Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dix and daugh- ter, Lucie,. 236 Oxford road, Keni - worth Ieft. Tuesday for Seville, Ohio, where they wil1 visit until 'Sunday. Mrs. Fred Deacon of 351 Cumber- land avenue, Xe nilworth, w*iIl be Amncheon hostess tol ber quilting club FËriday. 1N Sh.rniam Av.. Umi. 3444 ona5 to 6:30 p. m. Doors Open Saf. 12:30 p. m. 25c EVENINGSANDýAFTER Thurs. Only, April Sth Dorothea Wieck, Alice Brady "MISS FANES IARY rSally Blane, iwho Portrays the sueetlwart of Lee TracyJ, wi1se- cracking star reporter, »"'Advic to flie Love.lor»)," shiotei)g at the -Wflnette tlîcater Siiidav anzd Ilon-ý dayi,, April,8 and 9. Gordon Cultler returned. to K<enil- worth. Sunday fromi a week's 'vaca- tion from bis sophomnore studies at Princeton. HWe is s'pendixg h'ispsrlng holidays with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Çutler of 207 Woodstock avenue,. Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Youlig, 333 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, are leaving Wednesday, April 11, to motor to Charlotte, N. C., where they will visit the Russell Y. Cookes,. formier Kenil- wort-h residents. CARROLL CONRAD M.dge Evan.s "FUGITIVE LOYERS"I 523 Fourth. Street ,,ary. Carroll and jack Bacon are stuging Greenwich Village resi- dents whose poverty forces them to share an attic room together. With- out knowing each other, Jack, a night watchman, occupies the quarters dur- ing the day, and Mary uses them at nigbt. Strangely, they become, acquainted in the. corner delicatessen, but with- out learning their participation 'in a mutual homne. Evenitually,, jack takes Mary to bis home-her home-and then. the fireworks begin. A -Wa-ltý Disney Silly Symphony' "'Noa:h's Ark,"I will complete the pro- Charles, E..Burkhar.dt Dies From Heart Attacek Charles E. Burkhardt, a resident -of Hubbard Woods for twenty years, died of a hcart attack Iast Friday at his home, I163 Asbury avenu~e. Mr. Burk- harcît would have been .62 years old on Easter Sunday. For forty-seven years Mr. Burk. hardt had been in the furniture business. He ýyas part owner and salesman of the Colonial Manufacturing conipany and the Herman Miller Clock company, u-hich have headquarters in the Mer- chandise Mart. He was also presideqt. of the Furniture Salesmen's Association of the United States and xas %,;ce- presictent of' the Old Timers' club', a furniture organization. In point of years of Service he wvas the second unienier of the latter organization.' Mr. Burkhardt was a Knighit Templar and and a memnber of the Medinah Shrine. Surviving him are bis widow, Mrs. Helen Burkhardt, a daughter. .Alice,.l who is a senior, at theý University of .Wisconsin; two sons, Ralph, now tak-' îi pst-graduiate work at. New Trier Hligh school,,aiid Williamý,ý a student at NJew Trier, anid'%three,hrothiers, Oscar. vho lives in , California, Julius of Washington, D. C., and john of De- troit. The two brothers f rom the east were here for the f uieýral. whicleb a WiIm.tte 412< jWhere thc sun first f ails, shines a 1faint grceen hue, dnid high ini the. air I hcard the cali 0f wild .geese, beatUng against the blue. Icy iiîire.,on the. city street, Soddcn sno w by the coun try uuy, Aud chiliing inist, like a winding-sheet, tiWrappinig the zworld in folds of gray.. Buit out j» t te churclîyard, jiar the nound Where n'Y môther sleeps throuigh -the long, long ycars,. A touch of grec» at lier fret I found- Violets, stirred by the rain's. cold I cars. THOSE. WILD-EYED MEN As they light: their pipes these early April, days, certain men have a strange- gleani in their eyes. These men are ýtipsy' with dreanis.- peihaps the samne creative., ambitions that thrust early explorers into unknowns w h ic h fil mn a d e their more domestic b r et h - i ren quake and :huddle cdoser kv the fireside.. Home-loy- ing as he may be for seven months of the year, no dreani- ing golfer wiIl allow hazards and brambly "roughs" to keep him indoors. once lie is mildly mad- dened by. the ideal of a .pèrfect score. That wild look, of an'ticipation re- turns to the eyes of the golfer justas. surely as the robin returns to his North each .spring. The golfer's spirit is on fire like, the glowing, core of tobacco in, his pipe-. .and in bis dreanis-he is the.perfect manu of the linkÉ. With a. swing that. is powerful and trbe,. he steps to the tee. Crack!l rhe stac- cato dynamnics of zyirsa.i-. M. Webber of 1219 Elni- ood aenue left Sunday for Los An- geles to spend two Moônths visiting ber sister. The Donald Elrods of 91 Church road, Winnetka, are moving o May' )1, to .2011 ThoÔrnwood, avenue, wi -mette. il- wilmeffe 412(