Member> of the congregation1 tic 'morrow'es Citizen. asked to sen4 potted1 Easter plants to- aid ln dlecorating the church. If they wiIl ieave cards. in the pots, the pîatnt>c At the Jast board meeting of Cen- will be kept for them to be called for tral Laurel P. T. A. the repo rt of the * nytme after m .i. on Sunday. treasurer showed a nice balance avail- There will be services ofth juic l able for use for school help. Trhe ma- t.CommIunion 1on E aster Monday and jor .gift to the schools wiIl be money 1,eaater TUesdayV at 8 a. m. fior a. drop curtain for stage "to cost not * Th woen f te Asocited(iuldsmure thani $200, and other -necessaries wvill hold a pre-Easter sale- at the Par. to make the ýStolp gym more, attractive, ish Flouse next door. to' the post. office if possible., A gif t of $10, was made S'aturday miorning,. beginning at 9 to the teachers' readinor librarv, which o'clock. They wilI sell 'home-cookeù roods, piants, floNwerS and nov.elties. Ail was established for, the _purpose of womfen wvillinig to.bel> are asked to do- keeping. modern fiction- available for * nate for -the. sale and. to patronize it. teachers, as well as for parents who Ail wlilling to donâte :hould telephone Mrs Prr Siters 71 ak aenue. niai join by paying a small member- ship) fee. Also. the school beautiful The Girls' choir wiII practice, Saturday chairman was given $10 to. use'in pflac- Morning at 9 :30 o'clock.. ing- ferns in the various rooms wishing The Archbishop 'or Catterbury will theni. broadcasrt a G6od Friday mnessage. at 3 :45 o'clock (Chicego time) over difl'er' etstations Good Friday afternoon. - it is with sincere appreciation that we see Mrs.. George Quinlan accept SPEAKER the presidency, for, the coming ,year. S.'John Duncan-(Clark oi W\ilniiette The, program*s gi ,ven us have heenl ivili, be the.speaker at the next reg- varied, as to, type and have 'certaiinly ular monthly meeting of the Big placed. the third Tuesday of the month Sister group of the Service Council (regular meeting day of P. T1. A.) as for Girls on Thursday mor.ning, April a date to be especia1>ý niarked on the 5, at Il o'clock, in rooni 1006, 203 N. calendar. It iras the thoughtfuil plan- Wabash avenue, Chicago. Nlr. Clark, tling of 'Mrs. Quinilani and hier com'- who is with the. Chicago DailY News, iiiitteé. whic.h mnade this year's programs will discuss "«The Need of Publicity niosi delightful., ini Social XVork.". An informai plate- lIuncheon wvill follow the mneeting. Ail Mrs.C. .Buinae.srhol friends. of the -Coil ire cordiall hiran. has cornpleted ber book for * ilnvited to attendl . . this vear and it wilI he sent to the state convention. It will he on ex- PRAIRIE CLUB HIKE hihition ai the Mav meeting. 13e sure *Satuirday. Mlarch .31, the Prairie to 1.look ai it and sc the splendid work club will hiike along the north shore, doue hv that chiairmi. * leaving Davis street, Evanston, at__________ 1 :47 o'clock on the Chicago and .,ls WVilliam H. . Stephiens and Xorthwestern, arri ving at Braeside ai lier son Brice, 619 Central avenue, 2:11 o'clock. The wvalk of six miles returnied last Saturday from a iniotor led by Merrill Ornies and oîmte trip to Clearwater, FIa. Thev Nere representative, the 1Rev. John, F. awav about two and a haîf nionths.* Lyons, will be throughi the forest pre- Nir. Stepheýns spent a week wvith Ilis serve and .fields west and niorth;ta fanîil,, earl.ier, in the season. Ravinia, east ta. tAe lake andi sôuth_______________ along: the beac.h., RIETURNS TODAY John Spiegel, sonof Mr. and M rs. R. * Modie J. Spiegel of 140 Metrose ave- P*> uRR1ER nue, Kenilworth, is. retiriniig today t-1tm TAILOR from Dartmouith iii _qnend, 1.,.. Wilinette State flank located at \Vilnîiette, State. of Illinois, at thje close of: business oln tlhe th day,,of March, 194, aýs made to the Auditor of PublicAccounts of tbe State' ofIliii- > fois, pursuant to law. .Csh Ohr CahResourcesnDu from Banks .......... U..S. Gover nment Investments... Other Bonds and Securities...... Loans on. Collateral Securit-v........ Other, Loans........ ..... Loans on Real Estate........... Overdrafts . . . . . . . . . . . Other Real Estate ........... Banking House, Furnitur'e Customers' Liability under I4etters Of Credit.......... ........... Customers' Liability accouint of Acceptances................ Other Resources.ý............... .Total Resources ........... $688,0 10. 42 163,611.25 595.44 150,001.00 Noue. Noee ...$198839404.66 LIABILITIES Capital Stock..... Surplus...... Undivided'Profit s e) ResrveAccounts... Demand Deposit... Time Deposits ........ .$ 100,000.00 *..........50,000.00 2,275.19 Paid.... ,dit ......... Wilmette 1200 State of Illinois ' County of Co Ok çS Subscribed and sworn to before (SEAL) W. . LEARY, Cashier. me this 26th day of March, 1934. VERA PRIEBE. N'otary Public.