in which he urged a united inovement to cleani up the entire township. It can be done, he said, if the voters make up their minds to do it. Village" Attorney Willis D. Nance of' Wilmette spoke on the situation* as presenpted Wn the areas within Newv Trier township but. outside .of any in- corporated village. He explained the difficulties put iii the way of 'securing a referendum, and also, emphasized the importance of educating the place a ' in, the square opposite the word "iYES.", Urges Stroug Fight Village Trustee Harry, C~ Kinine, spaigfor Président C.P. Dubbs, sated that those who intend. to, vote for saloons so they can buy liquors. froni local -merchants shoùld take a second, thought, as leading nierchants. by a large majority have said. that, they do tiot want to handie -liquors. President ,Harry P. Harrison of enilworth spoke briefly but to the point. "Sonie voters, arnong them sev- eral wQmen," he said, "have spoken to nie of the 'hypocrisy' of people voting against saloons while they, keep ani serve liquors in' their homes. I. fail to see. any 'hypocrisy': lu, that. I like meat, but Ido not w ant a. slaughter- bouse ' u my nieighborhood.." He warned against overconfid-ence, and urged unremitting effort. until-the last vote is in the ballot box. LEGION MEETS MONDAY Wilniette Post, No. .16, Americaný Legion, will have its regular meeting Monday ev.ening, April 2, a.t the. Masonic temple. The progratîî xill be given by Dr. Guy Skinner. wvho will show moving pictures and do sleight oi hand tricks. Mr.- and Mrs. Frederick T. Stein-- graber, 737 Cummings avenu. e, eênil- worth, and 'their son, Charles, re- turned last Friday froin a three weeks', sojourn in Florida. They spent Most' of the time at Miami and visiting the. Keys, returning along the east. coast. es fée always be c-hosen chairiu&an and1 the sev- enth grade representative, secretary. Other nieMbers, chosen to, serve on the cabinet are Paula Fleer of Evanston, Billy irschfield, and Loraine Kirtland Of Wilmrette and Bud Abrahamis of Highland Park. Meetings will be h el monthly or oftener as the need arises and will be,'called by Miss Clara Belle Baker, director of the Cbildren's school. Mr. and Mrs. Maxon ýA. Blessinig formerly of Chicago, have. purchased the. H. A. Wille bouse, at 1424 Maple avenue, and m oveëd inte their new home Monday. Mr. Bless 1ing is dist- rict sales manager of the- Jones-. Laughlin Steel corporation. ýMrs. Walter H. Williams, 1306 Greg- .or y avenue, returned fast Thursday, from a month's 'visit in Detroit and. 'Cleveland and witlî ber son, Charles, who is in the Cranbrook Preparatorv school, Bloomnfield Huis.. but vi Fla., w class- jNancy Wilds -and Doýrlle Nnoulton, both. of Kenilworth, were in tbe Shakerperean play, "Th e Taming of the. Shrew," which was given1 by the students of Ferry hall last Saturday. Finr r .'Powder- Wa v1icj Bedu7 Be.but-y Culture inai ifs Brnche MitS CIE AErt il 17 CENTRALAyI Larkwood HodrY ChiFoq end Service 75c, $1 $Ï.25 $1.95 THE ONLY SHOES MADE WITH NO SEAMS INSIDE ANDOQUTSIDE THE QUARTERSI Dress Your Children Smarfiy for Easf.r FABRICS 75c $1.00 $ 140 Capskins, Kîds andà SDoeskins at Peri urne, ToiIeg IVater, Extract Rermeckar Drug Co. Centva-WiIp»te Avnue& Tih. Lyamn Phamacy 4»0LhA-dm Avnue Sdumelei4r'u 1133 Central Avenue 441 Wimtt. 8*'. 1161 WaIm.ft.Avema. Pho. WIm.t.4406