Horseshoes Versus Horsesense Last spring we warned you that those valuables you keep tucked away, around the. bouse were eonstantly- in danger and suggested t hat. in- the process of bouse- cleaning, you should gather these important papers, jewelry, heirlooms, etc. together and transfer them to the safety of our vault. A year bas passed and you bave been fortunate-no. valuables have been lost, burned or stolen, but let us remind you again, luck may not always be witb you and the wise man plays_ saf e. You don't cancel tbe fire insurance on your home because it did not burn down last year.: Don't negleet renting a safe deposit box because you've been lucky: in tbe past. SolIution fi fast week's problem: A and B told C is marký was black by the ilowness in discovering their Own marks. Atter:15 minutes, C inally.reasonedthat if his maàrk were.u'kif e A* and «B woild, have instantly knotvn. Mhat theirs toere black and since they, f00, were unde.- cided he knew that Ais mark u'qs black also. Your Home 1Banmk The* WILMU'TTI STÂTISM