Bertling-Jackson Concert April 9 A-,.number of Chicago and north shore patrons Of: music have. sigiffied their active inter- est in the coming recital Of Lo- lita Bertling, charming. young Wilmette, soprano, and Henry Jackson,'talented Chicago pian- ist, which isto be inMatz hall of Community House on Mon- day evening, prl9uner h direction- of Rutheda 4. Pretzel. This will be ýthe third, concert of the season at Matz hall, in a series which is* presenting outsta»ding' young artists of the day, art ists of this locality 'who are beginning to Win national interest. Patrons and patronesses f rom Chi- cago art Eart Blair, Mrs. Aver.y Brundage, Dr. and Mrs. William G. Burkhardt, Dr. and Mrs. George Dohrman, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Eitel, Mrs. R. R. Fauntleroy. Mr. andi Mrs. Albert Flogaus, Mrs. Christine Greenley, Mrs. Hayden Harris, Mrs.. Elizabeth Heath, Miss Etina Kellogg, Paul Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacMurry, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nicol- sen. Benjamiin E. Regan,. Leo Sow-I erby, Mr. andMrs. F~. C. Struve, Mr. Professor and Mrs. William McG( ern. Wilmette, Miss Dorotb.y Campl Mr. and Mrs. Charles, H. Feltmý Dr. aWnd Mrs. R. H. Henderson, and' Mrs. Edward F. Hess, Mr. a, Mrs. Lee Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Fra J. McCabe, Mr. and . Ars. ,Dew Wood Smith,. Mr. and Mrs. Fra Scbaedler, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ScI piro, Mrs. Esther Stone, Geor Ici-- Miss Eleanor Louise Elliott, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur James EUliott of 824 Ashland avenue, Wil- mette, will be married on Saturday' afternoon, April 7, to the. Rev Herb- ert Charles Gans of -Reed City, Mich. Thbe cereniony Will be performed at 3:30 o'clock by Dr. -W. D. Weatherý- ford of Nashville, Tenn., in the ýpres- ence of the immediate families and of close re latives- and initimate friends. A reception. will followv. There are to be,:no bridai attendants. After aàshort honeymoon -by motor the bride and bridegroom will be at borne iii Reed City, wbere the groomn is pastor of the -Congregational cburcb., Several of Miss Elliott's col- lege friends- at Oberlin: will corne for tbe wedding. Miss Elliott received' both ber bachelor and ber master's. degree fromt.Oberlin.. Mr.' Gans -is a graduate- of Oberlin and also of Concordia college in St. Louis, wbere his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Gans, reside. Roborla Burgess f'o Tell College Club of Russia The inembers of the Chicago College club will get an intimate and vivid picture of life in the vil- bv- gess is the sister ot Protessor Er- nest W. Burgess, of the University ieîî, of Chicago, and returned wiib him ian, this fail from a second summer in Dr. the Soviet, union. For some weeks Lfld they sbared a smnall apartment with ank a conmuùnist 'fatnilyý in one of- the ns new residenitial areas for workers in Lflk Moscow, an experience which bas hia- rnany interesting tales connected with rge at, the club announces. Hostesses are Mrs. Irving W. Durfee, Mrs. C. M. rge Marston, and Miss Mable J. Shap- Sunbam I.ague Benefit Tuesday after Easter is the day of a large benefit whicb will aid seven kindergartens for sick and crippled children in Chicago hospitals main-, tained by the Sunbeam league., The Stevens botel ,is the place in w.bich this annial event will take place. It is a bridge, tea. with play beginning at 1:30 o'clock. Tickets. may be pro- cured from, members, or at the door. Funds fiom sucb an event as tbis each year in the spring and frôm a bal in. the fali are the. league's mea ns of supportin g the kindergartens. The prizes for the bridge tea -are said to be -disinctive and'different. There is a prize for each table, Moreo than two-hundred of them, anda lit- tie consolation. prize for each- of' the three at each table wbo does flot winý,.and tea for everyone. The Sunbeam league bas numerous north shore niembers. Infa nt Welfare Juniors' téo Meel Again April .2 The Wilmette Juniors oi Welfare Society of Chicai tl4eî,jrext montbly meetir AýCpiI2, at t he home of A Turle, 1200 Isabella stree will be served at 1. follow ing until 4. Mrs. William will lie co-hostess. 0ffic Juniors are Mrs. Richai president; Mrs, Reed Wh president; Mrs. David St; retary; Miss Dorcas Brai- chairman; Miss Medora1 Unteer chairman; Mrs. Muehlberg, and Miss Ahi b4erg, sewing chairmen. Announce Betrothal Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dinner at Premiere of Russien BalIlet The Tavern club hasý. agreed to serve, a special dinner to a lirnitcd number of, persons, includinig non-mnembers, the evening of. the -Monte Carlo, Balle Russe -benefit perf or- ance for Eli Bates settiement. Those who wish to havie dinner .tlthe-'club* beflore the perform- ance. Saturday eçvenin 1g, April 14. are to make reservations wvitIr Xrs. Morris7 Wilson of Winnetka. The Eli Bates beile- *fit, opens, the new:season. of. the. b)allet, and marks the Ch'icago- debut of "U nion Pacific." * Archibald MacLeish of New York. son of Mrs. Andrew MacLeisb of Glencoe, wrote the libretto for the ballet, wbicbi describes the,building of the 'Union Pacific: raiÎlway, and, whicb is considered tbe first trulv Anletie2n hallit e tne Iniatit Boxbolders fo,1r the performance go will Jhold include the librettist's two Irotbers, rs WMna. Bruce and Norman ' MacLeisb of vlr. alerGlencoe. Amnong otber north shore et. Desseit residents wbo bave taken boxes for ed byv seýý - thie affair are Mrs. Walter Strong, SAlger. jr., Mran ers of tIe Mr. Had FentoinBMarketdMrs. rd Hoivell. rsHoalFetMr.ndMs itney, vice- William B. Mcllvaine, Jr., Mr. and ýarrett, sec- Mrs. William B. Hale, Mr. andî Mrs. ison, social Leslie Cooke, and Mr. and. Mrs. Bright, vol-** James S. Kemper. William. Others from ,the 'nortb shore, will ma Muebll attend. the: performance in Dutcb treat -groups. Among thon, it i& ex- pected, will be the. Rawleigh War- ners,. the Cornelius Watsons, tbe Robert Gardners, and the Howard Stones, Mrs. James Lawrence Hougbteling of Winnetka and Mrs. E. Bacone T. Philip Swift of Lake Forest, the hieengage- former Betty Hoyt of Winnetka, are dia gational church wiIl be held. Apri2, Kenilworth. Mrs., Harry Ha at the home of Mrs.. C. P. Evans, 902 wil read a paper on Horticultu Central avenue. Miss Sally Vernon Liberty Bailey. Mrs. Edwin andi Mr. E. D. Johnson will be lunch- rîck will read several poems. eon hostesseai will follow, the program. ýnBrig unh Ld, deLnho mn Mrs. Clayton Seaman of 2106 by Beechwood avenue>. is giving a bridge d-. luncheon Monday in honor of Mrs. ea K. Ruppert of Chicago, who is visit- ing ber sister, MÀrs. George Jones. *Mrs. Wilfred Shaw of Wilmette i chairman of a project in which the Crane league branches in Wil- mette, Kenilworth, and Winnetka are cooperating. Mrs. Paul Fleer of Evanston andi Mrs. Kelsey Booty, of Rogers Park, are co-chairmén.- I