Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1934, p. 48

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The last of the series of indoor physical t r a i ii i ii g demonstrations whichi the physical training depart- nment of tbe Vilmette public schools bas been giving during the past twn weeks,, will. be bel0d this, evening (Thur'sday. March 29) at thelloward school gymnasium. It will begin. at 7.30 o'clock., Thé seventh and-eighth grade girls adboysý of Stolp and. Howard schoolsare-giving tonight's prograni. wbich will be presented in threce larts. The first. part will ,demonstrate the regular physic al training work carried on in the gymnasinni classes: The second part will show the work given in individual atbletic training and the third part will give a demon-" stration of the group co nipetitive, athletics. Daniel M. Davis, directo r of. recre- ation, and his staff assistants are sponsoring, the pogranis wich- will have 'as -a finiale the presentation of Ietters' and insignia tô the boys and girls who have eartied thein d[ur- 1ing the first semester's work and the I)asketball season. The girls' "letters" are based on an entire serniester's work and are achieved through a point systeni wbich makes it possible for the girls to earni points ini their regular classwork, in aiter school games and otiler special athletic eyents. The boys' "letters" are given as awards for playing in the majority of quarters in games played during the season. Board of education meni- bers, Mrs. R. H. Henderson, Mrs. H. A. Finney, and Frederick A. Lind. will present the awards. Members -of the physical education, staff who bave charge of the physical training work in the schools, ar e: Mrs. Olga S. Bal, Mrs. Gertrude Fanckboner,_ Dudley C.Stone and Glen W. Gathercoal. Urs. Bal and Mr. Gathercoal are at Stolp and. Mrs. Fanckbonier and MIr. 'Stone at How~-, ard school. B etty Todd Star 50-yard dasb. Class, A boys: A1. George Schmiltz, 1634 Walnut ave- nue;, 2. Robert Howard, '1200 (.Ilenden- ning road ; 3. Paul Stade, 1500 Wafhing- ton avenue; 4. Jlack Hicl<ey. ?.50 Oak cirele. Onîe legged Ch'. 4iass B girlz: 1. Nadine Brovn,. 1514 Maple avenue; 2. Mfargaret Mehlhope, 228 Trenth street;ý 3. Peggy B.tletr, 1534, Fnret avenue; 4, Dooth:, Ortegel. 200q8 Wnsigton avenue. One Legged Râce. (a$ B boye: 1. Laurence B'>iIng.ý 419. Prairie ave-ý nue; 2. Gerard . Neëues, 1635 Washing- ton avenue; . Norma n Foffmnaf, 1 510 Wa'rshlngton avenuf' 4.,lin ymond Dr-ehes. 221 'Catalpa place. One Legged Race. ('Iass C girls: 1. Betty Trodd, 1121 Laike avenue; 2. Nancy Bercaw 241 El ghth 3t reet; 3. ,olores HIlluger, 171,5. 1.lrnwobod ave- nue; 4. Rosalie Schne ider, '2004, Wash- ington avenue. One Legged'Race. (lasC b 1. Kimbali Brown', 710Walnut ave- nue; .2. Bill Holmes, 864 Lind'm ave- nue:;.3. Jack Harvey, 131 Sixteenth fîtreet : 4. Bernard Flood., 210 Broadwa-.y. Double Race. Class B girls*:, l. Gall Tremblett. 229 Ninth >.reet, and Kathleen Tlng, 1427 Gregory ave- nule; 2 *PeggyButer, 1531 Forest ave-, nue and Harrette Jones, 1538 F'orest avenue; 3. Jeanette Kanies. 32î Oak cirele. and IMargaret l Mehihope. 228 Tenth street; 4. Doree Hauimond, 163.1 Walnut avenue, and Martba IAach, 1417- Foi-est avenue. Double Race. Class B boys: 1. Rayniond Drebes. 221 Catalpa place. and Laurenee Boling. 419 Prairie ave- nue-, 2. Gerard Neuses, 1635 Washington, aven ue, and Jack Birong, 1536 Central aven.ue; 3. Nickl Valentini, 1229 W- mette avenue, and Robert Hofl'meyer. 1418 Willmette avenue; 4. Clifford John- son, :101 Sixteenth streét, and Richard Anderson, 1729 Forest avenue. Tandem race. Clas girls: 1. Betty Todd, 1.721 Lake avenue, and Nancy 'Bercaw, 741 Eighth street.; 2. Dolores Hil1ger, 171l5 Elniwood avenue, and. Rosalie Schneider, 2004. Washing- ton avenue; 3. Louise Grahanm, 215 Cen-, tral Park avenue. and. Sa rah .le'ýn Cur-, loy. 209 Fifteenth street. Tandem race. Cass C boys: Il. Dick Haas, 621 'Park avenue, and Jack Harvey, .131 Sxteenth. street; 2. Don Hoffman, .1510 Washington avenue. and Fred, Qulck, 1130 Ashland avenue; 3. Bernard. Flood, 210 Broadway, and Bui Holmes, 835 Linden avenue. 75-yard dash. Clasno B gIrls: 1. Nadine Brown, 1514 '.%tape avenue- 2. Margaret Mehlhope, 228 1'enth street; Now Near Closing 'lime After this weck's games very fe.i,% events wil1 be left on the Playground and Recreation board's indoor aduit activities' calendar. Since the inen's "A" and. "B" Basketball leagues pflay- ed their final games on .Monday and Wêenesday evcenings of fl*s % tek lie girls *IV' bàsketball lea-îit' :and. the men's "C' league having finislhed last week. and the infiî 's-,olievipall and girls' "A" basketb.all leagues the w eek hefore that, notbing remains on theý calendar except ilie No'rth Shore Basketball league, thé Nvonen's gymnasium class meeting on Thurs- day evýenîng,'and the teachers' gym- nasiumn class meeting on WVe<lnesday afternoons. Invite Women to Take Tap Dancing Lessons A tap dancing .class for Wvomen. to begii immediately folloixing the spritng' vacation of the Wilnette pub- lic schools, .when gymnasium space will be available, is being formed an,,i will be open to ail women lu the vil1- lage. The class iq sponsored by the Playground and Recreation board and those interested in taking lessons may obtain information at the recre- ation office, 914 Ceurtal avenue. TNT Girls Capture .Basketball Honors The TNT girls' basketball teanm won the chainpionsbip of the Girls' "B" Basketbail league which com- pleted its 1933-34 season lu the Play- ground and Recreation -board's sport calendar iast Thursday evening ati the Howard gymnasium. The teai,, which is captained by Dorothy Daâvis, 920 Fifteenth street, finished the sea- son with ten victories to its crédit Selim Tideman, Jr,, 1025 Lindei avenue,- is returning the end of tîte week froni the University of Illinoi-, to spend the spring recess with his famil'v the wea and Ai for an wnrld's under way regain the loops. MIisslleleni McNair of Chicago en- tertained,:her nort.h shore bridge club for luncheon last M.Noiday. M'trs.. Arthur Wakeley, Mrs. Harry Wil- liams, Mrs.- Jacques (lela Chappelle, and Mrs. Eugene Slappey of Kenil- worth,'and Mrs. Thomias Wakeley of WXilmette are sonie of thec nembers of the club. 0rO- Henry Hicks of 241 Melrose ave- nue, KenilWorth, and Arthur Mélii- tosh, also o f Kenilworth, are leaving Suinday for Frenchi Lick Spring, to. enter a golf tournament. -o-- Robert 0. Berger, Jr., 306 Kenil- wérth avenue, Kenilworth, who at- tends, Lawreniceville Preparato 1ry séhool, returnied on Wednesday of last week for the spring holidays. Mrs. .Arthur J. 1indsley, 200 Oxford toad, Kenil%%orthi, i,, returning on Sat- urday by miotor with a friend froin Beverl31His. whiere she spent the winter. Mrs. Herbert Buschi andý lier sonl. Bobby, 1617 Spencer avenue, recently returned froin a mnotor trip to Oregonl, 111.1 whiere tliey visited Mrs. Butsch's sister, Mrs. WValter Berg. -o-- Mrs. M. \V. Schwartz of Chicago left Suiuday after a week's visit with lier sister and fanîily, the Louis Sue- koff s of 819 Chiestiiut avenue. Mrs. .Schiwartz is niovinig to New York. Katharine Makwell is retuirniýng .April 11, to her ,haie at 1414 Forest,, avenue,' fronti Antioch college to sî>etid lier spring vacation with: lier taiteI)onaid Maxwells. Mr. andi Mrs, M1yles J. Phillips *and- soli, joln, 1003 Michigan avenue, are sailing this week on the Carinthia for an Easter cruise to Nassau and B3ermnuda. ad three first place rihbons and second place ribbon to ber credit,. Ail StarsTake Titie aureflce Boling, 419 Prairie avenue in C' ' n st as second high scorer, with three lf9.4g ~~net lue ribbons. Nadine Brown had two The Ail Stars basketeers piaying in rst place ribbon;s whicb gave ber the Playground and Recreation fr4 place in the scoring. board's "C", basketbail league for Ribbons 'were awarded to winners men, .fiished the- 1933-34 season as -0- Miss Martha Roberts, daughter of the John Marshall Roberts, 328 War- wick road, Kenilwortb, returned last. Friday from Monticello, Godfrey, Ill.,, for the spring holidays. 0o- Edward C. Hildreth, 2006 Beech- wood aven~ue, returned Friday frornia week's business trip tc, New York and Blaltimore. Mrs. Judson Large of 1942 Thorn- wvood avenue, wi11 be luncheon. host- ess to her bridge club Apiil 5. f J. a I

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