Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1934, p. 1

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Wilmette C.ivic League Hears Views, of Mùnicipal Leaders at Luncheon Meein The Iuncheon. meeting of the Wil-> mette Civic league last F'riday drew a large ,attendance, thé attraction being an address by Mayor Charles. H. Bart- lett of 'Evanston-on "The Liquor Ques- tion as It Affects.the North Shore." Inluopening Mýýfr.,Bartlêtt emphasýized the fact that the battle now being .waged to keep saloons off the north shore.dloes îîot iii any wvay involve the qunestion of.,prohibition or the riglit of individuals to have beer 'or, liquior ini their homes. It isý essentially' an e f- fort to maintain' the high character and moral totue of noirth shore. villages, lie said. tiiity lias 'Ïts ii1djvid- uial characteristics,".. the speaker ad "which, attract the kind .of, people who seekî those characteristics. The north shiore lias, been kept f ree of saloons bc- cauise the people who live here have wante(l a clean place ini which to raise their failies. They have felt'a pride iii their communmities îotexperienced h li thîe citv, dweller. 'illages tlîat had saloonis. bfore prÉih»Fit iont can bhe expected to permit thicmi now, becauise they represènted the kind of conmunitv. in wiclh te resi- dnswalited to, li'e" xits Property Values N1r. Bartlett soun(led a warîing, wleln lie sal(l "If ve fail in t1iis e.ffort, sal(oiis caîi 1)é establîsl i Mans- coin- mierd,-Il district. Tfhere can he 110 re- strictions o)n location. "î effect of tiuis will'be certain depreciatioîî of valuie inIi usniess, properties. on. top of wliich 'vill corne an increase iii taxes (lue tc additional' lce andl olier coIsts ilu- C (lental. to the salooni. "The big danger iii this fighit,"1fMayor Barlett coincluided, "15s apathy. People nîuist he awakeiied to the serionis threat1 offcre(l hy the saloon, andi showvn that1 (Coniiunied On Page .5) to uUCI rPriaay- United Worslzip, The conigregations of five Wiimette churches wiIl join in a union Good Fridla service tomnorrow tobe held from 12- o'clock, noon, to 3 o'clock in St.,Augustine's Episcopal church. Co-operating in this service,. which wiII climax.the series of Lenten serv- ices held under joint auspices, -will be the Wilmette Baptist church,, The First Congregational church, the First Presbyterian church, the Wilmette English Lutheran. church, and St. Augustine's Episcopal church.ý The. three-hour period of worship,' commem orating the pe riod during, which Christ was on the Cross, W1.11 be, coniitinuons, it is explained, but, will -be divid'ed, into. seven periods,' separated by the siging of devotion- al hymuns and, prayers. There wilI be seven 20-minute ad- dresses based on the seven "words" uttered by .jesus from, the Cross. The irst three addresses will be giveii by Dr. Hubert Carleton, rector of St. Auignstine's churchi. The fourth ad- (Ires S will be given by the Rev. 'John G. Hindlev, mrinîster of the FirstCon- gregational church, the fifth, by the Rev..David-R. Kabele of the Eniglish Lutheran church',the sixth by the ý Rev. James T. Veneklasen of the! First Presbyterian church, and-thei sevenith by Dr. Carleton in the placei of the Rev. George D. Allison of the1 W\ilmiette Baptist chuirch, w-ho is awv fromn the village.1 Worshippers will he, at liberty to.i enter and leave as the\- wish, oppor- t1init-v beinig afforded every twenitv minutes, or at the close of each ad- dress. L vir-vllager,,.i> iivite(I to atten(1l tlus -soleinin co-niiifenîoratioîî-ot tlhe first Good Fridav., Post Off ice. Project NedCars to Convery Voters Election Day The Wilmette Home Owners' as- sociation., which is. leading thc campaign to keep- saloons out. of Wilmette, requests. that citizens volunteer use of their; cars on vil- lage election day, Tues day, April1 17, and.also -on Tuesday, April:10, when residents of New Trier township outside of incorporated villages %vil? v ote on the question of permitting saloons.' A large number of cars will be, required, it is stated, and, Prompt response to- this, request is urged.- Cail Robert E. Ricksen. Wilmeétte 1684, -or' Theod.ore C Kniep, Wilmette 22-74.1 No Contests in 1School Election;. Petitions Out Bôth \Vilniette and Kenilworth wili have uincontested school elections this spring. The deadline for filing peti- tions for candidates expired last Sat- t;rdav, and ini each .village onilv 'one ticket Nvas filed. In Wîlmétte Henrv E. Ctier. p)res- ident of thîe school 'board, and Frede- rick A. Lind and Glenn Tan-;on. whosc ternis as memibers of the boardt expire tis spring, wvere nomninateil fcor reelection bv a commnittee coinposed of representatives of thie tlîre Xil- mette pareiit-teacher' assoclàtîon .s. the WVomial's Club of .W\'iîùette, the Chamiber of Commerce and tlîe XNorhh kidge \Vom1anl 'club. Petitiops ý were ODD FELLOWS DANCE filed On. behaîf oi tlîese- three can- The secouîdpubilic daiice cif didates. S. 'T. -Shermna'n Lodge, Noc. :2 I Keniilw-torth tle Citizenis' Ad- 1. 0. (), ., a t 0(1d Fellows hiall, 1217 visory commiittee ticket is .thie onily Wilinette avenune, Wilmiette, is scz for Onle in tle fi.eld. lî i's coliî~te 'r1îtirsçla-- evenitng, April 5. . comiposed of representatives of ai' ceptionally good orchestra lias, huen clubs and civîc and chutrcli organîiza- secuired for the occasion,. it is iii tions in the \il1 .nmiae r nonn11ced. thur NNT . Wakelev, 234 L~eicester~ road, lorpresidlett of thle lboard tô succced Extnd ease on Present Build- - ng for Ten, Years; Offer No Reason frDecision Wilnete wiIlliot bavea new, post. office building for, a long tirne to corne. Post master Joseph: E. Santz has received announcernent that the lease on the present quar- ters bas been extended for a period of ten years, and* that the b)uildinig vill be modern- iized to meet the' growing needs of the local department.- Par- tici,.lars as to jus.t what wiIi be done in the way of remiodeling andI dite installation. of tup:to- date eriiipnent are n.ot .now availahie, but that extensive changes. arle contemPlated' is assured, The announcement. '~sar a completle surprise te citizens of Wil- mette who have been exnectiflg operations on the oroposed ne-n, uild- fore the reasons actuatinz the, Wash- ingýton officiais are unknown. The goverument last faîl consum- mated the purchase. of ground at Central and Park avenues affer re- fusing> to .entertain a. proposition urged by an influential1 group of cit- izelîs that the First*,National barik building a t, 1150 Wilmette avenue he acquired and remodeled to house the post office. Benjamin H. Mar- shall, architèct at 612 Sheridan road, retained. for ~After a breakfast there will be a serv- ice ini the church auditorium. This is sponsored by the Senior department of the Church school, and ,high school age people from other Wilmette churches' have accepted an invitation to join in ýthe united service. Junior ie...... ......U Music .................. 32 New Trier. News .....24 North Shore Persopaities .23 Real Estate Section ... 42 Society Pages ..l3-3, 37-39 board rnay ie temporarîiy clisconnected 10Y O while the extensions to the new build- Baptist ing are being placed in readiness for operation. The switchboard wiIl be lloIY clisconnected for only, a short A imie, it schC)CJIsE was sid, ila. M. ter Day, April 1 nunion, 8 a. m.; Chureh e, 9,:45 a. mu.; Holy Com-r special xnusie end sermoÊý,

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