Dr. Hiugli Utuer Brown of the First Congrcgational church of Evanston read the, service w hichi united in miarriage Har- Tiet Dearborn- Sanders of Evanston àand Ted Henry Bur-. gess of kenilworth. Simplicity marked the wedding whicb took placein the ho.iae of the :bride's parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Albert David Sanders, Jr., at 8:30. o'clock. 0f simple .Ulnes was the bride's wvhite satin, gown with its court train edged in duchesse lace, and ber veil of tulle bad. a lace cap edged, with reaililce. Both the, veil and train* had beeti worn by other brides in the family. Her bouquet was of white sweet peas, gardenias, and liles of the. valley. Miss Jean, Sanders, thie bride's sis- ter, and Miss Mira Burgess. sister of the bridegrooni, ber only attendants, ,were in 'dresses of miaizé crepe with brown net ruffled, berthas and ful length brown cire sasbes, Their accessories were brown and their flo*ers were arm bouquets of talis- mani roses.> The bride's mother wore rose beige lace, the 'bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Ernest H. Burgess, w-as in blue crepe. Both had corsages of gardenias and pink rosebuds. Ernest C. Burgess of Glencoe served his brother as hest mn ndn iston. Art od Cofs how for Brownson Circle The annual exhibition of arts and crafts created by Brownsoin members wMh be staged by the Brownson circle on Art day Monday, April 2. Mrs.' E A. ChÈ;rd s ,. irnii 1Fashion .50 K .Rolied britn aaior in Mex4cau peon atpl». of atitched crepe with av-, vent ta# tir fm of pique. D4p-brim aaior*o! 100801Y twoven atrau, f11 a u m t a au a*4u&àg quil aiid banding ac. vent. Broad, broader, broad- ea t -of -ait brimmed saaUor w i t h flattering Unies and atitched t tf- Jeta bim. Answoring your e very ha* probl.m you find flua season . .a saillr! Ther. la one for oery cos- turne. . . oe for .v.ry occa- sion.. . orne for *very face. Hoe are but *1w.. of our nets worthy collection which bear o6t titis contention. Better select yours, now for Enster. Milinery Salon--Second Floor £Practica/j ?es! iJ3t Smart! ' Siwagqer (9xforc/s,. Çressy c7Jies WiI eSeen Wh rvrFashionables. Foregather During the. Springti". $4.95 $5- $ .4 son' s aicery this week. At the, sanie tiine tickets for A Century of Prcogress are on sale at Mrs. John C. Mani- nerud's shop, where th.ey will be avail- able during the spring. Mrs. C. L. Darling and Mrs. Harry A. Finney are in charge. WJIEBOL On Davis Streef "s -EVANSTON Wilmft, 1100 qume