Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1934, p. 40

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Religions Books CIANDLERS F niSre Evanston CadUi saIur BOOKS FOR EASTER GI.FTS $PEGIAL GREETNG CAROS Our! Routail Lbraty bhas beau bulit on a reliable plan that mnuns ServIce. 1724 Orngton Ave. Orrington Hotel Bldg. * Evanston Gre. 0227 wviIl spend a week at Sarasota and. then proceed to Miami, visiting other points along the east coast on the homeward journey. M»iss Beth McIlrait-h returned last Friday fromn Connecticut college, New London, Conn.,ý for the Easter holi- days. Her sister., Janet, arrives home tomorrow fromn Randolph Macon col- lege in Lynchburg, Va. The girls are -daughters of Mr. and. Mrs. Evans J. MlcIlraith, 1127 Chestnut 'avenue.. -o- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wheelockof Cleveland left last Thursday after a visit With the Fred Strayers. 527 Maple. avenue, who entertained at a neighborhood ping pong tournament last Monday.and a cocktail party last Tuesday iin their honor. -o-. Mr. and 'Mrs. William MÀoulton,ý 235 -R aleigh road, Kenilworth, will e ntertain at a family dinner party 011 ~Easter day. The M1outons .and tOir daughter, Miss Dorelle, who is re- t urning today fromi Ferry Hall, will spend next, week. at French. Licki Sprin1gs.' 0o- Miss Dorothy Neal, ýdaugliter 'ôf AIr. and Mrs. C. ýH-,.. Neal o f 610 GretleFancusShietr nior coiLwe from te Fanues> retured last week lege at At. Carroli,,.11., where she is a freshinan, to spe.nd ber spring jvacation with ber fanily, -o- tUrned arcb 18, to spend his three weeks' vacation> with bis family, the . .Jordans, of. 320 Cumberland road, Kenilworth. Miss Jean H-all of 5W0 Central ave-: nue returned Sunday from Bristol, V.were she spent a week visiting at SulIlins. college, from which she was graduated last june.- She is attend- ing the Goodman Theatre school. - MJiss Alice Law and Mrs.. Mary~ Mrs J. Hf. Mathison of Mrs. S.* H. Moore and Boylston of Wilmette, and toni Wàllkèr of Evanston, 0o Cif- Grant Ridgeway, 307 Cumberland avenue, Kenilwortb, came bome Mon- day from Boston, where he spent the week-end with bis daughter, and fam- ily, -the William Plumers (Jane Ridgeway.) Mr. and Mrs., Ridgeway bad recently returned from, Bermuda, and the latter will stay a few. weeks longer with ber daugbhter. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. \elson, 815 Elmwood avenue, returne d re-. cently from a three weeks' sojourn at Miamni Beach,' Fia. Mrs. Nelson's family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Heit- man, Fred, Jr., and Jack, came later with the Nelsons' small son, Harold D., Jr. Jack Nason,, son 'of. -OteFranlk Nason's of 733 Cunimîngs - avenue,' Kenilworth, left last Saturday for a two weeks' visit in -New York and Connecticut. Hewill visit the.Noro- ton Beils at their home in Noroton, Coîxin. The Belîs formerly resided ini jack O'Connor of 149 Kefii lworthl avenue, Kenilworth, .Who attends Georgetown university, Will retuirt Friday, motoring home with Peter Brennan of Winnetka. jack will stop and visit a classmate at Nlansfield, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lynch aàîd daughters, Dorôtby and Marjorie, 1241 Greenwood, avenue, returned. Wednesday of 1last week f rom aà ten- d ay visit to Hot Springs, Ark. Dolores Dressel,. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Frederick Dressel of 1046 Elmwood avenue, returned Friday from St. Francis bospital wbere she, underwent an operation for appen- dicitis. Boo0k of Oz in the cnîîuren's tneater at Marshall Field's State street store. Týhe theater is on the fourth floor, and thie show will be given at Il o'clock and repeated at 2 and 4 o'c loc k. George Fogle, a Wheaton high schooi ,boy, wbo mnade the mar- ionnettes and will direct the Oz, play Saturday at Field's, was born ini Wil- mette. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Slater, (Pris- cilla Allen) a >nd theirsnàleo Hartsdale, N. Y., arrived Sunday- to visit Mrs. Slater's parents,. the L. M. Allenls, 258' Meirose avenue, Kenil- worth. Mr. Slater only, stayed for a day, but his wife' and son will remain for about aà.fortnigbt. -o- M r. and Mrs. Frederick QuelInaiz, 255 "Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, re- turned last week, from a visit to New York, and. Washing ton. Tlieir Soni. Frederick, met them in Washington. Frederick and Henry, wlio are stu- dents at Princeton, will' spend thieir spring vacation visiting in NeN York. MsI.A. Archambau.lt, 300 Sher- idan road, left last Tuesd1ay by motor for Momence,, Ill., to, get lier son, Jack, who,' is, a.student at St. Patrick academy,' and who is returning-.to spend bis Easter vacation with bhis' iamily. Mrs. FrankCery 704 Roger. ave- nue, Kenilworth, entertained bier sel%- iiig club at lunchéon 'Monday. On \\edniesday, Mrs. Cherry entertained at a bridge luncheon in honor of Mrs. H. VI. Clark of Princeton, Ill., whio is visiting ini Glencoe. Tbe "Edward C. Geithers of> 1601 Tenh, st.reet . are moôving April 20, back to their own home,, 321 Raleigh. road, Kenilwo rtb, wbich the Donald, Royces have been occ up ying. The Royces are moving to 336 Essex road, Kenilworth. 0o- Mrs. Tom Dix, 236 Oxford road. Kenilwortb, entertained at a luncheon. followed by a linen shower last. Fn- Alexander. Reichmairn, Jr., 600 Cen- tral avenue, is returning from the UJniversity of Illinois today to spend bis Easter vacation with bis family. -0 Alexander Newton, Jr., 306 Wood4- stock avenue, Renilworth, is' return- ing today from Princeton 1o . spend his'Easter vacation with bis.parents., * ___ I I a

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