representing N~ew T.rier won tne de- cisions of the judges. The victory was more inipressive in view of the f act that .North Park wvon first place in. a debate league composed of a num- ber of aLademies. New Trier's affirmative teami coin- posed of Dick Baàbcock,* Marjorie Wood. andl Glenni Walker met the North Park negative at New Trier. Dick Babcock, gave the opeinig speech and the clos- ing rebuttal.: Prof. Howard' Berolz- heimer. formner debate coach at North- westerni university, ranked New T,7rier as heiing superio ri every point on11 which tle dehate vas j udged. Score in Chicago Ealyeffective wvas the wvork of theNe Trier negative team, which traveled t(> Chicago to meet the No rth Park affirmative. BObl Goodwin, Syd- iney Craig and- James Donaline reprc- setdNew Trier.hIn the debateat. North Park James Donihue was ad- judgcd the most effective speaker of the six participating ini the match. 'lhli subject being used for the de- bates thls year is the proposed adop- tionb%,thîis country of a system of radit) control. simiilar to that in Great Britaini. No- Decition 'Debates Twvo no-decision debates were hield with Proviso last week., On 'rhurs- * day the Proviso negative teamn came to \Vinnetka for a match with the New Trier affirmnative teamn composed of the saine speakers. as were used in * the North Park debate. TÉle New Trier negative speakers, Bob Goodwin,. Marjorie Taylor and James went to Proviso to debate the May- wôod.schiool on Friday. Thornton .Towvnship Iligli school will be Oie îîext opponent: of New Trier on thé.. debate plat form. On ,Tuesdav,, May 15, the Newv Trier negative meets the Thorntoni affirmative at Newv Trier, and on Thursday, May 17, the New Trier affirmative meets the Titorntonî negative there. the now tamous Chicke-ring upriýght piano which was used- by Laura Keene, (star in "Our Country Cousin") at the Ford theater in Washington, 1). C., on the night When Abrahami Lincoln was 'assassin- ated, April 14, 1865, Flanking this historical instrument, is the equally renowned piano which -was built in 1859 by the Chickerjng Comîpany for the boyhood homne of ers, have estali1sfled tfeir flewest branch store in Oak Park's "English 'Village." Designed in Modern Em- pire style by Phulip Maher, the noted. architect, and A. Caron and Sons, Oak Park, contr7actors,..t his new store presents a st riking, depart- ure from the conventional. The. in.- terior. is horseshoe-shaped and inii- DO YQU, RECOGNIZERUSA Its easy-stamfps wîh C.C.C.p." (Whch means U.S.S.R.) are Rùssîan. The 1933 fEthnogi.aphic Congress Issue, .z 1 stramps epictn»g the 7 mnain divisions of Russia and their 14 r2ces, 4011oiifi oo' Short set (the first fi ve values) for only 1 cents.u C. HAHN forSSTAmps!. Suite 10, Second Floor -M~ Lineoin Avenue, Winnetka, 111. Our riadng room t: lot your Cotenine-,-files, of the latest philatelic, journal: for you to- coi,:ult. Singla copies for :4,-àr s:ubscrj1ýtjo»l ucepîed for- "Stamp," " Lim'," "Weekly Philatelsc .Gorip," a or besl *give longer wear *are germ-free, * .improve a. roo0m lyheu -Yom uend us your ramgeyen. may be sure they are ln 'rellable haukds. We bhave for over 26 yeats served a dtscriminatU»g clentele and guarau:ee a thorougb ad satlsfactory job at îpodezn.e eost.. Mestjian Bros., oriental Ruga ami Cart g; * nd 'profit 'by 'the unusuaI>buys éffeein anotiier ofHnn' eiauI SALE of -COATS- Beginning May I 4tFi t he time 0 thvn1;A for al of their smart women to is the subject of the lecture to 'be given at the regular Sunday afternoon service in Foundation hall, Baha'i House of Worship, Linden avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette, at 3:30 o'clock, May 13. Dr. E. L. Morris of Racine, Wis., is t 'be the speaker,, Inc. 952 Spanisb Co.urt Phone Wilmeffe 467 J. SPRING SUITS DRESS ES Now's -m-