday afternoon, April '7, from 3 to 5, for ail young ladies f rom the Chicago area now attending Denison who re- turn hbomne for the Easter vacation. Evanston Sketch Club. Exhibits at Cafeteria Many a scene of beauty ini Evans- ton and along the north shore isin Take advatag. of this extra-' ordlinary Buy. Very speçial for Thursday. Peck 15 IFresL Calif. Garden, Peck 17' CalE. S.., 1Jmiic jumbo Su-nkist ýseeleass-Riceer Juioe DOIz. SP»ECIAL U. W. Alunmae club of .Chicag4 the topic, "Ad justing to, a Char World," in the Top o' the Rep tea-room, 209 S. State street, Chi( Saturday, April 7, following a' luncheon., Mrs. Roif J. U-ilestad, Eastlake, president, will preside. 'J'. _____-or Loin End, IL Famuiy ~ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 147cI lI