Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1934, p. 36

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At a meeting of the board for tbe eighteen women's colleges- whiéch maintainedl'headquarters at AiCentury of Progress last summer, held at the Art -insti- tute last Saturday, plans were made t continue with the or-, ganization this year. Colleges participating last year were: Barnard, Bryn Mawr, Con- necictElmira, Goucher, Milîs, Mount Holyoke* Radcliffe, Rockford,. Smith'- Sweet, Briar,VasrWel- le.y, Wells, Randolpeh-Macon, Mil- waukee Downer, Trinity, and Lake Erie. Pembroke college has been added. to the, list for this year. Plans are being mtade for larger space, where visiting aluminae may register and whiere information may be obtained about the different col- leges. Certain days wili be assigned to each college, and on those days hostesses will bc ait the headquarters to 'a.nswer questions, and to greet f ci- *low alumnae. * Two Winnetkans, Mrs. Robert S. deGolyer and Mrs. W. A. Magie, are included in the roster of officers of the organization. The officers are: Mrs. deGolyer, Goucher, president; Mrs. Elmer Stevens, Vassar. vice- president; Mrs. Tom Peete Cross, Randolph-Macoei, secretar.y Miss Truc Kimbail, Rockford, treasurer; Miss Helen Mancbow, Mount Holy-. oke, finance chairman; Mrs. James * Stifler, Goucher, admissions; MrS. Francis Broomeil, Wellesley, host- ess; Mrs. Walter Warren, Wells, per- sonel; Mrs. William Bowe, Trinity. equipment; Mrs. Magie, Radcliffe. publicitv; Mrs.ý Fremont. B. Hitch- icock, Milîs, literature; and Mrs. E. 0. Griffenhagen, Smith, revisions. of the next sewing day sponsored by the philanthropy departrnent of the Woman's Club of Wilmette and open to ail Wilmette women. Work starts at 10 and is carried on until late afternoon, with a luncheon bour. intervening. April 2 is the day. Mrs. Harry A. Storms i s sewing chairman, Mrs. B. F. Blymyer is lunicheon chairman. Mrs. William C. Pôst, superintend-, etof, the, Martha Washington Home for Crippled Childrén at 4448 'Southt Michigan avenue, Chicago, will be- the noon bour speaker.describing -the work of the home for dependent boys and girls.> The idea of the organizers of this, borne was to salvage dependent crippled childien and to give them al the ad- vantages of physical and- educational training and- .the convalescent"c are which is so essenitial after surgery. It endeavors to give the dependent crippled child cf normal mind the <>-m portunity for education andt vocational training, making it self-supporting for later life. Not only their physical wel- fare is considered together witb cdu- cational advalitages, but in the home tbcy are given the love denied them inaà home of their own, the love and happi- ncss wbich doctors declare aid them toward the road to health and useful- ness. Established in 1926 by the Martba Washington club, . the Home for Crippled Chidren is unendowed, but is supported entirely by voluntary sub- scriptions. No salaries are paid executives, every dollar received is ex- pended for the care of children and the home. Mrs. linez Bliss Communityý nurse, and aill members -of the Wilmette Health Center board are invited -to be guests on April 2,. to hear Mrs. Post. Garden Study Will Star+ Welfare Conter Names o oo' ahleCu )nday, April 2, tors are urgent- Sewing wilI commence at 9 o'clock, and. the Braille class will meet at 10. The next reading by Mrs. Ann Kuper will be given at the Temple cen- ter on Monday, April 9, at 2:15 o'clock in the afternoon. "Adam"' by Ludwig lewisohn* is the book to be read. . At the, meeting of the, Sisterbood on March 19, Mrs. Herman- Katz, chair- mani of tbemnminating committee. sub- mitted the' following report:, For ofices-Mrs. A. F. Mecklen- burger, first vice-president; Mrs.L. A. Suekoif, tbird .vîce-president; Mrs. M. L.. Hirsch, recordin g secretary; Mrs. Herbert Levy, treasurer. For directors-Mesdames J. K. Arn- oldi M. H. Berlin, H. M. Berman, W. J. Borkovitz, M. H. Grauer,. E.*B. Grauer, ,W. J., Hirsch, R. L. Hofeld, Siegmund, Katz, H. N. Misch, Harold Moser, A. A. Schoenbcrger, S. A. Schiff, L. B. Sager, Albert Simon' Jr., Charles Sincere, M. J. Wolff. Womnans Club, Book Reyiews Open to Ail -Oil for the Lanips of China,,". by. Alice Hobart, and " Testament. of Youth," by Vera Brittain are the two books to, bc considereci at tbe next book review morning Monday April .2, àt 10 o'clock, sponsoreci by the literature dcpartment of the Wornan's Club of Wilniette. These mornings are open to the public, andi everyone is welcome. Mrs. W. A. Richardison is to re- viem, the first book mientioned. It i. i said that this book differs f romn others on Chinaý in that it deals with the wh.ite man .and hisAlife in China rather than.-the Chine *se ini China. Many of the scenes are laid ini Man- Ichuria, a country of great interest to ever-yone today--because of the new government recently set up there. Mrs. John Bocidie will give a re- view of the second book. Animal Lif, The next *regular meeting of the Juniors. of the Wonian 's Catholic Club of Wilmette wvilI be Tuesday evening, April 3, at the Womnan's: club lounge at, 7:-45 o'clock., The Juniors and- their guest 1s may anticipàte a .very interest.ing and, instructive evening, their president, Miss Dorothy Pettinger, announces, because John Nash Ott, Jr., of Win- netka is presenting a fascinating study of plant and animal, life with' movies. Mr. Ott bas made ingen- ions devices controliing the moving picture lenses in bis camera wvhereby one may sec the unfolding of the en- tire Iife of a flower. Birds and ani- mais .are also, studied. 'The %work tbat Mr. Ott bas done in *regardý to this subject is an excellent example of patience and ingenuity. The business at hand wiIl be the clection of new officers. An exhibit of the Juniors' Red Cross work will be in the lounge also, andý awards, ivilI be given for quality of needie- workc. The hostesses for the evening will .ie Miss Geraldine Peacock, M.\iss Clara. Meter, Miss DorothV Brown, Miss Elsahell FitzPatrick. Miss Amy Crumnlish, and Miss Harriet McDer- mott. The Juniors are happy to. an- nourice, their presidefit states,.thiat they have launched plans for their "Spri ng Frolic" toà be hield àt the Vista diel Lago on Wednesdav eve- ning, April 18.. "It. is a promise of a great deal of. fun, so %on't Y>ou Save the datie?"'Miss Pettinger urges. Womnan's Club Again in Session April 11I The. next i1-dav session Mot ers' Club Meeting The St. josepb's Mothers' club .will bavýe its regular April meeting next Tuesday. The social plans will be postponed ýuntil May. Enfertain Spoke Mrs. Tirreil Farrrcnz, 511 Washing- ton avenue, entertained Spoke Eight of thc Presbyterian church at dessert luncheon Tuesday. Mrs. Lenore Miller and Mrs. E. G. Harris were co-hostesses. C. T. . wull n at 2 o'clock, al quarters, 1730 anston,. Anyonc work and desiro to telephone Mi 883 Oak street, ccci in the ng is asked ým Carey at Next 0. of M. Meeting St. Franicis Householci, Order of Martha, is not meeting on April 2, its regular day, but will bave its ncxt session on April 16, at the home cf Mrs. Frank A. Meter, 114 Fourt-h street, at i1:30 o'clock,' to seiv for Missions.

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