Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1934, p. 42

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JWINNING DEISGNS FOR IDRAL NORTH SHORE HOMEI Building activities continue on the increase in Glencoe, wbere, during the montb of Marcb, five pernlits were, issue, for improvements tota11ing -almost $40,00. One -new re sidence is included ini the ist. William Corbett, Jr., is building a twom-story brick, residence at 780 Bluff street, costing $24,000j Mrs. F. W. Park took out ýa per- mit to remodel the% residence' at 397 Jacksonavenue. The cost is $8,000. Herbert Mayer ,is, spending $3,000, remodelling his reidence at, 222 Maple: Hill road. Remodelling work, including- the addition of an open, porch at Glen- gables Tea.Room, 376 Park avenue is under ýway. The côst, according to a 'permit issued to N. Lanidon -Hoyt, is $250 C. A. Hemphill is adding a por'ch -to his* residence at 1086 EIm Ridge drive, c08ting $20. T. Kenneth Boyd Will Euild $55OOOHome One of the two building permnits issued in Winnetka during the montb of Mardi was for a new residence which T. Kenneth Boyd of 5724 Kimn- bark avenue, Chicago, is building at 250 White Oak lane. It is of a Georgian type of architecture, con- structed of white painted bric k, and comprises twenty rooms and sixbath- roonis. According to the building per- mit. it *will cost $55,000. IEdwin Hf. Clark, Inc., 8 East Huron street,. are the arcbitects, an-d the Henke Con- struction company, 609 North Wells street, Chicago, are builders. The other permit was issueci to George B3. McClary for alteratioxns to bis residence at 745 Locust street,,cost- ing $7,000. The plans also include an' attacbed garage.. Ernest Benkert, is the arcbitect. Wilmette Regîsters Three miniature houles, op a scoaie of mne-quarter inch ta a foot, have récently beec» built on the niortIi shore to shozù t/at constitutes thme "ideai averaqe north shore .home," »accodhgb~çcmie u9eto elett rkr o! hê~norh soreandof any architecis. T/e models appe aring in thme photograph *abov were made by Arîhur Lee, President of the North Shore Real 1state board, and are naze on public exhibition, togê'lher wPith plans in t/me north shore office of., rheBil Realti. bc ue houtt fte elevation and plauts ofthe wning désigs wil be giv- en anene asking for t/en.. 1 y, C. E. Dc'a7., Vice-president, 7 he Bis Realty, hic. The' real estate people 4first set down what the avçrage north shore home owner wants-the ideal aver- age north shore home shall have six or seven roonis, they said-nainely, living rooni, dining room, kitchen and lavatory on -the first floor, with at- tacbed two-car garage; the second floor shaîl have three or four bed- rooms with two baths. If there are four bedrooms, then one bedroom shal, be so arranged as to be avail- able for use either by a meumber, of the fatnily or by a maid. The volume or "cub)age" was set for approximate- ly 30,000 cubic feet. That was aIl. Nothing was specified as to style, materials or bow much the bouses should cost. Comp.titiin mand Jury Then the American Institute of. Arcbitects was golicited to conduct' the conipetition. A professional ad- viser was named in the- person of Chester H. Walcott, well known for bis many fine residences. Participa-j tion, i the competition was limited N. Dearborn street, Chicago, went the second prize, and to White and .Weber of 8M Tower court, Chicago, the jury awarded the third prize. Favor'ColonialStyle Some folks will notice and wondejr why aIl three winning 'designs are colonial. Probably that is partly due to the preference the Colonial en- joys. It is also due to the simplicity of design of the Colonial. With only 30,000 cubic feet to use, a seven room house with two car attached garage and lavatory must be compact; not a cubic foot could be wasted. To these limits, the Colonial lends itself and in a little lesa degree, the French, but the English is out at the start. The North Shore board was Wise iii limiting the mandatory require- ments to very few in number, only to those items essential within, the, experience of its mexnbers-number .of rooms, facilities and s.ize of bu.ild- ing. It wisely left to the architects. selection of materials and a free hand in design. Through this there ývas achieved in the winning designs a maximum in architectural beauty in home comfort and efficiency of de-* National Body Files Code for Its Members The proposed code for tbe.-real estate brokerageindustry,'filed with NRA by the National .Association of Real Estate boards, and recently sub- mitted to member boards in final forni, was approved hy the executive committee and board of directors of the association at a special meeti ng called in Washington, D: C.. for ac- tion on the code. - No change in principles or intent was made ina the code as submitted ina full to memrber boards, it was stated. Action followed a discussion wbiceh took up two aIl-day sessions and one night session of tbe board. The code will now be. formally placed i the hands of NRA officiaIs' for, their final.action. As adopted, the code provides for registration witb the code authority, of every one imn the industry. It. covers the repre- sentation of others, for compensa- tion, fee or valuable consideration, as a whole or partial vocation, ina the buying, selling, or exchange of real property; leasing, renting, and the collecti on of srent; appraising real Christine Baumann -and Miss- enIçe Cook negotiated the sale. h -----n- '. ~ -- -- - ý 1 1LL3AIpetitiUI. h.e archiect, Robert S. Arnold, çn- The plans, it should be stated, in The plans and elevations reduced ehancing the fine design, had addéd the North Shore board competition by photostat may be had free at any 1) a modern touch i the raoticeably were for a corner lot, but can be one of the offices of the Buis Realty d straight lines, of bis Colonial design. adapted to an inside lot without los- on the north shore-in No Man%. ýs So Mr. Arnold of Arnold and Yost, ing any of their advantages. Land, at 718 Vernon avenue ina Glen- -Wilmette, was awarded first prize. Now that vacant, property is being coe or at 2703 Ashland avenue in In- To emanuel V. Buchsbuni of > 140, bought again h ort soe aydan Hill Estates.,

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