SATURDAY, MAR. 31 (No ShOW èOOd Wriduiy) CHE~STER MORRIS8 'TOMORROW AT SEVEN" MICKEY McGUIRE CONEDY lutARZAN THE FEARLESS" At, ?atlmee ani Flrot Evenhjigibow OuIy ~ARS IT EcvAwSjTO-PlqONUlun U Opm iDaiyat1:30 shows Coatiauois te.2MNIL TOdaY (Thurs) Lust Day JOHN DOLES ulti a Goria Stuat Fr1, S"t, Mardi *-31 Walt Dium.y' Latest SIIly Syumphon Y' Cartoon in Color "Vuny LiMie allotted a space 20x20 feet ; there is to be a series of tirce of these spaces, making a total of 20x60 feet. Thle pur- pose is to teacli the owner of a small property how mucb of pleasure and food hle, may, derive fromn so small a space. These *small gardens wiIl be laid out in conju nction Witb a bouse, in order to secure thepropereffects of design and planting. Tool bouses will also beemnployed, and with themf the hot-bed or cold franue, in demon-- stration of the ease with wbich these beretoforc unsigbtly appurtenances, to the garden, may bebeautified. . Eighty garden. clubs have entereêd for the sbow, whicb bfas of the Chicago.Park boards and xnany, departmient stores, seedsmen, nursery- .men, and private estates., Utilize Tree Stumps for Garden Beautific ation Taking advantage of the enforced reinoval of l;rge trees from the park- ways of the village because of de- cayed conditions, the Kenilworth Home and Garden club is employing stumps and, branches in garden beau- tification. Attractive rustic effects are achieved which, in combination with the proper setting of plants and flowers, give an impression of ex- panse far beyond the limited space utilized. Things rustic have a charm ail their own, and the club is making the most of this universal appeal. after a fortnight's visit with Mis., Earl D. Johinson, 1005 Oakwood ave- nue. Seven of Mrs. Johnson's friends were hostesses at various affairs in honor of Mrs. Van Peit during ber vit bere. YOUR DANCING!' IS IT MODERN? Nothing "dates you" like those dance steps you Iearned ten years agLearn - in urivate - the Bing Crosby anzd Marion Davies i a scene fromi "Ginig ollv- tîood," in whiclî grand son gs, gorgeons girls and . clorful cen- sembles arc carrit'd along liv the streainof' an interesfing story. Tihis prodliction, said fo bc done on the' mou lvi/iscle of anyI sem to date, w.ill show 0f flhe Valencia thètcfr Swnday and Jilion- da, A /prdi 1<nid 2. Another triumph of 'the Valencia's newwide range sound system.will be ifs recording of the trouble, tutrinoil, fun and laugliter which feature "Sons of the Desert," starring Laurel 'and Hardy this Thursday and Friday. 11 Saturday, Mardi 31, wvll be tense with thie mystery of "Bombay Mail." tery bquadron,- will ne orrereda arthe Saturday matinee only. Every moment will be electric witbý interest duriiug the showing of "Couni- sèllor-at-Law" Tuesday and Wednes- day, April 3 and 4, witb JohilBarry- more in a splendid portrayal. Anguish caused by tbe kidnaping racket is superbly portrëayed by Dore- thea Wieck in the great drama,' "Miss Fane's Baby Is Stolen." Baby LeRoy and Alice Brady are entitled to their share of the bonors in tbis film at the Valencia on Thursday, April 5. The fine spirit of the, Children'ys group, which meets on Saturday mornings, under the able direction of Hope Dagenhart, was culminated Saturday last in a pantomime, "The Elves, and. the. Shoemakèr,"; in whichi the children, modeled their own COS- turnes, created their maslcs, and made themn. .*These. chidren. paint, draw, model in cday, and are being taught to create on a large scale. *l'heir work from. time to time is on exhiibi- tion. The second group, thé juniors, paint and dr aw under the direction of Edna Stevenson Jobansen, and the third group paints, with Mrs.ý Elizaa- beth Peyraud as instructoir.. -Nîrs. Peyraud, well ,known on the north shore as a painter, is an experienced teacher and is able to give the bcst of.ber art.,to lier pupils, whvlo comn- pose- the aduit group on Saturday mornings. Allen Philbrick bas a class of aduits. on Tuesday and Wednesday morni- ings ini the League studio, and James Cady Ewell teaches modeiing to a group on Monday mornings f roin the model. Thursday and. Friday mornings are, reserved for the Art league mnembers, who wish to paint. Feuix loldenweck is president of- the North Shore Art league; Grace Brion, ývicé-presidicnt; Ruth GCibson, secretàry; Leola Spafford. treasurer. Chkristian Science Churches "Matter" was the subject of the les - son-sermon in, ail Churches of. Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Mardi, 25. The golden text was, "Thou shait flot take the name, of the Lord thy God in- vain; forthe, Lord will not hold him gttiltless that taketh bis name in vain" (E xodus 20:7). *Among the citations which compriSed nlst in the cbfi ' FOX. seem to be famine and pestilence, xvant' andwoe, sin, sickness, and deatb, wbich assume new phases until their nothing- ness appears. These disturbances will continue until the end of error, when ail discord will, be swallowed up în spiritual Truth" (P. 96). 11211I 4m