The regular mnonthly lulicheon meeting of the Wilmette. Chamber of Commerce wilI be held in Weeks' dining room, 1129 Central avenue. at 12 o'clock, Monday, April 2. The guest speaker will> be J. T. Meek, secretary of the mercantile division of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, whoôse, subject will be the 2 per cent occupational, or sales tax. Mr. Meek is fully qualified to speak on this subject,-it is explained, since he has- been closelY identified. with the administ ration. of the law since its passage, a .nd al!so active'in efforts to bring about uniform ad- ministration of the me asure hy the mferchants, of the state. Village Manager C. M. Osborn will explain the.Somewhat confusing ballot to be used in theVillage election on April 17, at which voters will decide whether orfhot saloons 'are, to be permitted in inlette.. The phrase- ology of the question is confusing and NI r. Osborne will atte mpt to make, it plain. Triere V ilI prolhahlvlbe a discussion ofi the \Vaguer labor bill now before congress, which is creating stnch.a furore in industry. N. S. Plan. Group Hfolds Conhkrenci( Thie tbird meeting of the North Shre District Planning conîmî11ss'oî was held in the council chamber ai the Xinnetka Village hall, Monday *evening of this week. Committee organization was dis- *cussed and gênerai plans. of proceil- tire considered. It was decided tc have five members on each of sev'en conxnittees, b)ut selection of tiie a memnbers was postponed until the *several villages in the organizatiaq have completed their respectiveù representatioti A. - N\. Lee .of Wilniette. is icliai--- man ýof the' comissi on ; A. W. Car!- son of Glenview. vice-chairman, aind * E.. A. 'Rummer, Winnetka, secretarv. Aid er R. Tighe Will IHead Optimist Clubk -,ç(mesoith at offce Patrons of the office are that checks or other ren shouli be executed in thej -Mr. UlIrich as postrnaster. dier f or to make th 1to the jl no excuses car owner, let him ex- Chief Brautigamn alsa states that the inconvenience toý drivers arrested, by state officers. is often very great, and advises, that license plates be procured immediately in order to save trouble. Owners of dogs are also cautioned to, procure, licenses without delay,' as a house-to-bouse.checkup will be: made sbortly, :and dogs for which - license have notý been takeni out may be im- pounded, thus adding to_ the, expense, to say nothingof the possible loss of the dog. -______ Loan A ssociaio A waits Fitnal O. K. to'Begiff Business The board of directors of the 1Pirst Federal. $avinigs and Loan association of Wilmette has been holding frequent meetings during the past wveek, per- fecting the machinery and getting things- in shape to begin operations. The surety bonds are expected to *be ap- proved and received this week, and as soon as tis is accomplisned the asso- ro a it aA~ u te total collectionI house-to-house campaign, to the seri- 'ciation ,il be in position to, executeI amounted to only $912,766.20, as ousness of the situation and the ab-, i bans. Already applications are beingI compared to $1 ,468,045.08, last solute necessity of lending every possi- î filed. ThIlese must be submitted to the year. ble assistance to the association's ef- Il ba omittee, now in course of for-__________________ fort to protect the homes of the com1 m nation, for approval. munity. It wilb be remembered that this ass o- Lutheran Church Choir Under 'the' direction of Mrs. Leslie ciation is affBliated with the Federal Offers Cantata Sunday Gates, 723 Eighth street, the colonels Home Loan bank. Information f rom The choir of the Wihnette English and captains of the Community. Chest the Federal Home Loan bank of Chi-'Iutheran church, Seventh street ýat f ul i attles agh ais poerty and want, cago is to the- effect that Al of the Gréenleaf avenue, under the direction fli ate gis oet n at communities liaving institutions wearing of Prof. Theodore Scheerer of Chi, will be employed in the. personal work the insignia, '4Member, Federal Home ca0 iîpeet ejmnW oe of the campaign. Loan Bank Systeni" will be special îand's Easter cantata, "Rabboni," on P4la - »tn eDriVe beneficiaries of the new administration- Ese udyatrona 'lc h uIbado drcoso h s ponsored -home .financing legislation a tecurch. aThierentati4on by o me wnerslb assdociatriocositng whic th Unied tats seateap-the choir will climax the services of of two. members in ec oigpe proved early in the week and the'bouse -the church during the Lenten and JEas- cic ftevla e as addto thpe, banin ad crrnc cmnItte aster season. .steering. commnittee already functioning, ,i1st reported out. There are 262,,meni-_________________ ber uilingand oanassciatonsil'and will, it is said, cooperate with the , Illinois and Wisconsin, it is reported. focs e j rsjats to return the tax boois on Mon- day of this week, stated that, at the request of Village President C. P. Dubbs of Minmette, and Vil- lage President William B. Moul- ton of Winnetka, County Treasur- er Joseph B. McDonough and As- sistant, County Treasurer ýEdward tend the time of payment of taxes to the local>collector up to and in-w cluding Tuesday, April 3. It is es pecially urged: that those, who have not alreadydone so, pay their taxes. to the town collector, thereby allowing the various tax- ing bodies. in,.the- township to se- cure the much needed funds with which, to, retire outstanding tax anticipation. warrants.: This in itself means a considerable saving- to thetaxpayer, it: is. pointed out, in that it will stop the cost result- ing froni the payment of ý6 per cent interest on outstanding w ýar- rants. Taxiiig ,bodies who have no out- standing warrants will obtain money much earlier withi which to carry on operatioir of various de-. partments of Village, park district, suhools, etc. Up to Tuesday evening,.Collec- Vigorously pushing to completion tbe plans and organization tbrough wbicb it hopes to keep saloons out of Wil- mette, the Wilmette Home Owners' aq-sociation is calling upon every civic, social, religious and patriotic *rgan-, ization in the village to join in the, movemnent which, it is assertedbsfo its sole and'only purpose prevention of the establishment in Wilmette of a, business that.,can do the village little good and much harm>. Again emphasizing that the effort to keep out saloons bas notbing hatever to 'do with the "ýwet" or "dry"1ue- tion, speakers at a -meeting of the asso- ciation held in'the Village hall Tues- day niight reasserted that there As. no intention to interfere with the rights, of Citizens to keep or serve b eer, or, liquor .in -their homes.. It is flot, they said, a question of prohibition, or.even of temperance. Ltïs strictly a. question of maintaining the- estàblished, chareac- ter of the village and the value of its home properties. House-to-House Cuauvats Definite steps were taken at the mneeting to, perf ect the organization thgt is to. asumne responiltyo wk- LUINI ur j "Alur i ne Iincroa ted JU~ vïlîagt ver ot nlytheworenbut th 4 takr ibeing warned by state police ver ot o ly he w men but th A d ak e deputy sheriffs. to , cease servn i sed -Mrs. A. L. GrinnelI, chairanan. and 18 years, adn that this- l ex cs Note: Eoonomy Slhop la oonducted 40Jthe condition the Homne Owners' of by the Woman's Club fwllmette. ciation i lcin to peeti mette.