COLONIAL, HOUSE WITH LARGE sunny living rn. and sun rm. 5 bed-' rmns., slpg. porch, 3 baths. Most at- tractive Colonial wall papers. Att. gar. 011 heat. $110. REAL, ESTATE SERVICE 553 Lincoln Avenueý Winpetkg 3450 97LTN47-Itc JUST OFFERED., COMFORTABLE 0 RM. HOME. LARGE, Iight. airy roonis. 3 baths and 2-vcar garage. Large wooded lot. House will be redecorated throughout for new tenant. Pricfl for qùick rentai1 at $1U3. NORTH WESTERN REALTY & BUILDING CO. M2 Davis St., Evanston Uni. 9500 97LtN47-ltc OVERLOOKING, INDIAN, HILL. GOLF CLUB. CHARMING HOME. 4 *bednms., 3. bathis, aoil heat, beautiful groundm. $125.00 per nînnth. McGUIRE & ORR 530 Davis Street Gre. 1080 97L47-ltc *.BEAU. HTE WINNETKA COLO- nIal near lake, sciools. transp; 4 bed- rooms; 2 baths; il; 3 porche>; 2-car gar.; option ta buy. SpI. price this weelc. HEINSEN REALTY CO. 660 Center St. Winnetka 254 97LTr447-Itp 71 RM. MODEUiN HOUSE, GAR. $55. 10 nu. house. heated' sleeping porcli. ail newly decarated, 2 baths, ail heat Chaice corner. $135.. C. H. Brethold Wil. .65" 97LTN47-ltp SOUTHEAST WINNETKA - LOVELY 7 nu. brick, tile bath. ex. lav., ail ht., elect. refrig., gar. $115. 6,ru. Colonial, * oil ht. $75. Other gaod values. Mrs. Lang, Wnnetka 1194. 97LTN47-tp BBfAT3TXIFUL 6 UOOM'DUTCH COLO- nial, If. W. H., ail, perfect ln detail, 2-car garage. $100.00. Hill & Stone, end of "L." Wlmette 1644. 97LTN47-lte BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS AND SLE>G. * poreli, garage, ail heat, irlec. refrig. Call 'Uni. 4152 or Uni. 1327. 97LA4-tc WANtED TO RENT-ofOUSE WANTZD TO RENT: 6 OR 7,-400M house lni WilMtette or Winnetlca, near transportation. May lst possession., 3 in family. Addresa A-19, Box 40, Wil- metteý . -. 99LTN47-Itc, WANTEOD T1RlNT IN WILME~T by reliable party, modern hous e with 3 bedroonis. Near transportation. Ad- dresa A-14, Box 40, Wlmette. 99LTN47-ltp 5 OR 6 ROOM IIOUSE. MUST B reasonable. No brolters. Phone Win- *ALL THIS-FOR So Little Money EXCEPTIONALLY FINE 7-RM. HOME; on quiet residential street. Con veri- lent ta 'I'V steam and schools. A de- lightful comibination living and dlning roorn 35 ft. long. Log firepiace; 3 famully bdrnis., 1 with .fireplace. lMaid'à roffm with lav. . 3,000 cash payment required. SMART-& GOLEE, Inc. 1564 Shermnan Ave. UniverAity 0283 INDIAN HILL SECTIO N WI1N N ET KA SURROUNDING BY fine, homes9, charming stucco And tim- ber house 'of verY good architectural design. Beautifully landscaPýed,, fine native oaks, bouse has 8 roinis,.3 bath s, recrseation, roc, .m in basement. Price and ternis very attractive. Own- er moving awvay. Caîl Mrs. Blecker. QUINLAN & TYSON, hIcé. 1571 Shermagn Ave., Evanston, Uni. 2600 ILTN47-Ite THEYVRE GOING FASTr HOMES AS CHOICE AND ATTRAC- tive froni the purchasers stand- point as .this new 6 roo)ni Geor- gian Colonial. 3 spaclous bdrins., * 2. tule baths, ht'd gar. Man*/ extras. Don't fail to see this at once. 'Tt is priced right. Mr. Rink- BAIRD & WARNER, Inc'. 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH Kenilworthi 4785 Rogers Park 6151 White Colonial CHARMING INTEBIOR, 0001) LO- cation, 5 bedrms., glazed slpg. porch, 3 baths, beated sun rm., H. W. ht. 100-f t. wooded lot. Bargain at $20,000. OTHER INTERESTING BUYS Frances J. .Winscott '102 5p"uee SI. WinnetIka 1261 -MUST .BE SOLD ATONE A REAL SACRIFICE, 8 rm. brick house. Eaàst o« Sheridan Rd. 5 bdrms., 3 batha, H. W. o11 ht. Gar. attached. Can naw be bought be.- low $30,000. McGUIRE & ORR 316. Park Ave. Glencoe 13 H1(J iv 1r4 SMALL SIZE PLANS 0F THRE pri~wIningdesigns for the Ideal Average North Shore Home given 1ree ta those calling at any ane of. aur. three North Share Offices. Asic- also ta see the models of these houses, constructed to scale, which we have on di9play. Complet e eyen ta suggested landscaping, they Wili help Yau Visualize your future*home. Designa, are the.pr6duct o!, expeirience a! Realtars, Builders and Architects familiar with North Shore homes. WB ARE NOW. IN POSITION TO FINANCE THE BUILDINC 0F, YOUR HOME THE BILLS REALTY, mnc. Three Offces- Open Sunday .1 Na Man'e Land - .Wilmette. 3740 lindian Hill, 2703 Asihland Wilmette .2792 Glencoe, 718 Vernon Ave. Giencoe 777 WANTRO Tc» UUY-HOUUES. BUYER WITH CASH WANTS FAIRLY NEW, WELL BUILT bouse. ln territory Evanston ta High- land Pa&rk, near traisportatiofi. neitr grade school, 3 or 4 large bedroonis. Prefers lot at least 60 feet wide. Write- A-12, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 113,4-ltp FOR UALE-VAIdXNT EVANSTON-S. W. COR. HASTENGS .and Central. Business. prap. 56xl20. $4,500._ GLENCOE-105 FT. LOT ON G1RiEN Bay Rd. 105 f t. North of lHarbor, East front. 36,000, farmierly $11,000. NILES CENTER-VACANT LOT KOL- mar Ave. South 0f Oakton, 30xl25. Bungalow prop. near "L-" and Forest Preserves. Ail irnprov. 31,400. Phone Wilmette 4203.. ____________________ 1 14LTN'47-Itp Winnetka-Vacant OWNER COMPELLED TO LIQUIDATE and must dispose of choice residential lot. 3 bîks., fromn main transportation and schoals. Extceptioala setting for small bouse in excellent. location. Price $2,000. R. B3.-Whitaker>& Co. 841 Elm St. Winnetka 3250 114LTN47-ltc BEST VACANT BUY ON THE NORTH Shore today! 100 ft. lot in Highland Park near the Lake and transportation. Nan-resident owner says "seli." $33.500. Ternis. Hill & Stone, end of "L." 4 j CLARKC JEWEL KII'CIIIN STOV ; round walnut din. rw. table and 6 chairs; full siue felt inattres; Daven- port and big chair. Phone Wilmette 123e. .129L'TN47-Itp MAHOGANY 4-POSTER TWIN BEDS and double bed. ail with, box qp'IngR~. ?2-inc-h Phil. I-"wn pnnwer. i.nd nth er zarden tni".P. Winneikn 191 M-otîsehold Fürnishiigs PIC1'UES.LAMS.BRICA-A. etc.. Winnetka, 1035. 1291.47-ltp FOR SALE -U NI V E P qL i S Rýge. ovenl he.t rezuiit,,. .mnd con-. ditiAn. Chen. «49- Park A-- PhoÔne Glencoe 172e. 129LT47-ltp WTDl. TO mUv-uSgHontD. r<tnODU WTSHM TO PIJRCHASE ErEPrR Refrigerator 'in gond c'nditio n. Priced $25. Address A-16. Box 40, Wilmette. 10T4-t IMOR SALg-MISCELLANWOUq DiINNER DRESS $7. SPRING TWEED coat size 12-14 :$5. Raincont &;Izel-) $2. Ellectric train $5. Chair $2. Phone Ç'lencôe 964. 13ILTN47- tn 6 ]BtRNER RËLTABLE STOVF.. 2 a. vens,3- 10-00. 175 ifazel Av nue, flece, lit. 13ILTN47-ltp WTrD. TO UUY-MI SCELLA N OUS Will buy mien's used suits, shpes ,* ovecnf-its'ý: al-o fur.coats. >PIl"st prices. Prompt service. A.MARTIN UNI. 0347, _____________________132TN39-tfp Golnia-Juk Dealer H'ighest prices paid for junk. Wilmette 5417 Winnetka 3720 132LT.45-4tp Publie Notice is .hereby given that the capital stock of The Wilmette state~ Bank, an Illinois banking corporation, has beefl detcreaqe from 320,000.00. to $100000.00, ,and that the par value of its capital stock bas been .ohanged froni $100.00 per share ta 350.00-per share, pursuant ta resolutions, duly adopted. ly its stockhelders at a regular -meeting held On theý 4th daýy.a! January,;A. D). 1934, under the statUte In suohî cases made and proided. as set forth In. the Certificate of. Prce--edings had :at such meeting, -wbich ha$ been duly flled in of the Auditor: of Public Ac- counts Of the State af Illinois; a like Certificate of which, tagether'with the written àapproval 0orlte Aiditor 'of Public Accounts, lias, been filed in the> office of the Recorder of Deed., of Cook County. llnîois, which is the County in which the office of said banking; corporattion la located. BAIRD~ 346 PARK Gec.1554 z-car gar. W li Od than $20,000. Mr. ARNER, Inc. ruE, GLENCOE Biargate 1855 il 1LTN47-Itc. 33 Davis Stnt ES.II Pu*.s