Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1934, p. 41

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this for ;peCoUU, puUiIUk for the remainder of the year,*' says Stewart B. Matthews, vice-president. -This is more than double thé vol- *une we ati for the same periot inl 1933 andi more. than three tim-es the volume wé ha I f or the, sani e.I)rod in 1932. Activity openeti up excep,- tionally carly this year.. "We believe," Mr. Matthews con-ý tinues, "that btuyers have finally be- corne convinced that real estate p rices h'ave .reached the bottoi- that now is the time to buy, beforc the pendulum swings the éther wvay " Followîng are some interesting détails regarding solme of our more recent north shore sales: *Sidney S. Gorham, jr,, purchaseti à beautiful Iroperty at 656 Ard slev *roa(l, innietka, Ârom Susana il. Pierce. There are three acres of grounti, a tennis court andi swimming pool. The bouse contains fourteen rooms a-I five batbs. B3aird -andi %%Varner, Imc., represented -by Horace A. Hart of the Evanston office, and cooperating wiýth Richard Hart, were the brokers. Legal details were han- dled by Mr.. Shambaughi of Cbapman anti Cutier for the sellers, andtiMr. Gorharn represented himfself. 1Lyn arie Everett solti ber iine- room tvo-bath. residence. at 2i8 Ridge road, Winnetka, to Robert W. M c Ma hon, wbo plans' to remodel in the near futuire. Baird andi Warner,1 Inc., %vere the onlv, brokers, being represented by johni Rink of the Keni lworth office. Warren Everett of \1instün, Strawn andi Shaw rep- resenting thie seller, andi George W. Gordon of Gordon, Adiams, Pierce andi Edniunds, the lurchaser, were the attornucys whio closed the trans- action. "Mr. a-nid Mrs. Philip F., Keller pi;rchased a ten-room, three-bath lbouse -at 730 Ashlanti avenue, XVil- *mette, f rom. Charles- S. M cCoy. Baird andi Warnter, represeilted bv Vesta, M. Didriksen of, the Evanston o 0ffice, were the only. brokers. Cbarles H., Hendricks for the pur- chasers, anti Robert Eider for the seller, were the attorneys who closeti the transaction. , nupplul of obtaining govertinent financial aid in building a much neeçled Village hall. Pmesdent Schild- gen has mnade an application for a government boan of $10,000 for thai purpose, and is hopeful: that bis re- quest. may. be, granted in time to begin:work. on thé project this spring. J LOGANJIHOWARDI "Safety at School and -in the b orne.9 will be the, topic for the Speaker. Mir$. Guy Pelton, at the next meet- ingý of the Loggn-Howard P. T. A., which will be -held at 3:15,o'clock Tuesday, April 19, in the aud itiorium of the Howard school. Mrs. Pelton is vice-president of the Evanstonl Safety council, and chairman of-the Home andi School Safety commission. The remainder of the programi will be-carrieti out by pupils in the two schools. Severa1 of Mis Ferris' Logan school kindergartners wili put on a brief safety demonstration, and musical numbers will be furnished by chiltiren of the Howard scbool. The date of the meeting bas been postponed one iveek on account of the spring vacation, which occurs dur- ing the first week .of April. For the- samne reason, the Pre - School circle will rpeet on April 17, one week later thaix the usual date. .Nrs, R. P. Lonergan wvill leati the: school, Th ie Babies Friendly is sewing to- day at the home of Mrs. R. W. lMc-' Candlish, 1624 Spencer avenue. LIIFE IN SOUTH AMERICA After the .intr-oduictory pages,. which are slw and léngtby, No Caitle in Spai, by William> McFee. holtis your b reathless interest tbrough its. more than 400 page s. An ultra-modern Amner- ican girl marries a South Annericam to Congres H Belongs There ELECT RAL PH E. CHURCÇH Able -.Fea ries,.- Experienc.d - ,Dependable Representative in Con grOsa Republican Candidate-Tentb CongreWsonaId Mtrict Be Sure to Vote for Ralph Church in the,.Priari«e n APRIL 10Op 1934 FOR QIJALITY LAUNDRY AN~D DRtY GLEANmNO CALL D represented, both the buyer and the Seller. Mr. anti Mrs. Edward C. Geither, *1601 Tentb street, entertaineti their brdeclub at dinner Wednesday of latwek. ,1 a.

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