Meeting May 12 The Chicago Wellesley clul wiIl have its annual 'spring luncheon 'Saturday, May1?, ai the Electric club, 20 North Wacker Drive building.The .speaker. Of the day is 'Miss Sophronisba, Preston Breekin.- ridge, one 'of Wellesley's 'Most prominntalumnae.. A Roosevelt Administration dele- gate. to. the Montevideo conference in November, 1933, she ýwill give lier "Ifmpressions of, an Intër-Americari Conferen ce." The meetin g is -called for 12:45, Miss Breckinridge will speak immediately afterwards. Mrs., Francis E.. Broomeli, chair- man of the nominating committee, wiII *present the following ticket to lie voted upon; Mrs. Ralph E. Church of Evanston, for preient; Miss Virginia Park of Chicago, cor- responding secretary; Mrs. Charles, A. M. Waterhouse of Chicago, treas- Urer; Mrs. Howard Goodman, chair- man of the membership cmite Mrs. Burton W. Hales of Oak,.Park, chairman of scholarship. Holding over ini office areý Missý Emily Goehst, vice-president; Mrs. Walter M. Sackett of Evanstoni, re- cording secretary; Mrs. William Er. Schweitzer, chairman -of- finan'ce. Innovation this year is 'the silver cup, which is te lie presented animal- ly to the' class with, the greatest pro- portionate representation. Seating will lie arranged by classes. A spe- cial prize will be awarded to the, alumna coming the greatest distancé to attend the luncheon. Members of the Motiier's auxiliary are cordially invited and- will, be seated together. They, will have, a short meeting aýt nôon before the lunçheon. Mrs. Broomell is in charge -of in for- mation'concerning the tea the WVon- an's College board of A Centurv of Progress is having the same after- noon at the Administration building at the fair. Bafourw Phtto Two of the Ç/airmen on the general com.mnittee for the' boxipig bout Saturday of this *wîeek in the Patten gyrnnasium spo>sored by the Junior auxiliary of the Evanston ceter of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago' are' twco Wunt asIrs. Robert SIcran, at the right, chairilan of enter- tamnment, and Mrs. E-vçrett Cook, in charge of. rewards. Both, too, mem- bers of the board. Members of the Golden Gloves teams -are ,natched with teams made up at Northwestern university, Fort Sherid an, and the Catholic Youth orgoani:ations. -Radio stars will bc put on bel ween bouts to pro vide entertainment. Tickets are on. sale at Chanzdler'$, or mnay be obtaipied fromn Mrs. Sherman and Mrs. Cook. Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Honor Seniors Alumnae of Kappa Alpha Theta will meet for luncheon Tuesday, May 15, at 1 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Stewart V. Ayars, 11~30 Sheridan road, Evanston.. The fourteen Theta seniors graduating from Northwest- ern this year will be guests of hon or. They are: Rebecca Ainsworth, jean- nette Badgley, Suzanne Bickell, Mar- jorie Cooper, Louise. Grandy, Gloria Gulager, joan Isham. M ariette Mc- Terrace. Bridge Tea Aids NorIhwestern -Seile ment A terrace tea bridge for the benefit of the Northwestern 'University set- tlement summer camp. will lie held Tuesdav afternoon, NMay 22, at ,two* Winnetka home., on White Oak lane, Mrs. Raîpli Sa 'rgent's, and lier neigh- bor's,> Mrs,.Edward B.. Hall's.. Those who wish to reserve tables for this benefit, sponsored. by the Winnetka board for the settiement, are asked to cail Mrs. Richard A. McLiermott of Evanston will pre After the business is concluded club will' proceed to the Fair grot where it will. attend the tea b given by the Woman's College. bc atend. b~. ivulord for the Womans clu~b ta- ca dance The Mary Crane Ieague of the Me; the state convention May 15, 16, s, is be- National College of Education is and 17, at the Hotel Sherman. With ali informai. havig its annual luncheon andI elec- apt garden poem; she closed. are in- tion of officers Friday, May 18, at 12 In presenting 'the. artists of, the o'clock, at the Orrington hotel. *àfternoon, Alite Mock,> coloratura Program Climaxes Woma'n s Club Year Essentially f e ni i n.i ne and clothed ln deIicacy and, charmi wvas.'the luncheon finale ýto :the, winter- season of the Woman .'s Club of Wilmiet.te on Wednes- day, May -2. Warrm and sunny spring stepped from the out-of- doors into the c lutb, scattering its beautifulflowers to form a garden. Matclîing: its sl)irit was the program itself Which )rought thi ýrusic of voicel and harp to refresh and cal)tivate mnembers and guests numnbering more than 300... Pot t'ed- pink geraniumn.s- formed, a charming hedge' across the frontof' the stage.. They ýpeeped out from among. palms at the sides of the. stage, and stood as little trees in cor- ners of. the rooms. They were caught among dainty vines at the lights. The sanie trailing vines cov- ered the balcony railing and, traced their way around the lights. Spring flowers, were luxuriant on ail of the tables.' The 'speakers' table stood under, the hbalcony. At its center, Mrs. A. t~. Klunder gracefully welcomed the assemblage. She introduced the luiicheon speaker who returned to the club once more as guest of lion- or, Mrs, C. S. Clà'rk, president of the Conference of Club Presidents and Program Chairmen. In a verse she responded, the theme of which con- veyed the message of her talk. Oth- er-honor gues.ts introdtîced by M,ýlrs. Klunder included Mrs. ÇeogeH. Beautdini. outgoing president of the Wwiman's Catholic club: M.Nrs.. Leoi- arl :Van Deursen. president of the, Northridge Woman's club , and M.fiss Dorothy Hall, retiring president of' the Junior aukiiary. The new officers were then pre- sented: Mrs. <Georgp PE. We7,t_