The' annual dinner and exhibition of the North Shore Art league will lie held Friday, May 11, at 6:30 o'clock, in Terrell hall of Conimunity Houise, Winnetka. The ex.hibition of pginting. sculpture. and, miniatures by members of the, league, wNilI be held in the Art league, stdoand will continue. for one week. There w111 be a non-member jury. It is planned to make this >an put- standing exhibition *and the coopera- tion of ail members: is expected. Two -works of art niaày be sent, ii býy each. memiber to be sent to the. studio Mfa v 7 or 8. Terminuite Buzy Year, Tlhe. events of the evening will bring to a close a busy year of .lectures. exhibitions and classes sponsored bh' the league. A group cf officers and board cf <irectors whose interests are in thé league, have attended many meetingrs the past seasen and have brought to a. successful close their plans for the yvear. Felix Boldenweck, untiring in bis efforts on behiaîf cf the league as its president, is being congratulated for his fine work. Mrs. Grace Brion. as vice-president, bas had'charge cf the league's studio 'and ,formation of classe 's. Miss,,Ruthi Gibson and John Hamilton., are corresponding and recording secretaries. Leloa Stafford is treasuirer. Frank Dillon, p rogram chairman, lias provided interesting meetings. Jasper King bias conducted a siuccessfuil campaign for miembers. .\r,,. Sybelle S. Vennema is publicity chairman. Mrs. Hazel Bell Risk, social chairman, with her coîmmittee, lias supplied refreshments at ail] meet- TeW~iI Work Outdoors Teteachers, .James. Cady Ewell, Allen Philbrick, Elizabeth :Peyraud, Edna Johansen, Hope Degenhardt, and Max 'Gundlach,. have closed a successful year. The 'summner, is now open for' league niers to paint and draiv in the 'OPen. M1rs. Bently VER FOR BRIDE-TO-BE Edwin Hedrick and Mr.! Mathew PFârsis Photo il.C. liiiqg.iéts of 100 Thirteenth street, ha~s been elcted president of the WÏlmctte Rotary club for the fiscal year begikiping July. 1.- Mr. Ilg ias a well knoitii norti. sso ru' conitraclor wzho -lias been doing niotable zvork in the Home Plamripig grou/v ai .4 Cepitjir.vof Pro qr<'-ss. Ile is a leader iei Sea j Scout work in flhe villag;e. Mr. Hu»ggins aud, other lieilv elected off irers of tue rRotary eclub iw11 hb' the' clb's: delcgati' to tlhe 4th district cn 'eneai Jolie t ilexf W'cek, anld ai the' Convention of Ro- ta r v blernaitioaitlib e ald iii D)etroit iii Jlie. GUJLD ELECTS OFFICERS NIrs.'Willamn J. Williamns, 211 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained Chase guild cf the Church of' the H-oly Coniforter last MNonday for luncheon. The folowing new officers were, elcted: Mýrs..Kirk Taylor, president: .M1rs.ý Dudley Taylor, vice-pesdnt, Mfiss Aimee Drake, secretary; and, lM rs. Jess .e D. Tfrunmp, work chairman. There -were fifteen iguests. Mr. ,and Mrs. W.' Austin Ellimore, 1002 Linden avenue, returned las; Mfonday 'from French Lick Springs, Iid.,- where they had spent days. ThieH . religiouis lme of the community, and have made many friends who express the hope that they. remain as per- manent citizens. Mr. Osborn states that he bas made no plans. for the immediate future beyond a season of rest froin the strenuous and. exacting duties of the 'office he is soon to re- linquish. PRESENT STYLE SHOW The ýWilmette Board of Education will give, a style show. for moth-ers. of eighth grade children ini both the Sitôlp ,and Howard schools in the theater of the Howard school Tues-. day, afternoon, May 8, at 4 o'clock. After the revuetea will be served in the library. g Of Idi kdae Y Made trou >ob6rs S STAN LINDSTROMOS.,,. LOCK SHOP 1222Contral Avenue WILMETTB 3212 -I If~ ~ for anr cing Lovely PERMAN ENT WAVES that are Iasfing nd naturali.ooôking Phone Wim$. 4582, 1 126 Contral Ave. 8A1014 Lorelimeaa Made LoveJf@r Carroîls, 1041 Asil rioving Saturday te 1, WII< SH-lORTY AND' BARBER S, Hop S1 A roand thse Corner trou Wilmette Stage Rank I Eletri ~Phono Wilmotte &304, - ~kf. ..~#.- ..~: 1,181ce . rié