$3.50 Vlvd sipes anwd plaids in h... tollored -silà blouses wil add chic to goy suit costume. LORD'S-Second Floor. The This 6-bufton si .o l v in a soft, pliant. ca8pesin. lack, Brown. Gray an Bue. LORD'S-First Floor Easter, Imff CiI0 1coate,~g - ~ cre * (Place a' ~ w vi~e~Chcot Bskts,94C I pt 1i' d oll * D' iPrst lr 25c. CASHMEREBUQE the saOmé high -quality an rd *xqit.per- fume. The sane ize, s'hape an. d wrapper. An *iitrabordmnary selling. (3 bars for 27c.) IORD'S-First Floor Con't y@u ustse oneof fhosehfln hàiigpe.ping u fyorsi pockf oroui of your'oda? LORD'S-,First Ploor Pmara de "I J $2 Powder and Rouge, $1.00 H. io en a Rubinstemns celebrated dollar face and dollar both for $8i. for every type. powder rouge, Shades1 LORD'S-Pjrst Floor SOAP 1DOZ. i v I I pr ~ i I[. $1.00 Youll *xclaim with delight ove, thi danzling collection' of new costume jeer.Matching pieces. IORD'S- Firs àPor Be, gns Lo~~ f$ 2.25 Lef ont of f .osemort leatherpuM smatly complemnent, your Easter Cet fit. Many in patent haveéIwo initiais. LORD'S-Pirst Floor. a't iý $5.00 For y..rs the.. al-wo.l navy hW. ceeuf hav» been n adc"optd Su ýfashion for 2-to-6-y.ar-odisi LORD'S-Second Floor LORD'S Permanente Paint $1.29 A splendid mixture, 41% pure linseed o . 1 In a complet, range of colons for interior and oxterior work. V.ry speciat. L ORD'S ?a.erntept Store for, the first time at Lord's Angles and. Curves Lor d>s Distinguisheci Y tr $ Miliinerj-LORD'S....econd F1007 -Founta in Square - Phone Wilmett. 3 700 ý.5O $2500 Appiarel Setion-$ iY'S-Secoptd F1007 Corsét Secfio-LORD'S-Secûnjd Floor, Request Accoum Purcboses WinI ce Re.dered May hIt. WILMETTE LIFIE MARCH. 29,' 1934 ~- ~ Pr esent ing I mumulow ý 1 1 a - 1