BEFORE YOU can get the few dimes worth of remaining niileage out of old tires, new tires are likely, to advance in priée more: than. what you "Bave" ...What's more, new Goodycars give. you safety, traction.. freedom f rom puncture-expense . Still Iow in price, there's n~o botter investm ent th"n whole- new set of GCoodyears righ tnow! .Corne in$, see the reailbus we have înyu Wire tte Btt ery ad Eetievc 740TwefthStree-Phones:Wilmectte 691-5454 om 1Mk.. WUL. Set*5 Rdis a VEë ., I.54553 ANSWIL.IL.4207 1515WILmEI AVL,.WIL. 034é- HEALTFL and COMFORT INSURANCE C OLD waves and sudden weather changes are dangerous. Guardagainst them and, insure the health and comfort of your family, by kecping your coal bin filled and your home, at a warm, even temperature ail through the winter; If your fuel supply is running- low, teke. COAL -COKEIcnuompn FUEL OIL WILMETTE 1300 WINNETKA 3386 GLENCOE 75. TE R'S A CO:NSlUýMER.ý'ýgS. YRD IN YOUR 6.IG 0B R H>OO:D ZTBW. aamsd Am*. Pe". gaL $24,5 1 ,l 'm f -711