71LTN47-ltc WHITEMGIRLÊFO-rtGEN. HOUSEWK. Good plain cook andlaundre. .Elec-, fric waher. 3 adits. Nice room and bath. Good home. Refs. 151 Sheridan Rd. ýphone Winnetka 3377. 7l1TN47-ltc WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL housework, 3 in famuly, no laundry. 46 week.. Phone Wlninetka 2785. 71L47-Itb WHITE GIRL FO HUSWR afternoons. Clean andrellable. No cookîng._ Pho ne Wllmette 196. ________71LTN47-lte __ HELP WANTEDb-MALE (1 AI)ENR, INNETK<X7FLO5WERS vegetables, and groundq. IDrlve, car dcaln ally. Unfurnished lvn ur ters, no chlldren., Give ref.s. and state èxp. and wages expected. .Address A-15, Box 40. Wilmette. 72LTN47-lte 44ELP W«rn.-MALE AND FEMALE - HEP IELpREINHART'S EmPl. Ageney lias Il I)ositions (:pen for ('0u111e4. Wages $75, $100, and $125. We bave lxx. thc past. week placed 9 couffles. i S positions open for eookt;,and general ,fad.Wage-s $10, $2 and $15. Right aIt he 'North Slî<'re staion. This offlice is opern lié ëteiliiiugs by appointmnft onlly. Rei.nhart's Enipi. Agency 15 NEli Street Winnetka 3399 _____________73LTN47-Ite L)UMIESTIC HELP EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED4 No Charge to Empuloyers Lindgren Empi. Agency Established 25 years 799 Eln St. Winn. 1047 73LTN29-tfe E1 L'r-WIITE 'COUPLE. - fUS, couple eto do laurnjry. lRef enees re- quired. $75. Winnetka-1092. 731,47-Utpj FOR SALE-A UTO25 CHIEVROJ4ET SPECIALS 'rl Chev rolet coach, baLk .$475 * 33Chevrol tw ean, dan. 8 '31 uiuk8-915-pss. edan . .450 '-1 Studubaker 1ictator sdn -265 '27 Linvoîxu Le Batr<m sedan .... 95E ~3tLa saillu îowl d. n 6 Mw. W.:,. .43.7 ~Pxkd 7-i»ass. sedan .15- * mee, ii. ~LTN4-tfPCentral k Wllmette rom ENTLT.HUKP. .0MB - PA R T I. SMAL OUMSEKEEPING SUITE IN bedrooni east side homne. Large open porch, for llght h 011, heat, Instant hot water. Convenient 824-ýW tran4p. References. Wlmmette 204. e4LTN47-ltp BOAieD AND RooN Tif EKINILWOR¶'H INN 0FF-iRS You a real, home, fine large rooms,W s;uiteq. private bath, good food. Moderate pÈlces. Kenhlworth 5491. -86LtN47-itc - You CAR£E 0F CONVAL»Eucgwrg1bu MA1RIE'S DIET A.ND REST HOMfl cn for invallds and for came of the aged. Qu1ck Day and night nursing; trained nurses always on dutY. Menx attendants inx And Service. Physician's referêees. Phone everyl ýWilmette 2548. 87LTN47-ltp anid1 WANraD-.BOARD AND ROOM HOmE FOR TWO SÊCHOOIhîi .LIE dr'en, aIsq room and board two aduits eniployed. Con venient W1luette or Gle - R. B. eoe hol ReasonabIe. Write A-1ý7,1 pBox P0. Mlnie!te, 111. 88LTN47-îtp 1841 ElniStr FOR REOT-PR«MENTrS open THE LINDEN REST - Wilinette's Most Beautiful Building Last 2 rooni apartments conslstlng of large, GE aterciveliving room wmx îýn-a-d rGLECOE- Free refrigeration. Reduced prices. . ttaphed 19 GLENCOE ALSO 4ts_ -u Aî'ailable May lst, some sooner. WINNETILI 3l-4-5, BOOM APARTMENTS screened P KROLL & SMITH, AGENTS OTHER 424 Linden Avenue .wilmette 500 . FURNISH1E 92LTN40-tfe .ANýý NO MAN'S LAND 6631 Vernon A LOVELY 2 RO002% APARTMENT, unfurnished, w-ith a Pullman kitchen, overlooking Spanishi Co-urt, ean be had for thirty,-six dollars a month. Attractive 1 SPANISHI COURT PROPERTIES netka. 011ïl 9.3O spanish Court Wilniette 432 Large bedr<o 92L47-ltp U3NUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE 4-ROUXM 3 ro!orn garai apartinents overlooking park. Cen- Oul heat.1 trally located. Frigidaire, $50. Phone NOR Glencoe 45 or Glencoe 216. 92LTN44-4tr REALI 528 Davis St. LC.REFFUGERATOR. GAS STOVE. ATTRA( 71n T'in, St. Rniek 42. 6 rins., 1 bat apartLiJnIIL, newly aecomated. Lcation. . Reasonable. Phono 9399 or 2427.1 1 93LTS45-4tlp y, FURNISHÉD KITCIrEN, iand private bath.. Sultable housekeeplng. Phono Wllmette Foie RENT-HoÛ*s Till You Rient .? know what yrou want you know where you find It with wide variety ln vthlng, - Price, Size Lýocation ..... ette Ito Glencoe ET US HREJTP YOUý.- WHITAKER Co. reet Winuietka 3250 WINNETKA. week days froni 9 to 9. 97LTN47-Itc Miniute Bargains. -W.hlte brick, 4 bedrnîs3, 1 1hI., la%-., play rm., 2-car garage.........$125 - Red brick, 4 bedrnis., 3 in --and -slpg. p)oeirhes, 2-car A-3 bedrms5.,1 bath,' lav.,. porch, oil ht., 2-car gar». $75 INTERESTING HOMXES EDl A ND UNFURNISHED NT MORELAND Avenue Giencoe 305 97LTN47-ltc ýma11 Homes Iro'on cottage in East Win- heat. Living roon 2x2l. omr. $40. ige apartrnent right *on lake. Fine view. $40. TH WESTIERN TY & BUILDING CO. tE vanstoni« Uni. 9500 97LTN47-lte ZTIVE RENTAL 2 modern Colonias, 4 bedrm., 2 bath%, sun rm.-, o» lt., gar., near HUbb.r& Woods seool and station.... .1235mo B. . Winnetja-Modern brick on quiet, lane, 7 rms., .2 bathi, olh ht., attacheul .garage..................$Ir*. 9 rms. 3 bath., near the lake .. . $135 lie. Glenco*e new- white brick, 4 bedrmx, 3 baths, OU1fht.. att. 2-car gar.:.$125 me. HILL & STONEý 543 Lincoln Avre. Wlnnetka 1544 971A7litp, A ATRACTIVU l1NtA Exceptional home on pri at treet la northèeast section of PGlenco 4 bed-, rins., 2 baths, sun rin., Uic kitehen wlth* gasrange and eleetrie refrigerator. 011 hýeatwlth 011 bot Watet- heater. Large -crgarage attached. Speclal at J135 per month. SMITH & GS 725 W m Street Wn tk 3 0 97LTN47-îtcý STILL SOME VZIRY CHO ICE HOMES FOR RENT 8 ms11., 5 bdi'iiis., 2 bath@........75 6 ring., 3 bdrms., 2 bath........... _7 8 nis., fibdrim. 3-2bSths s ALSO CÔMPLETE LIS. 0F 'UNFURNJSHM >HOUS-ES. M16 arkAve & cDhr 13 316 Par Ave. LTnco-e13 OVELOO97GLKE-lt Ne n oernOKng LAKhtYE nad New andhome 5 englls type sand ex.ulavahome;-S bedroond brahfast ex. l ataory; grae. Excebreakfast caton itth pied garagen xcetl- tional rentai at $175.00 per mo. 75SMItHw & GOrSS 725 lm st. Wnnetka 3500 97LT'N47 tc East Winnetka 5 BEDRMS., 3 BATI{S, LIBRARY, lav., sun rm., 2 blke. froni tansp., 011 ht., attached gar. $110. Mrs. Fuller,& Wm. Pickard Winnetka 122-3722 'i4# Elin St. ,97LTN47-lte 20SKOKIE ILANE, GLENCOP-E...RY fine 9 rn. brick home, 3 bath., exctra ist floor lav. Large lot, near the south end of .Skokie Club,, 2-ear garage. A very euperior home at $15 per month. R. M. JOHNSToN &,CO. 340 Llnden Ave. ,Wilmette 444 97LTN47-ltc 7 n s . E . i d e , . n r , i h . . . 0& +t , .. .. .. 2 FURNISHED ROQMS, 1 1 double. Phono W1imette ý47-1c zjt. in w £UmAUL..I .Avenue. . 97LTN4-t 46 Pai ý 1654 l -Ave P. Ca 92LTN47-Itp