Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 May 1934, p. 46

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sermon Muiiay rornng at il o'eCIVk. W.. cordially invite you to attend, and worship wlth us. The musical service prepared by Miss Ens., Rounds, director, la as follows: prelude,' «Air" ifrem "Ilolberg'sTme, Grieg; anthern,160 Corne to My Heart, Lord. Jens," Ambrose,ý Mr.. Otis and thé. choir; offertory solo,. "O0God Have M-ercY"' (St. Paul), Mendelssohn, lEdward Otis . postînde, "Coronation . areh," Kretschmer. The pastOr's class for those wbo wish tô Join the chnrch meets at 9*30 every Sunday niorning., Our Bible achool mneets every Snnday irorning at 9:30 lu alildepartments.> OurAdut Bible icasË ta eugaged Iu a «eries of spécial studies on "GÇ.reat Meý- Pages from- the Prophets." We. Invite yOn to joln us.ý The Chrstian Endeavor soclety will meet at 5:30 o'clock,, The topic wlll be: "Wliat ffidences Are There That This, lm God's World?" The society will hold a social thia Week Friday eveuiug (May 4) at 7:30). Alil the young people -ire lu- vite. The Forum will meet at 5:30 o'clock, with an Interestiug discussion. Sunday afternoou and evening there will be a conférence for yonng people of the North Subtrban district at, the Pres-, byterian church of North Chicago, beginning at 3 o'cloekc and adJourning at 8 'lock. AIl our young people tre ln- vlted. 1 The Presbytery 0f Chicago will mneet I Monday at 10 o'elock at the Second church of Chicago. The session of the churcl i wll me Mlonds.y eveniihg at 8 o'cloek at the church. B3oy Scout Troop No. 5 will naeei Mou- day eveuiug at 7:30 o'clock. The Womna's society will meet Tue s- day. Mrs4 Elliot Yonngberg will lead the devotional. The Rev. David Brou-E AteinOf Peil OoCQmunnity Center wu[ mpejcon the topfie, 'Chrlstianizing the- Jew." 'Luncheon will be ln charge of Spoke No. 6. Mrs. R. M. Joh nston, chair- man. SewIng will be, ln charge of Spolce No.ý 12, MrsÉHO. U-Weishaar, chairman. Wednesday evening at 8, o'elock w have Our midweek service. We will study the lesson, "Christ the Blessing for Al Nations.- Girl. Scout Troop No. 5 will ineei Thnrsday afternoon.1 Ra#ptist Church Wilmette. and Forest avenues Rev. George D. Allison, pastor This church completes its 21,1t year this week. TIhe service on Sunday mnorn- Ing wMl have the nature of a Recon- secration service, and ail members and friends are invited to, particiPate. Dr. Allison's topic dill be "The Church c My Dreamas." There, will be an ob-, servance -of the Lord'a Supper. Ail'of May wili be celebratedl as Anniversary Month, centerting ln the Twenty, First Annual- Meeting on Wednesday, -May lth. A new series of "Book Talks"ý begins: on next Wednesday, under the igeneral theme or "Books that Left Their Mark on Our ]Religion."_ The openlng session will' present. Plato's )Dialogues5, the' source 0f nndying idealism. This willl be, followed l by a survey of Runyan's PlIgrlm's Progress and its Influence. Invite your friende to tiieme Inspiring sessions. On Monday, May 7. and TuesdaxY, May: $,,the Chicago Baptist association rneets ln the First BaPtist Church, Evanston. Many Wilmette Baptists Wiil want to at- tend, espeeially ln the. evei4gs, when two 0f Ainerlca's most eloquent orators wlll hold forth, Dr. Bernard Clansen of Plttsburg, and Dr. C. O. Johnson of St. Louis. On Monday, the Woman's Society board will visit the Electric Lighting In- stitute and Invite others to accompany them. Consult Mrs. A. V. Gruhn. On Frlday, May 11, will be held the annuai luncheon anld review of the year's worlc. Varions societies and groups will nieet at the regular timea. St. John-S Lutheran Wilmette and.Park avenues, Wilmette Rev. J. XI. Gockel, pastor 406 Prairie avenue Télephone 1396 SERVICES 9:15 a. mi.-First service. 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school and Bible classes. 10 a. m.-Adult Bibleclass. 10:30 ai. -Preparatcry service fer .Moly communion. il a. mn-Second service, mith Holy. Commitunion. MEETINGS Ladies' Aid and Missionary socièty, Thursday, wlth "pot luck luncheon" at IP. M. Senior Walther league,. Thursday àt 7:-45 p. nm. junfior Walther* leagaje, Friday at sona l l Iond je L-ke 3:1-14. The music for next Sunday mornlflg b. as foUlows: Organ prelud- 4Fo0untain Reverie" ... . Fletcher "Peace* of, Qed"..............Shure Introit-"op'0en Our Eyes"...;Macaàrlanie Athem-."O Gladsome Light",. Sullivan Offertory solo...MUi3ssFloreuce Farrar Organ potlÙde "We Thauk Thee, God" Bach The High school chapter of the Ep-1f woth league meets..SundaLy evening ât1 0:ý30 o'lck. ý1ý. .1 The annal spring luncheon for~ théý womeu Of the church and their friends- is belng held today (Thursday), at 1 o'clock ýat the church. F ]ollowling thc luncheon and prograni, there wiil be ti short business session cof the Woman's Aid. The executive comrnittee. 19 meet- ing at il O'clock this morning. The Wesleyan Serviceguild wil 'have a bakery sale Satnrday morning, May 5. at 'Van Deusen's store. The Chicago Methodist Soial union, baniquet will be beld Frlday, May il, et the Medinah Athletic club. The Rev. Benjamin Gfregory, editor of the Metho- diat Times and Leader of London, will be the speaker of the evening and *111 be introduced by Bishop Waldorf., Res- ervatlons should be made with Thomas1 H. West. "Peg o' My Heart" ýWill b presénted by the Wesley Players May 25 and 26 In the Great hall. .- The Woman'.q Foreign Missio nary soci- ety will meet Thnrsday, May 10, at > O'clock at the church. Tiiere wiIl bea playlet and readlngs. The official board wilI meet Monday, May 7, at 8 o'clock. AIl members are urged to be present. The Third division will have a "Pot- Lnck" dinner at the chnrch Wednesday evening, May 9, at 6:30 o'clock, for thetir husbande' and friends. This division will aiso have a party on May 15 at the home of Mrs. L. A. Armstrong. The young- people wll have. their *May Frolle", Friday evPning, May il, athe Womnan's club.' Rnglislz Latheran Seveuth street at Greenleaf J.i sus Christ icta yotp W 1LC.OMJÂW r. First Conoire nation al John G. Hiudley, nilnister Friday of this week an. ail-dynet ing of the Central circle *111 1* held ln the ehurch. Lnncheôn wili be s.;(rved at 12,:30 by. the followlng <'fllmi ttee Mrq. Ï. R. Adkins. Mrs. C. A., (arp#énter, and Mrs., P. A. Wilson. The music for the il o'clock service Runday morning w.111 be as foliows.: Prelude: "Allegretto -Cantabile" from Fit fth Symiphony Widcr Anthem:ý "Seek Ye the Lord" Roberts Solo: "Ave Maria" R:,ch-Gc(>tn(id Walter Tenaey Violîn obbllgato by Robert .rlowin Postlude: "Toccata" f rom Flfth..Symphony ..Widor Prinîary, Junior. Intermiedriate and Hlgrh School departments of the Chttrch tqchoo(l meet at 9 :30 Sunday 'morning., The Beginnert; depatftnt. underie di- rection of Ms. FE. G. G'oode, meets ift 10:45 and cares for younger childrn during the aduits worship service. The regniar mouthly meeting of thle board of trustees will beý held lt the church parlor Monday, MIay 7, at 7:.10 Our sevcnth and eighth --rade gîirls. and boys are giving a beitefit programn Monday. May 7. at 7:30.p. m. In addi- tion to other surprise features 'there will be two one-act plays, "Fudge and a Burglar" "Wanted: A Cook." hoth under the direction of. Mr.,; J. Nye 'Mae- alister. The proceedsý are t'> procure a new set of hymnals for' the departmient. Mrs. Rtoy Osgood. of 423 Essex road, Ienilwoi'th, lis openlng ber home for the Crescent cîrcie benefit tea on Wednes- dny, May 9, at 2:30 p. m. 'Mrs. Edwaîrd S.. Challincor will speïtk: on , *The np~- mauce of Porcelain and Pottery, ('olor Hparrnny In the, Home, and Taible Snqg- gestions." Tickets may 'be fhtained at' the door. Reular group activities are scheduled as foilows: Tuiesdey: 3 :30 p. m.--Oulilette ,came, Fire Girls. 3 :30 p. m.-Brownie.s. 7:30 p. m.-Troop No. 2. Boy Scouts. Wedneqda.y: 7:30 p. iii.-Tro-op No. 1, Boy Scouts. Thursday.- 3:30 p. c.Grs hoir re- - The ouniiay seuolwiii meet at 9:4 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of a.. M Il children between the ages of next weelc are Rogation days on which three and the hlgh school are cordially ineibers of the church are asked te Invited te visit and to become members pray for God's biessing on the 1!arvest 0f this organization., as has been the custom In the Church for niany centuries. The church will have Its spring dinner - and annunal meeting on Wednesday eve- The Rev. H. L. Cawthorn., for âmay ning, MAY 9, at 6:830 o'clock at the edars rector of- St. Lnke's chnrch, Ciii- Keilworth Aasembiy hall. 1morning, MaY 6. the sermon wlIIbe lni the nature of an explaflation of our, Liturgical service. we inay justîY daim A son, William Lloyd Hamiton, that, lu the Common service, our church weighing seven pounds, was boru POsseSses and uses "the completeSt last Sunday at the Evanston hospital etubodinient cf the Comipon service of~ to Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamiilton, 1029 the Christian church of sail ages." Wë hope that this'serknon will be of assist* Lake a-venue.* Mms Hamilton is the ance to many, ln awakeuing. luterest, or former Leab - Eldridge' of Wilmette.

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