SWIFT'S Premium HAMSui 5i/C SIFrS .SpringeLarnb121 SIvrs. Brookfiel, GO i2,5c SWIFT'S COUNTRY-ROLL Brookfield Butteri b8.49.c e.,. V.: 111<1 PURE PORK so uso g e O L LI 1S4 5 h I I i -Mou n tains" .. ............. (ant Organ postlude: -Let There Be I.ight"* .T)*«* uboir The message by the Rev. John G. Hindley will be "ýHope Sprinzs F.ternal." The music is directed by Miss Emily, Roberts. The quarte.t consists of Beulah Casier -Edwards. sop ranio Ethel Heide Wishover, ,con- tralto,; Walter Tenney. tenor, and Ca.rman Learn, *bass. They wiII be assisted byr a string' trio composeO of R obert Brown. violinist;, Eteanor Steen, cellist and Genevieve Smiith. hapst, as well as by- the By'cor the Giirls' choir, and the Senior Choir * of the church. ON VACATION -TOUR * Jack -Sinding of Xenilworth, captain, of theNew Trier High sholbasçball teaff: Bob Davis of Winnetka, and. Sheldon Fox of Wilmette. al star * athietes at the school. have left ini Fox's car fora' 3,000-mile trip1 to Anmherst, Uartmou th and, Boston .dur- ing their April vacation. Hugh C. Petersen, 212 Warwik road, ,Kenibvorth, is -returning today from MN!exico City[where he went to attend the Coal Merchaùits' conven- tion. Mrs. William Moulton, 235 Rale*ighi road, Kenilworth, entertained a lunch- Ileon bridg~e foursome yesterday., The receipts for the year in the road and bridge fund were !$10,156.82 'and the expenditures amounted to $3,206-91. Total. reçeipts in the general fund of the supervisor w.ere $19,571.79, and. the expenditures were $8,1 10.25. The an nual town meeting will bel held at> the Newf Trier township offices in the. Winnetka village hall, Tuesday,. April .3, at 2.- o'clock. While the balances indicate it will flot be necessary to nake. a levy this year, the matter :of making -a township, Ievy for the general fund W:ill*'be for- màlly determined at the annual. town meeting. The matter of makinga leyy for the road and bridge f und is not determined until next, September. CARS COMMIE Monday .afternôon, an automobile drivenby A. J. Natemeyer, 1106.Sewell avenue;, Evranston, collided. with 'a car driven by V. W. Biddle,, 265 Lambert Tree road, H~ighland Park, at L .ake avenue and Skokie highway. Botti cars were slightly damaged, but no oneC was iured. Iir. and Mrs. W,ýilliam H. Kellev. 1M10 Forest avenue, announée' theè birth of a daughter, Margaret -Mary, o n Wednesday, March 7, at the H-ighi- land Park hospitaL.- Last Cal! for Easter Shoppers# Next Sunday is Easter! There is yet time to do what remains of your Easter shopping. Ini this week's issue of Your Home Paper you wiII find many helpful Iast.minute sug- gestions among the money.saving messages of O-UR ADVERTISERS Thse aIphabeticad for yoar couvent' listing of Our ence. Wiîh ils ýckly locale any very week! fiel> you wil tlesired adver- b PAGE PAGE DiInI's sweet .Sliop .......... FdgeWatel' Beach Motel - 37 EvaUstoD Auto Paitng TriumUg CO., .. ........ 9 ,uu.*jiu Virepvool Warebouse;.54 ia's Lock Shop. I'liaay .......... ReaIy -ý........... Rchloor's ................... Sebnelders DooterY.ý.........5912 THRIFTIY SHOPPERS SAVE MONEY WEEKLY THROUGH THEIR ADY Xe .......... ,store ....... ...I1 OFFBRINGS ADVERTI$13R PAGE,